global variation

Chapter 220 Take the initiative to attack? !

Chapter 220 Take the initiative to attack? !
The command room is always cold, and no matter how many people squeeze in, it always feels like the temperature control device here seems to have adjusted the temperature too low.

I stood by the side of the desk, Lin Qian went to the back of the computer and pulled out the map.

Everything shown on the map is shocking.

Judging from the electronic diagram, the enemy's strength has at least doubled, while our people are huddled in the base.

It seems that the number of people has not decreased, but in fact, it is precisely because of this "seemingly that there has been no decrease" that it shows that there are heavy casualties.

You know, at this time the enemy has already started to hit all the troops to attack the central fortress, and our soldiers guarding the other guard towers have also returned. Everyone gathered together, but the number of soldiers was about the same as before I fainted , what does this mean?

it goes without saying.

I frowned and folded my arms across my chest so no one could see my trembling and anxiety.

"It's very not optimistic." Tu Shu said, "The enemy is still gathering now. They have launched seven attacks during the whole day yesterday and today. Some of the defense systems of our base have been forcibly destroyed by them, although it is temporarily The other part can still be used to assist the guards, but it won’t last long, and the food supply at the base is no longer available, and if reinforcements are not available, we will be consumed alive.”

"Didn't you contact them?"

"I can't get in touch with the headquarters. I can't get in touch with the officials and gentlemen above." He Fan sneered.

Lin Qian also nodded and said, "It seems that the independent communication channel with us over there has been blocked or cut off."

"Is this the signal to abandon us?" Huang Qian also sneered.

He Fan sighed, then changed his tune and said, "Not necessarily."

I can see that he is very contradictory. On the one hand, he does not want to shake our minds, and he is even more afraid of being shaken by himself. On the other hand, he extremely distrusts those guys who shouldn't believe in them.

I was silent for a long time, and said, "Do you want to keep guarding? Or, you can leave."

"Knowing that I can't keep it." Yi Tian was still drunk, "What's the point of keeping it?"

But other people's reactions were different. First of all, Tu Shu turned her face away, changed her usual charming and slightly confused expression, stared at me, stared at me seriously, and said : "As a commander, what are you talking about?"

I shook my head and said, "I'm just talking about the facts, and I'm also thinking about your safety. If you don't want to die, you can go."

"Who is leaving!" Lin Qian said, "Yi Tian, ​​are you afraid of death?"

"I'm not afraid, I just hate!" Yi Tian retorted.

"Go to rest after drinking too much." He Fan scolded loudly.

I looked sideways at Yitian, he gritted his teeth, didn't move, still stood where he was.

"Since we are here to discuss, no one will think of leaving." Lin Qian said, "Chu Tingsheng, you are the officer, and you should not persuade us to leave. We are leaving. What should the soldiers do? The soldiers are leaving , What about the city of Guangzhou, what about the citizens?! Do you expect those officials, government troops, and airdrops to rescue them?"

"So have you contacted the government?" I asked.

"Contacted, they sent a small team and a small mechanized army, but last night the entire army was wiped out, even the new assault vehicles in the mechanized army were disturbed by electrical signals and turned into waste, the infected and the Church Those ground turtles in the city didn't know how to use assault tanks, and pulled them into the mountains, and they haven't driven them out yet." Tu Shu sneered.

"Assault vehicles, the government army, went to war with this?" I asked.

"Yes, there are three or two in total. It's not the kind of large armored vehicle you think, but a small, robot-like new type of automatic attack combat vehicle. That kind of thing needs to be programmed first, and then they will move automatically, track or The target is also loaded with small missiles, which are very powerful in principle, but the problem is that these things are ultimately controlled by electrical signals, so what is not controlled and interfered by electromagnetic waves now?" Tu Shu added, " The only thing to be thankful for is probably that gang of soil turtles don’t know how to use this thing, otherwise, we’d be doomed.”

"Isn't Huang Qian able to reverse the use of electromagnetic waves?" Yi Tian glanced at Huang Qian, and then began to talk nonsense drunkenly, "It can interfere with it, but can't it interfere with it?"

"Do you think I'm a Laoshan Taoist priest who can retrieve things from a distance?" Huang Qian said coldly, "Electromagnetic wave interference can make the chariot useless at most, and it is impossible to control the chariot to drive back automatically. If you drink too much, go to rest , Waiting to get up to take righteousness into benevolence!"

"You're the one who takes righteousness into benevolence." Yi Tian scolded.

"Enough!" Tu Shu stopped the unnecessary quarrel again.

The command room fell into silence again.

According to my arrangement, the people in the command room are my confidantes, entourages, and the most important persons in charge of this battle. Originally, we could have ignored everything at this time, because at this time, Logically speaking, reinforcements should have arrived.But no, nothing, no reinforcements, and even the government troops that were finally obtained were reduced to ashes overnight under the fierce attack of the infected.

We could have run.

But we can't run, and no one wants to run.

Even Yitian, with vitality in his mouth, but still firm in expression.

He also didn't want to run away, because behind us, there are a large number of citizens. Once we escape, the whole city will be reduced to purgatory.

Our opponents are infected people, not ordinary troops. They will only kill and mutate more people, and there will be absolutely no appeasement policy.

They are madmen, beasts.

I stared at the map and at the large number of troops assembled by the enemy. I gritted my teeth and said, "If there is another way, I think the only way is to take the initiative."

"Initiative?! Why do we take the initiative?!" Yi Tian questioned.

"I...I don't know..." My mind was in turmoil.

"Ha... I don't know, I don't know what you're talking about, but it's exciting." Yi Tian shouted, "How many bad checks do you want to give us?"

"That's enough Yitian, if you don't speak, everyone will treat you as dumb!" Tu Shu stepped forward, still staring at me, and said, "Is there anything you can do?"

"No." I shook my head.

"If you have a way, just say it, even if we want us to use our bodies to help you block bullets." Tu Shu gritted his teeth and said, "You should know, what time is it now, I have only one purpose, I want to watch our army Repelling the enemy, I have only one purpose, one idea, Chu Tingsheng, I know, you will say that, there must be a way."

"Yes..." I finally spit out such a word.

"If you have a way, just say it!" He Fan was also a little excited.

"I want to be alone." I said tremblingly.


"I... want to be alone." I repeated.

"After you are quiet, is there a solution to the problem in front of you?" Tu Shu asked.

"I do not know."

"How can you not know, you are the supreme commander!" Lin Qian was also pressing me.

I was panting heavily, my heart beat faster and faster, and I even felt that my rejection reaction was about to come up again, but at this time, no one paid attention to me, they were all forcing me, forcing me to tell my solution.

I did think of a way, but it is a very terrible way, not to mention whether this way can be done or how feasible it is, even if this way can win this battle, the price will be extremely high. Shengduo still has no choice but to go straight to the enemy's heart, but at this moment, I think there is only one way to go straight to the enemy's heart, and this way of fighting, I don't know how many people will die.

I can't stand the thought.

I can't stand myself.

I even feel that even if I have such an idea, it is a mistake, no!is a sin.

Huddled in the base, maybe they can live for a few more days.

If you really take the initiative to attack and charge out, that is to use human flesh to stack victories.

"I really don't know..." I clenched my fists, "You guys just let me be quiet, I just need an hour, after an hour, I will tell you all my thoughts, even if my thoughts are bastards, I Also, trust me!" I yelled.

(End of this chapter)

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