global variation

Chapter 218 My Body Is Mutating? !

Chapter 218 My Body Is Mutating? !
I hope that I have not made a mistake in my wishful thinking, and I still believe that the gang of rebel organizations will at least not give up the life fortress.

I rushed forward with everyone without thinking, and after a while, we finally rushed out of the forest.

The infected did not catch up.

They didn't dare anymore, if we chased them out, we would immediately step into the defense range of the base, and they are also defeated now, and they don't have much chance to survive under the automatic defense system.

We can finally stop for a little rest, this fatal charge, this fatal persistence, probably can finally come to an end for the time being.

Everyone gathered, and I looked at everyone. At this time, they seemed to have tacitly accepted that I had returned to the position of chief.

When my eyes swept over them, the veteran who was good at gesturing just now immediately assembled the team. This seemed to be an instinctive reaction. Then, he turned around and said to me: "Mr. Chu, the team is assembled!" Finished, please instruct."

I froze for a moment.

However, I can't go offline at this time, I must enter the finals as soon as possible.

Yue Yue, I sighed, nodded, and said, "Okay..." Then, I confirmed that the surrounding environment was safe, and that we had reached the range of the base's automatic defense system before walking past the team. In front of the soldiers, inspect for a while.

"How many people did you bring out?" I asked.

"A total of 25 people, according to Chief Lin's instructions, because the problem of the life fortress is no longer a big problem," he said.

I'm not in the mood to listen to their counting, so I figured it out myself, charged over, 25 people, plus the three of us, now there are only [-] left.I gritted my teeth and looked at them again. I found that the two I brought out were no longer among them.

They also died.

Maybe he died in the cave, or maybe he died on the way to charge.

The captain, the seasoned veteran, the young man who is not afraid to die, I haven't even asked their name yet.

Is this a war?
I feel myself trembling slightly, but at this time, anyone can tremble, but I can't.

I tried my best to calm my mind, took a deep breath, and said, "Hurry up and go back to the base. As long as we can persist until today, reinforcements will arrive. We can't let those brothers who have died die in vain!"


Everyone followed me, and the pace has become much calmer. We entered the range of the base's automatic defense system, and naturally became a lot bolder.When we returned to the base, it was already dark, and the enemy did not launch the next wave of attack. They seemed to have learned to wait silently. Although they couldn't see the situation around the base clearly, the smell of blood in the air was enough to explain everything. The warehouse square on the first floor of the base has become a temporary medical place and rest place. Everyone can still consciously place the wounded according to the beds. The inside was full of stench, even with a good ventilation system, it was difficult to contain the stench.

Generally speaking, if you fight against an infected person, you will either kill the opponent or be killed. There is basically no possibility of being carried back without arms or legs.

Those with minor wounds were unwilling to be treated, and went into battle again after taking the blood coagulant. Those with deep wounds had already bled to death.

But this time was different. Because of the explosion babies, many of the wounded were actually carried back with corrosion and burns. The screams and rotten smell of these people filled the entire warehouse square.

I didn't stay here for too long, and I couldn't help much. After returning to the base, I immediately returned to the command room and took Lin Qian's position again.

I told everyone through the terminal in the command room that there is no need to place the wounded according to the rules of the bed. It is too rigid. If the wounded come to treat them in time, all soldiers who still have combat effectiveness and are not in danger of life are not allowed to return to the warehouse base to rest. All are stationed at each line of defense. , The rest is also near the defense line, and you are not allowed to leave your post without authorization.

I've got to get through tonight, and after tonight everything will be all right when the reinforcements arrive tomorrow.

At the same time, I called up the electronic map to view it.

"The enemy is really retreating," Lin Qian said with a slightly relaxed expression, "Your capture of the thief first has worked."

"But the people who went out with me are all dead." I coughed twice, and sat down to realize that I was really exhausted. Moreover, my shoulder was still bleeding at the moment, and the blood coagulant that I just smeared just now seemed to have no effect.

"You're bleeding too." Lin Qian's relaxed expression became heavy when he saw my situation clearly, "The blood coagulant is useless, too much bleeding..." He came over to investigate.

I pushed him away, stood up, and said, "I'll clean it up myself so I don't mess up the place."

"I'll ask Zhu Qing to find you. You can settle down in the commander's lounge next door." Lin Qian said.

Although I was not very willing, I still nodded and said, "Stay here and pay attention to the changes in the electronic map. The enemy may be retreating or not. We have reinforcements, and they will too. Don't underestimate the enemy."


I walked quickly to the lounge next door and felt my feet were slippery. When I looked back, I found that my blood was lying on the ground. Such a large amount of bleeding was beyond my expectation. I never thought that such a wound would cause I bleed so much.When I entered the room, I felt a little dizzy—I was very energetic during the battle just now, and there was no distraction or dizziness at all. What happened to me at this time.

I supported the wall with one hand, blood dripped continuously from my shoulder, and I suddenly felt that my body was getting weaker and weaker.

"No..." I whispered to myself, "No, I can't go on like this, no..."

I gritted my teeth.

I am the commander here, anyone can fall, but I can't.

It doesn't matter if I go to the front line, but once I fall, the morale of the army will definitely be messed up.

But fortunately, fortunately, I have authorized Lin Qian to act as an acting commander. As long as I don't die temporarily, there should be no major problems.

But, what the hell is wrong with my body.

Suddenly, I found that a light spot appeared in front of my eyes.

Wait——is this spot of light, is it that complex spot of light in my dream?
I have dreamed of that complicated light spot countless times in my dreams. It contains a lot of content, some of which are my memories, and some are things I have never seen before. I wipe my eyes hard, and I feel that light spot is right in front of me , but does not actually exist.

Is there something wrong with my eyes?
I coughed heavily.

That feeling came—the rejection reaction of the concentrate came, very strong, stronger than ever before, it was so painful, I gritted my teeth and opened my mouth, wanting to hiss, but I can't scream, the blood on my shoulder is still flowing down, and more and more, where does so much blood come from in my body? !Am I an infected person too? !Impossible, I don't have those symptoms, I don't.

"I'm not... an infected person..." The blood under my feet and my weak body made me slip, and I fell down to sit by the wall, and Gao Peng's face suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

"Hehe, you are more important than any of us now. Which researcher doesn't want you to do further research?" Gao Peng's disgusting face, that arrogant voice, and those yin and yang words, what exactly is it, what does it mean, What is all this? !I raised my head, my body was trembling, my whole body was trembling—"uh"

I clenched my fists.

At this time, the door of the lounge opened automatically, and Zhu Qing ran in.

"Chu Tingsheng, are you hurt so badly?!" Zhu Qing was also a little panicked.

"I'm... all right, rejection..." I tremblingly said, "It's all right."

"Don't worry, I'll help you..." Zhu Qing hastily took out some medical instruments she had with her, as well as my pills, and helped me heal while stopping the bleeding.

At this time, I was so weak, she handed me the pill, I didn’t have the strength to take it, put it in my mouth, and I didn’t even have the strength to swallow it, so she could only let me raise my head and pour water into my mouth to take it.

Luckily the pill was smaller and quickly entered my esophagus and flowed into my body.

"No... I have to give you an injection, you wait for me..." Maybe the dose of the medicine was not enough, and I was unable to swallow, so she chose to inject me with the medicine. What can I say at this time, I am just a fish on the case I let others slaughter me, and of course I let her arrange. She helped me to lie down on the bed beside me. I didn’t know if I was still bleeding. I only knew that in the pain, my strength was being drained little by little. Lifeless, my eyes were bright red, and the corpses of many resistance organizations and people fell in front of my eyes one after another. The light spot, like pity, like mockery, flickered, and the light spread in front of my eyes little by little.

Then, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood rushed towards me. I wanted to escape, but I couldn't lift my feet, and I didn't even have the strength to make a fist.

Zhu Qing went to get the injection, and I could only lie on the bed, despite the doubts and fears flooding my brain, despite the weird scenes, or hallucinations raging my whole body, I couldn't do anything, even the right to shout had long been lost. stripped away.

At this moment, I don't know what I am.

"Persevere, tonight..." I saw Lin Qian also coming to my side, the moment I saw him, I couldn't help saying four words, "Persevere tonight..."

"Rest well, don't think too much, I know what to do!" Lin Qian said.

"If you can't resist, let Zhu Qing take Qiqi away, I order you... to escort them, you know..." I tried my best to speak, I don't know if I made it clear, I wanted to say this in my heart, But his mouth seemed vague.

"I know." Lin Qian's answer was very straightforward, "Stop talking, save some effort, the command here depends on you."

(End of this chapter)

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