global variation

Chapter 221 Suicide Attack

Chapter 221 Suicide Attack

In my roar, they finally gave me a chance to be clean.

But I know very well that there is almost no difference between telling them when I was a child and telling them at this time.

It's nothing more than calming my tone and ordering the way I speak.

I've already thought about how to play, but this style of play scares me.

I called up the electronic full map of this area.

I want to confirm one thing. Although it seems that this matter cannot be fully concluded just by looking at the map, at least the map is a reference.

My eyes moved to the rear of the enemy, where they were assembled, and the location where they were assembled happened to be the mountain pass we passed, that is, the place where we returned to the base. The terrain behind the mountain pass was undulating. There are six slopes, one of which we have already walked, is a passage and, if I am not mistaken, the passage directly connects two of the slopes.

It is impossible for the enemy's base to be there, but judging from the signal interference, the enemy's base must be between these mountains, unless their commander is directly away, and only a large number of wingmen gather here.However, I think this is absolutely impossible, and I am sure that this place not only has a command post, but may even have an experimental base. They are using the base as the command headquarters to attack us, so that not only can their soldiers Well-supplied, able to improvise in battle, and even re-sample to improve their research skills.

Behind the six hillsides is a large area of ​​woods, the soil is soft and weeds are overgrown, it is impossible to build a base, and there is a road guarded by the government army behind it, and it is even more impossible to build a base directly under the road, and the government Even though they lost battles, there didn't seem to be too many major problems on the road side. No matter how stupid they were, they wouldn't be able to detect anything when others were doing research directly under their feet.

All in all, my style of play is still to directly attack the enemy's heart.

However, this time it is no longer necessary for a small team to go there, nor is it just harassment, nor is it the so-called dragging the enemy to disrupt the situation.

Because we are running out of time.

What we want is to wipe out the enemy, at least their main force, so that they will be seriously injured and give up the attack.

We only have one chance, and if we fail once, we will die, and it is not only us who die, but also a large number of Guangzhou citizens behind us.

Once the infected people rush into the urban area, as if they are in no one's land, at that time, the entire temporary residential area in Guangzhou will turn into a hell on earth.

If I hadn't been afraid of seeing this fact, I would never have stood firm until now. If this was just a fortress, I would have taken people away before I knew the backup had arrived, and I would never have stood firm here.

The city behind us is our only belief.

I know that there is still my home and my parents in that city.

Although, they must have thought that I died in City Z; although, I have no chance to go back.

However, if according to my idea and my style of play, it would be extremely unfair to my subordinates and my army. They could have run away. It should be that I have no responsibility to continue to stick to it-but now, if I want to carry out the plan, I have to ask them to die with me.

I yelled loudly and punched the table. The sound insulation here is very good, no one outside will hear it, and they will not know what I am doing.


"Why is this happening!"

"Why this result, why!"

I question, I question everything, I question the air, even if I get no response.

Time passed by, and there was only half an hour left. I had to sort out my thoughts. Even if it was the cruelest and most terrifying battle, I had to figure out my way. I had to do it.

There are at least five passages in the six mountains, one of which must be connected to the enemy's command base.

Even excluding this passage, if there are five passages in total, that means there are more than six entrances and exits.

The mountain land here is soft, and I believe that even a guy like the Scaled Man, who is extremely skilled in digging holes, would never dare to dig too wide, otherwise it will easily collapse. This means that other cave passages are likely to be different from ours. The passages of the caves attacked between them are almost the same, and one man guards the pass and ten thousand men cannot open it.

What I need now is to use this terrain to fight. In the cave, as long as there is one person, an entire team of ordinary infected people can be killed.

But the premise is that we must reach that place first, and not just one or two people, but most of the people must arrive. Only in this way can we attract the power of the infected to attack.

This is what worries me the most.

It was also one of the hardest decisions I made.

Everyone has to break through the base without anyone noticing. There needs to be a big gap here.

The attack front of the infected will not change, only more troops will be deployed to attack. I absolutely believe that this will lead to their encirclement getting longer and longer, making it difficult for the east and west to see each other and support each other.

This is also the key I want to use.

Before I knew it, five or ten minutes had passed.

I slowly stood up from the chair, took down the disposable paper cup hanging on the wall, and poured myself a glass of water.

I have never fought this kind of battle, and I don't know what kind of flash of inspiration led me to get along with this terrible trick. I am afraid that I am still afraid of my own thoughts, and I am also worried about my miscalculation. I still don't know what to do. Who should complete the most difficult task—no, it's not difficult, it's a protruding task that will completely send you to death.

After drinking a glass of water, the door of the command room opened again. They were very anxious, even more anxious than me.

"How's it going outside?" I asked Tu Shu who was the first to walk in.

"You look at the map here, you know better than us." She said angrily, "And..." She looked around, at this moment, I suddenly found that the only people who came in were Tu Shu, Yi Tian, ​​and Huang Qian However, He Fan and Lin Qian did not come.

"Anything else? What else, where are the others?" I asked.

"This is exactly what I want to say." Tu Shu said, "We must launch a general offensive quickly, otherwise, the combat effectiveness will continue to weaken."

"What do you mean?"

"The corrosive blood of those human bombs is contagious." Tu Shu said, "Although the speed of transmission is not fast... But some soldiers who were originally healthy have festered."

"What?!" Unexpectedly.

"We must quickly repel the enemy's attack." Tu Shu said, "Otherwise, when the disease spreads, we will be defeated. We will have no combat effectiveness, and there is no need to stay here. Moreover, the morale of the army is easily shaken."

"Have you done any emergency treatment now?" I asked.

"Lin Qian and He Fan are making arrangements. We have tried our best to set up the warehouse square as an isolated area, and activated the second-floor backup assault port. From that place, we can also leave the base, commandeer, and launch an assault, but the distance is longer and the speed is afraid. Take it easy." After Tu Shu finished explaining, he continued, "Okay, I've already explained it, how about you, have you figured out your method?"

I took a deep breath and fell silent again.

"Don't tell me you're not ready," she said.

I shook my head and said, "I don't need to prepare, what needs to be prepared is the soldiers."

"what do you mean……"

I tickled the corner of my mouth and said: "My style of play may be the only way to win more with less, at least the only way I can think of, but this style of play is enough to send ordinary people to death."

"What the hell are you talking about!" Yi Tian roared, "Whoever said that you will definitely die? Before you fight, you are a commander and you are the first to say you are defeated?"

"I'm not saying defeat, I mean, even if you win, many people will die." I said.

"Are you a woman?!" Yitian was still dissatisfied with me, and said loudly, "If you have a way, tell me quickly, what are you dawdling about? If this continues, you will be the chief culprit who shakes the morale of the army."

I said again: "I didn't lie to you!"

"Who cares about you..." Yi Tian wanted to refute.

I turned around and punched the table, with a "bang", the three people in front of me looked at me in astonishment, and I gritted my teeth and said loudly: "I want 50 people, open a gap of 1000 meters, can you do it?! "

They froze.

This time, they were finally stunned.

At this time, when I said this sentence myself, I even felt that I was talking about a dream, and everything was a fantasy.But actually, I know, there is a way, and there is only one way.

"It's impossible. When the infected people surrounded them, even at the weakest point, 1000 meters in length and width, there were more than a thousand infected people." Tu Shu said, "How could it be possible for 50 people to open a 1000-meter gap."

"Normal play is impossible." I gritted my teeth and said, "But the infected have a characteristic of attacking, that is, they like to attack in groups. When one person rushes up, at least a dozen infected will surround him, especially when When we shoot, there will be more crowds around."

"Two fists are no match for four hands. Even so, one person can only face a few infected people at most," Tu Shu said.

"No, there can be more." I sneered and said, "There is a way to kill more."

Tu Shu stared at me and remained silent. Huang Qian and Yi Tian also looked at me. Huang Qian, who has always been indifferent, also changed her expression at this time.

It's been a long time.

"No, you don't mean that."

Tu Shu probably knew what I was going to say.

"Yes." I nodded.

"What?!" Yi Tian yelled.

"Tu Shu." I looked at Tu Shu, "What you think in your heart is what I want to say, I know, you have guessed it."

"No..." This time, even Tu Shu was afraid.

We don't want to die, we are not afraid of death, but none of us can send others to die with peace of mind.

This is our weakness and our humanity.

(End of this chapter)

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