global variation

Chapter 216 The first line of life and death

Chapter 216

So far, those infected people are still being led by the nose by me. I sprint and run, and they follow in groups. I fire and suppress them, and they stagnate and retreat.

I think, according to the development of this situation, I can at least last for a while, but I don't know how long I can last.

After all, there are too many people on the other side.

I rushed back to the grassy alley, but on the alley, the less people there are, the better I can act. I counterattacked and suppressed them. After several shots, the infected people fell down again, but my bullets It's almost used up. At this time, the only way to fight them is with grenades, or—hand-to-hand combat.

Gritting my teeth, I rushed towards the entrance of the cave, trying my best to save bullets, and shot the enemy's weakest point with my pistol.

After all, there are many infected people, and it gives me the feeling that although they were defeated by me differently, they continued to beat more and more.

I yelled as I approached the entrance of the cave. There were no enemies at the entrance of the cave. I jumped straight into the cave, and my three comrades were still in the cave. Fortunately, using the terrain, they were still alive, and none of them seemed to be affected. Very serious injury.

"Chu Tingsheng!" The captain looked at me.

I nodded and said, "It's okay."

"We are trapped here now, I am afraid it will be difficult to break out, and we still cannot contact the headquarters..." he said.

"The headquarters may not be able to find us, the signal is completely interfered, and the terminals in the command room mainly rely on the genetic information in the communication device to determine the location." I said.

"Then...we..." Among the four of us there was still a recruit, at this moment, he was almost crying, "Are we going to die?"

"Crying? Why are you crying!" The captain punched the recruit and said, "I didn't see you cry after being beaten so badly just now. Now, what do you want to do?!"

"I'm not afraid of death!" The recruit stood up and said, "I'm not afraid of death! I'm not afraid of death!" He said "I'm not afraid of death" several times in a row, as if to prove himself, all of us looked at him, if It is true that you are not afraid of death, so why are you so excited?
He managed to calm down a little, and said, "I...I just don't want to die so uselessly!"

"Bah! Killed by infected people, which one is not worthless!" The captain said coldly, "Come one to hit one, come two to hit a pair of grandpa, I will earn one, we use explosive guns, one shot to kill one, the four of us At least twenty or thirty infected people can be replaced, how much pressure can this reduce on the base, have you ever thought about it?!"

At the moment of life and death, no one cares about anything.

The captain stood up and said, "How long have we been here, and how many infected people have come, do you really think that they have a steady stream? Hmph... At this time, the pressure on the base must have reduced a lot, don't you believe it? This is our role! This is what Chief Chu intends!" He turned to look at me.

Yes, he saw through my most essential intentions.

In fact, I brought them here to seek death—or rather, this was a desperate trip.

I have experienced countless battles to the death, but this time, it was my own thought and decision.

In fact, from the time the infected began to take turns attacking the automatic defense system of our base, I realized that the number of enemies and backups must have reached a considerable number, and they would not have any worries.If not, they would never dare to do this, never dare to launch such seemingly stupid attacks under our noses.Probably for the church, the infected are like weapons that are backlogged in the warehouse. They need more advanced weapons, not a large group of ordinary infected who are like cannon fodder, so they must use the corpses of those infected to accumulate their victory.

——The premise is that they have a sufficient number of infected people to accumulate.

Obviously, this is the last, they have such a number, so Gao Peng can choose that style of play.

When I realized this, I also realized that if we keep procrastinating like this, we will definitely not be able to bear it. Therefore, the only way is to penetrate behind the enemy and wait for an opportunity to attack their command system, even if it is only Moving around here can also disrupt their plans. Only in this way can we survive today until the third day, until reinforcements arrive.

Of course, at the same time, I am also very clear that such an action is almost tantamount to death, and only those with strong personal fighting ability still have the slightest possibility of retreating unscathed.

At that time, a team with strong combat effectiveness in the base had already been ordered by me, and Lin Qian was transferred to support Tu Shu. There were only a few people who could be selected. Here, at least they won't despair, at least I still have the ability to attack an ordinary infected team by myself.

Unexpectedly, my final intention was seen by this "captain".

He knew that this battle was like sending him to death, but he still participated in the battle.

At this moment, I don't know what to say.

Maybe nothing needs to be said.

The captain had already raised his gun and shot outside. He killed several infected people at the head. The corpses were piled up at the door, and the light in the cave was getting darker and darker.

"Fight!" I yelled, and shot together with the captain, and the other two followed us to shoot. Our firepower quickly formed a firepower net, suppressing the infected people without thermal weapons outside the door.

But only a moment later, I suddenly heard a low rumble.

Experience tells me that we are in trouble.

"Lie down!" I yelled, and at the same time as I yelled, the fire outside the cave flashed, and a fireball shot towards the cave. Fortunately, we fell down in time, otherwise the fireball would definitely kill us. All fried into coke.

But the situation at this time was not much better. The gravel rolled down behind us and immediately blocked the entire passage. The narrow passage in the middle is very good for concealment, which is of great benefit to us, but in this situation, we have lost all our advantages, and there is a fire eater outside the cave.

Fire Eater? !

"Oops!" I couldn't help exclaiming, "Rush out quickly! Rush out!"

The captain and I stood up at the same time, ready to charge, but it was too late, the fire eaters outside had already started spraying flames into the cave, our escape route was completely blocked, and the uninterrupted flames came, Sweeping the ground, the heat covered almost the entire cave, and we ended up being burned alive.

"Stick to the wall! Back off!" I said.

But I know that these methods are just lingering, as long as the fire eater moves forward a few steps, we will be burned to death immediately before we have time to shoot.

"Watch the interval between his attacks!" I whispered.

This is probably our only chance, just a chance of ten seconds, if we can't successfully defeat the enemy in these ten seconds, then the most tragic and cruel death will follow.

The flame dissipated in the billowing smoke, and the smoke smoked my nose, and I even felt like I was about to suffocate, but I still hissed: "Opportunity!"

Before the captain and I rushed out, the recruit who said he was "not afraid of death" had already rushed forward.

"Wait, it's too close!" I wanted to stop him, but it was too late. I couldn't see the opponent clearly in the thick smoke. The recruit obviously lacked combat experience. After suppressing it, he tried to attack, but he rushed out directly, and the moment he rushed out, a ball of fire burst out from the folding path in front of him.


A muffled sound.

I saw the soldier's body go out with flames, and without even yelling, he hit the stone wall and fell down.

I can't bear to look at it, but in this place, I have to look, and I have to stare at the front.

"Bastard!" The captain yelled. At the same time, I threw the grenade in my hand. Using the stone wall of the ramp, the grenade hit the wall at the bend of the road and bounced into the place where the fire eater was. within the channel.

There must be more than one fire eater, otherwise it would be impossible to breathe fire and release fireballs in such a short period of time.

The grenade exploded with a loud bang.

At the same time, the second grenade flew out of our captain's hand, and fell into the passage where the fire-eater was located with the same precision, and there was another loud noise.

The smoke is getting thicker.

"Go!" Our captain shouted.

Including the captain, the three of us have long been unable to hold back, so many brothers died in front of us, how can we hold back?

The moment I rushed out of the bend, I saw two fire-eaters lying down in the passage. Their huge bodies almost blocked the entire passage, and naturally other infected people had no chance to enter.Sure enough, they were suppressed by firepower.

Without saying a word, when one of the fire eaters saw me and was about to raise his hand to shoot, I fired a shot at the airbag behind him.

The fire-eater's explosion produced a chain reaction, and the airbag on the back of another fire-eater exploded at the same time, and then his body collapsed rapidly under the impact of the explosion and flames, and his flesh and blood turned into black smoke and stinky meat scattered in all directions.

A gust of wind rushed towards my face, and I was even a little unsteady, so I could only hold on to the unevenness of the stone wall.

The two fire-eaters were dealt with, but the infected outside poured in again.

I had the last three rounds left, so I turned to look at our captain, who picked up a clip and signaled to me that this was the last one.Another team member has put away his pistol, ready to fight.

"It seems...we can do our best..." I said.

"Kill." The captain threw out a word coldly, and shot without hesitation.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I fired the last three bullets, and all the infected people who rushed in had their brains burst. Then, I pulled out the blood-stained spear again and rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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