global variation

Chapter 217 Support

Chapter 217 Support
The infected people stabilized their position much faster than I imagined. Although I made a bloody road and rushed out of the cave, I knew very well that if we dragged on like this, we were still just a dead end, and the infected people outside were still swarming On the other hand, there is no formation at all, their style of play is to block our way with corpses, and then stab their claws into our bodies at all costs.

The few of us rushed outside with great difficulty, but we were still blocked at the intersection and stopped.

"What to do?!" I heard the soldier beside me ask.

I can't do anything, there are only three of us, poor three.

"Kill!" I could only throw out the word coldly, and then continue to wait for an opportunity to break through.

The encirclement of the enemy is getting smaller and smaller, and we have more and more scars on our bodies. It stands to reason that all of us are constantly overdrawing our physical strength, but it makes me feel a little uneasy, but also a little excited. Without the slightest detraction, the blood splattered, and the ground was covered with broken meat, but in my eyes, it could only arouse greater killing intent, without the slightest desire to retreat or a sense of fear.

But just having physical strength and murderous intent is not enough, the enemy is still pressing up, our people are still gathering in the middle, and we are about to be drowned by their ferocious offensive.

At this moment, suddenly, there were several gunshots not far away.

Immediately afterwards, two bluish-blue rays of light——the kind of light that can only be seen in laser weapons, shot directly from the oblique side.

The power of the laser weapon is not strong, but it has a very strong penetrating function. It cannot explode, but it also has the ability to burn. The two rays of light quickly rushed into and infected the group, killing the heads of several infected people in an instant. After breaking through, the laser finally disappeared by the bushes next to us, only a puff of black smoke rose, and two rows of more than a dozen infected people fell to the ground at the same time, their brain tissue had been cauterized and necrotic.

"Reinforcements!" shouted the captain, "reinforcements have arrived!"

All this, I did not expect, but also let me excited.

Before the captain finished speaking, a series of bullets came, and the infected people on the periphery of the encirclement quickly fell down. I originally wanted to rush up to fight, but seeing this situation, I restrained myself a little to avoid accidental injury.

The group of infected people was attacked from behind. Naturally, I didn't dare to pester the only three of us at this moment. I immediately turned around and rushed towards the reinforcements behind me. With the attitude of making money, I rushed towards the infected people who turned around and prepared to fight back. , Throwing the stab hard, the stab was stabbing the back of the infected person, the infected person was stunned, I stepped forward randomly, pulled out the stab, and twisted and cut his neck, killing one person, and then shot at the other Infected people rushed over, one after another, we faced the barrage of bullets from our own people, killed the infected people while rushing to the reinforcements, finally, I saw our people, fighting with the infected people from the front, they suppressed them with short bursts at first The enemy later turned into a somewhat blind but ferocious strafing fire. Many infected people who rushed forward were beaten to the ground or fell to the ground. I immediately asked the captain and another team member to sneak into the team from the flanks, so that Does not hinder their shooting offense.

However, when we were still more than ten meters away from their team, suddenly, several strange screams sounded in the air.

I should have thought of that earlier.

Our comms have been jamming, it's impossible that there aren't Winged Ones around here.

"Beware of the sky!" I yelled.

In the team of dozens of people, the soldiers on both sides immediately raised their guns to the air, and the two winged men were instantly killed by firepower, but at the same time, more winged men rushed over from the air.

At the same time as the Winged Man rushed towards us, something suddenly fell from the sky.

"!" I hissed, "Hide, be careful!"

But in this kind of place, where is there any anti-aircraft thing that can be used for us to hide?

The first wave of "human bombs" was thrown down and exploded directly outside the team. Immediately, several soldiers screamed and rolled on the ground.

"Get out!" I continued to yell.

Under my tearing voice, they seemed to have finally realized the seriousness of the problem, and quickly spread to all directions.

"Into the woods!" I yelled as I ran fast, "Into the cave! Hurry up!"

This is our only way out,
However, the speed of our people is quite fast. Except for a few soldiers who fell behind, were ruthlessly bombed or torn to pieces, the others rushed into the woods or caves in the first place, almost A team of ten people is not particularly safe in the woods, but at least they can let go of the attack and fight more freely. In the cave, although it can play the most complete air defense function, it is quite troublesome to attack.

I sneaked into the woods with most of the people. At this time, the nearest to me was an old soldier, and he was accompanied by a few recruits. With a trace of fear, I whispered to the veteran: "Don't love to fight, we'll go back after we finish solving the air problem."

"I know." He answered very simply, and then, without opening his mouth, he turned around and started gesturing to the people behind him, like dumb words, but much simpler than dumb words.

The soldiers seemed to understand immediately, and they all nodded.

Although I am not familiar with the combat gestures within the anti-resistance organization, and their combat gestures are often different for each team, with strong originality and randomness, I still roughly judged what he meant by guessing—he wanted to After those people solved the problem in the air, they divided into a small team to rescue the brothers in the cave, and the others turned back first.

I couldn't help asking: "Will the base not be blocked?"

"It's not a big problem." The veteran said, "Their line of defense is shrinking, the base can't be taken down, and the rear is held up by you, and many people have retreated. As long as we can rush through this mountain depression, our opponents will be defeated after we go out." It's a good fight."

Looks like my surprise attack was successful.

Although Gao Peng pretended to be in control of everything, after all, it was just a swollen face to make a fat man. They never thought that we would launch a surprise attack at this time. When we came back, we successfully stopped us, but still made the offensive formation in front of us all confused. After all, our base successfully dragged on for a long time. At this time, the sky was approaching dusk again. After tonight, the reinforcements will arrive tomorrow. Can't help but feel a little bit of relief.

However, the crisis is far from over.

In the sky, those guys are still circling. We hide in the woods, which can hinder their sight, but at the same time, it also hinders our own shooting sight. I got some magazines from the people around me and waited for the opportunity .However, the best opportunity did not come. Instead, a large wave of infected people came from the woods. In the woods, they were like a group of orangutans, using the trunks as a barrier to avoid bullets. Jumping up and down, it's funny, it's ugly, it's effective, and it's scary.

The few recruits standing not far in front of me were quickly torn off their heads by the infected person "falling from the sky", while another person not far from him was directly thrown between the branches on one side, perhaps already shocked Broken internal organs.

The Winged Men in the sky and the baby human bombs in their hands formed an invisible deterrent force, while these guys on the ground were responsible for massacring us who were deterred.

I yelled and shot at them, knocked one down, and two, maybe three, popped out.

We can be said to have no advantage in this jungle battle.

However, under the suppression of hot weapons, it lasted for about ten minutes, and the group of infected people finally retreated.

I found that we had to change our plan. It is not realistic to wait for an opportunity to escape after clearing the bombing in the air alone. What we have to do now is to escape directly from this ghost place and escape from this slaughterhouse.You know, the enemy's main force is probably here, and reinforcements will arrive at any time, and their reinforcements are likely to be several times or even ten times larger than ours.

I looked around and found that the veteran was also crouching and shooting not far from me, so I turned over to him and said, "We have to rush out."

"I know." He still said lightly, then turned around and gestured again.

While I was covering him, I waited, and after a while, he began to make countdown gestures.

This is probably the signal to charge and break through.

This time happens to be the time when the number of infected people in the forest is the least. This is our best chance, and it may be the only chance.


The veteran gave an order, and all of us rushed out. A small group of people went straight to the path leading to the entrance of the mountain cave, and a group of people charged forward, towards the direction of the base.

The wingmen in the air reacted quickly. I could hear their hissing, but I didn't dare to look up. I could only charge forward recklessly, and at the same time occasionally shot into the air. I didn't know that I Is it an empty gun or is it a fluke to hit a few enemies.

The voice of the Winged Man in the air was getting closer and closer. Suddenly, a black shadow fell beside me, and I instinctively jumped to the side. The black shadow fell on the ground, and immediately a soldier hissed and rolled over.

I can't take care of him, and I can't take care of anyone. On the other side, another human bomb fell.

I gritted my teeth and raised my gun to shoot at the moment when the human bomb landed. The winged man who threw the bomb was injured by me, leaving only half of his body, and flew obliquely not far away, but he was still alive.

"Pay attention to shooting into the air! The trick is to walk along the mountain road!" I shouted loudly. After all, there are vegetation on both sides of the mountain road, which can slightly resist the bombs from people walking in the air.

Behind us, the infected also chased after us. At this time, our team is already a bit chaotic, and it doesn't matter who is the commander or who is the soldier, but I believe that the enemy has already lost more than half of it. As long as reinforcements are not available in a short time, We absolutely have [-]% support for me until tomorrow when the support arrives at the Fortress of Life.

(End of this chapter)

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