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Chapter 219 Disillusioned Faith and Hope

Chapter 219 Disillusioned Faith and Hope
I know that at this time, I can say that my body is "broken", and there is no point in doing anything.

So, I listened to Lin Qian and slowly closed my eyes.

I need rest, I need it very much, even the light spot, everything in front of me won't let me rest at all.

I don't know when I fell into a deep sleep, I seemed to have passed out before Zhu Qing came back to inject me.

This time, I didn't have any more dreams, I just felt that my whole body sank, so deep that I didn't even know where I finally fell.

Sinking a little bit, although it is slow, it doesn't mean to stop.

When I felt that I had sunk into the deepest valley, I woke up and slowly opened my eyes.

What I saw was still pale lights and pale faces.

"Zhu Qing..." I grabbed the edge of the bed and slowly sat up, staring at Zhu Qing, "Zhu Qing, I...I am..."

"You're awake...that's great..." Zhu Qing was a little excited, "Are you feel uncomfortable now?"

I frowned and shook my head again.

At this time, I was very confused. I didn't know where I was uncomfortable. I only knew that I still had a lot of things to do, many, many things.

I turned my face and grabbed Zhu Qing's arm: "How long have I been asleep? How many days have I been?"

"You...don't worry, I'll check for you first..."

"No need!" I snapped, "Tell me how long it's been and how many days it's been."

"The fourth...the fourth day." Zhu Qing said.

I stood up abruptly, only feeling a little dizzy, and didn't care too much, I rushed out of the room and came to the corridor.

"Chu Tingsheng!" Behind me, Zhu Qing exclaimed, but I ignored her and continued to walk forward quickly. There was silence in the corridor, the door of the command room was closed, and the silence was as usual everywhere——reinforcements have arrived?The battle is over?I've slept until now, I don't care about anything, I don't participate in anything, has everything been resolved?If this is the case, of course I am happy, but I am afraid that it is not the case. If it is not the case, then...

Suddenly, I stopped.

Because I saw a man, a man with a bandage on his arm, standing in front of me, staring at me.

Yi Tian.

He is back? !
"Yitian, you..." I wanted to ask a question, but I caught something inexplicable in his eyes, it seemed to be a kind of hatred and anger, what was going on, why did he Looking at me with such eyes, what happened that made him so intolerable?what happened to him?

I called twice, but he didn't answer, but suddenly stepped forward and punched me in the chest. Unexpectedly, I fell backwards, but was held by Zhu Qing.

"Yi Tian, ​​what are you doing!" Zhu Qing said loudly, "He still has injuries on his body, how could you..."

"Injury? Who is not injured?!" I smelled the alcohol on Yitian's body. He drank, definitely too much, but he was not crazy. He must have his own reasons for treating me like this, and this reason must be Terrible, very appalling, very unacceptable.I felt my heart beating faster and faster, I tried my best to raise my face, looked at Yi Tian, ​​and whispered: "What's wrong, what happened?"

"What happened?"

"Has the gap defense been breached?" I asked further.

"No." He was silent for a while, then suddenly took a deep breath, and said, "No, the breach line of defense has been re-established under our defense, and the enemy has no longer launched suppressive attacks there, only Sporadic stragglers carrying out sneak attacks are no longer a concern, we have arranged our people, and then... came back..."

"I'm back, it's really great..." I said this, but my heart was still uncertain, because Yitian's expression was wrong, he didn't feel the slightest sense of relaxation, and he didn't have the slightest joy of victory. The war was won, and we survived for three days, and reinforcements arrived, he shouldn't have such an expression.

"Okay, yes, okay... our brothers, one by one, we got back with our lives... okay..." He gritted his teeth, took a step forward, and said excitedly, "Do you know that there are at least ten brothers beside me?" The brothers were torn to pieces by the enemy. The oldest one was in his 40s and the youngest was only a teenager. The blood on my clothes couldn't be washed off at all, and the blood wasn't mine... more was my comrades. They lay on my stomach Around us, we didn't talk a few words just now, just a few words, after we finished speaking, the fight started... I focused on attacking and ignored them. When I looked back, there were only half of them left—some of them were Half of the head, some of half the body, some bloody and bloody, bloody like a dismantled machine... It's impossible to put together a whole person!"

"Then you can't blame Chu Tingsheng!" Before I could speak, Zhu Qing argued for me, "Why are you blaming him? This is a war! He went deep behind the enemy's line of defense and was seriously injured!"

"But he's still standing here, as if he's fine, isn't he?" Yi Tian gritted his teeth, "Why did we stick to it until now? Why?! We know that our strength is less than one-tenth of the infected, even with the addition of The automatic defense system, the turret, and all the machines together have no chance of winning at all, but we still stick to it, why!?"

"You..." I really wanted to know what he was going to say, but I still didn't dare to speak.

I don't believe that's the case.

"Because!" He swung his fist and was about to hit me again, but Zhu Qing opened her arms and stood in front of me.

I wanted to pull Zhu Qing back, but at this moment, Zhu Qing seemed to be nailed to the soles of her feet, she remained motionless, standing firmly on the same spot, confronting Yi Tian.

Yitian confronted him for a long time, finally slowly lowered his fist, opened his palm, and said, "Yes, that's right, it's useless if I beat him, even if I beat him, reinforcements won't come, we still have to rely on With this little force we carry on, until we shed our last drop of blood, until we are torn to pieces."

He did tell the truth that I dreaded most to hear.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around slowly, took a few steps forward, but turned quickly and abruptly, rushed up again, punched again, and said: "But I hate, I can't be angry, I can't be angry. He gave us faith And hope keeps us going, lets us sacrifice, but in the end it's a blank promise!"

"It's no wonder he!" Zhu Qing yelled again, "He didn't have the right to mobilize high-level members of the resistance organization, and the higher-ups gave him a bad check, and he was also a victim. You..."

"Zhu Qing, go away." I said tremblingly.


"Go away..." I whispered again, gently pulling Zhu Qing behind me, I was wrong, but I can't let a woman stand in front of me to protect me from disaster.

At this moment, I was standing very close to Yitian, our eyes were facing each other, I gritted my teeth, and said in a calm tone: "I was injured, the rejection reaction was severe, I lay in bed for a whole day, maybe even longer, even I I don't even know."


"I don't know why they didn't come, I don't know if you have contacted them, I don't even know if we have really been abandoned, and I don't know what the situation outside is like." I was a little incoherent, "I Guilty indeed, I failed your hopes, I gave you a meaningless belief to wait, to keep you waiting, to sacrifice until now. All this, I don't know...I don't know why It will be like this. You can think that I am incompetent, you can even kill me and take my place, I will never complain."

"Tingsheng!" Zhu Qing was probably startled by my words.

I didn't look back, I stretched out my hand to stop Zhu Qing from coming forward to say anything.

I continued: "But before you kill me, please tell me what's going on outside now, how many people are there, whether there is a possibility of mutiny, whether everyone can continue to fight against the enemy wholeheartedly, and whether the situation can be stabilized." .”

"Don't worry." Yi Tian also gritted his teeth, "Don't worry, recruits are overwhelmed by veterans, and veterans are brothers who have shared weal and woe for many years, and many people still believe in you. Don't worry, mutiny won't happen, and I won't kill you either. I can't kill you. I just hate!"

His eyes were bloodshot. I don't know how much he drank, and I don't know how long he has been waiting for—waiting can turn a human into a crazy beast.

The silence, depression, and anxiety in waiting can make people completely collapse.

"Aren't you just afraid?" Yitian said, "You are afraid of death after all. You are afraid of dying in the hands of your own people, so you are afraid of mutiny, so..."

"What I'm afraid of is that everyone will die!" I said sharply, "What I'm afraid of is that once the mutiny line of defense breaks through, the entire city of Guangzhou will become a hell! I'm afraid, what am I afraid of? What am I afraid of?! Yi Tian , I don’t know how much you understand me, I just know that I’ve seen too many people die, I don’t have compassion, I just want to save a few more people, but to save a few more people, soldiers have to die, go sacrifice!"


"If you don't kill me, get out of the way, I will go back to the battlefield immediately!" I knew that there was no other way.


Yi Tian couldn't speak, he seemed a little dizzy.

I passed him by and walked forward quickly. Sometimes, when people are in desperate situations, they do have some seemingly great feelings, but my feeling of saving people is because of weakness, because I am afraid of seeing Innocent deceased—maybe many people have such a weakness, as long as their conscience is still alive.

Yi Tian didn't catch up, it was Zhu Qing who caught up, Zhu Qing took my hand and said, "No, you can't do this!"

I turned my face away and said, "What's wrong, what are you talking about?!"

"Your physical condition has not yet been confirmed. You can't go to the battlefield, and you will die!" Zhu Qing said loudly.

"If we don't go, we will all die!" I shook off Zhu Qing's hand.

After walking a few steps, Lin Qian and He Fan also came towards me. When they saw me, their eyes were full of astonishment, but they didn't have that kind of disgust or resistance.

"You're awake, Chief Chu!" Lin Qian stepped forward.

"Don't call it that." I said, "Let's put it simply, what's the situation outside, and the reinforcements still haven't arrived?"

"We were abandoned." Among the few people, Huang Qian said, "We were completely abandoned."

"Don't talk like that." The moment Yi Tian also stepped forward, He Fan stopped Huang Qian's complaints and said, "The situation is still unclear, maybe the rescue team is blocked on the road."

"Don't deceive yourself." Huang Qian folded her hands behind her head and turned to Yitian, "Look at Yitian's face, which is flushed red like constipation." At this time, she is still good at making sarcastic remarks, Still seems calm and glib.

"Yitian, are you drinking again?" He Fan also glanced at Yitian, a little dissatisfied, "Before you die in battle, let yourself soak yourself to death with wine."


"Okay!" Seeing that the swords were about to explode again, Tu Shu, who was also wounded, as a supervisor, veteran soldier and officer, stopped all of us, "Solve the immediate problem before we quarrel!"

"What's the current situation?" I asked again, but they couldn't agree with each other.

"Let's talk in the command room." Lin Qian stretched out his hand and said.

(End of this chapter)

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