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Chapter 222 Despair and Betrayal

Chapter 222 Despair and Betrayal

"Fuck, what kind of charades are you playing!" Yi Tian asked loudly, still not knowing.

"The only way." I said in a trembling voice, "is that everyone wears grenades, and when there is no way to break through the enemy army in a large area, guide the cluster attacking infected people together and detonate the grenades. If you are alive, change with them! "

"What?!" Yi Tian's alcohol was still strong, and he took two steps back in fright.

"Infected people like to attack in groups. The more our fighters kill them and the crazier the attack, the more people they will surround." I said, "When I went this time, most of the time, I was alone. Besieged by more than 30 infected people, at that time, I had no chance of winning, but if I detonated the grenade directly, I could replace all [-] of them."

I'm still gnashing my teeth.

"What else do you have in mind?" Tu Shu was probably a little overwhelmed by my thoughts, and asked with staring eyes.

"I predict that the infected will launch a siege to us tonight. We must hold on until the dawn of tomorrow, and launch an attack at the darkest time before dawn to make a gap of 1000 meters. Then, I will lose about 300 people, Rush out of the gap, and rush to the vicinity of the hillside, which is...near the enemy's headquarters."

"That's why you have to hit such a huge gap of 1000 meters." Tu Shu said.

"Yes." I gritted my teeth and said, "The eyes of the infected are still good at night, but the battle line stretches and the encirclement is very large. Only when we hit the exit of about 1000 meters, can hundreds of people be divided into teams without anyone noticing. After reaching the rear, I want every team to take advantage of the moment when the east is white, and take advantage of the rising sun to sneak into the mountain path and search for the local base. If there is no doubt about the formation, and there is no meeting that only knows the base, then guard within the mountain road and block the entrances and exits on the left and right sides. In addition, divide a group of troops to the top of the hillside, condescending."

I paused and said, "The first three people who sneak into the mountain path must use the most penetrating laser weapons. The mountain path is extremely narrow. As long as the infected dare to go in, they can use laser weapons to pierce through them with a single shot." A dozen people."

"What if one of the first three dies?" Yi Tian said.

"People in the back, pick up the weapons of the soldiers in the front row." I said.

"Then what if their corpses block the entrance?" Yitian said again, "The corpses of infected people will turn into blood, but our humans can't."

"The person who took the second shot blasted his companion's body to pieces with an explosive gun!" I said sharply.


"The life is gone, do you still care about the corpse?" I gritted my teeth.

"If you use an explosive gun in such a narrow space, you may hurt yourself," said Tu Shu, "and your comrades may be hurt."

"Yes." I nodded and said, "I know."

"Then what do you mean."

"What I mean is that there must be a certain distance between the front row and the back row. When an explosion occurs, the people in the front row will use their bodies to block the shock wave for the people in the back row, and even block... the explosion." I gritted my teeth and said, "Explosion The power of the gun, although powerful, is only enough to injure a very small area."

" are simply crazy." Yi Tian tremblingly said.

"I'm crazy!" I hissed, "You forced me to say it!" I sped up my speech and continued, "Even if we can't find the enemy's base in the first place, once we enter their base In the garrison area, they must be very nervous, and they must no longer attack but retreat to defend. At that time, we had already guarded the top of the mountain and several passages. Annihilate those mindless infected people."

I'm done.

But the three people in front of them seemed to have not slowed down. After a long time, Tu Shu said slowly: "Who...are you planning to let someone charge..."

"I don't know..." I shook my head, "I'd rather go by myself."

"You know, you can't go, no matter what, you have to live." Tu Shu said.

"I'd rather not have this shackle." I said, "Being an infantryman and fulfilling my own life and death, rather than sending others to the guillotine and into the fire pit time and time again."

"I understand your feelings." Tu Shu said, "but the fact is that it is meaningless to say anything else."

"Haha... meaningless..."

"I'm going!" Yi Tian said loudly, "I'm going, I'm a stormtrooper, and I'm the fastest, cheetah concentrate. I can blow up those beasts to pieces in no time!"


"You are also a member of the command system, you can lead the team." Tu Shu said, "But we still have to choose 49 people."

"Hey!" Yi Tian slammed his fist hard on the metal wall next to him in grief, "Then, who do you want to choose?!"

"I... I'll take someone there."

Suddenly, a man's voice came from behind us.

I turned around sharply.

At some point, Lin Qian and He Fan had both walked in.

"Let's go." He Fan said again, "I know flames, Lin Qian can freeze, we can kill more infected people in the past, maybe we can open the gap in a shorter time."

"This is death." I gritted my teeth and said, "Are you rushing to die?"

"Don't you also want to go by yourself?" He Fan said with a faint smile.

"But who are you going to take?" I asked.

"The wounded." Lin Qian said, "All the infected wounded who are willing to go with us..."

"No!" I said sharply.

At this time, Lin Qian rolled up his sleeves, revealing his arm, his arm was festering, and the festering was very severe, as if burned, but more like corroded.

" could..." I couldn't help but want to step forward.

"Don't come here!" Lin Qian said with a smile, "Don't come here, be careful of getting infected."

"What's going on!?" Tu Shu was also shocked.

"I forgot to tell you, I was also infected, and He Fan, he was also infected."

"He Fan you!" Huang Qian's eyes widened, "What the hell are you..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would be worried. I met a few wounded people before, but I didn't expect it to be so serious. My wound was stained with their blood, so I was also infected. Now, hehe, it is considered terminally ill. Don't touch us." He Fan said, "It's better for us people to go, use our blood to bomb them, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

"No!" I slapped the table hard, and said, "You two want to die, but also take all the wounded? You want Chengren, what about them, have you asked them what they think? You... Anyway No," I was a little crazy, "I'd rather go by myself...I'd rather go by myself! I...I'd rather go by myself!"

"I'll go!" Yitian also yelled wildly, "Fuck, at worst you can infect me with the disease, I'll go, I'll go alone, I can single out 1 people!"

"Stop being childish." He Fan said, "We are soldiers."

"Because we are soldiers, we should cherish life even more." Tu Shu said, "Even the wounded..."

"Some things are more important than life." Lin Qian said, "This is not our wishful thinking. At least half of the wounded, when they learned that the reinforcements had not arrived, and their bodies had already developed infectious diseases , has already made this decision, this is everyone's choice, everyone's choice."

"No... I don't believe it..." I trembled.

"You are the commander, you should be rational." Lin Qian said, then seemed to remember something, and continued, "By the way, there is one thing that has not been reported to the commander. Mo Ge and the others are back, and the enemy A new round of night attacks is already underway, and they have brought a group of people ahead to help us resist the enemy, and they have no time to report to the commander."

"Mo Ge?!" I stared and said, "Reinforcements have arrived."

"Hehe..." He Fan smiled wryly and shook his head, "There are no reinforcements at all, we were all deceived, including Mo Ge and the others, those old beasts just want us to stay here , delaying time, and they, as early as yesterday, fled to Hong Kong from the south through the waterway, the fortress of life has long been abandoned, and we have long been abandoned. "

"Bastard!" Yi Tian roared angrily.

I closed my eyes, and finally, the truth was in front of me. Finally, this fact, which I had never been able to believe, had been deceiving myself and dared not say it, was still in front of me.

We were indeed abandoned.

"Hehehehe...hahahaha..." Tu Shu's body shook a little, and he suddenly laughed. I knew what she was laughing at. The person she believed in most was Zhang Chu, and Zhang Chu had already gone to Hong Kong, and Zhang Chu also abandoned us. , along with those old bastards of the Rebellion, abandoned us.Tu Shu's trust was shattered.

This kind of betrayal is enough to drive a person crazy.

In the end, Tu Shu fell to a corner beside the wall. I have never seen her proudly become like this. She lowered her head, buried her face in the shadows, and whispered "I'm sorry."

She was aware of her gaffe, but she couldn't control herself.

All this, I see in the eyes.

I just felt a burst of soreness, heartache, and even unbearable.

"Mo Ge, Song Yi, Ah Meng, and Zhu Ming came back secretly. They each brought only three or four relatives, and there were less than 20 people back in total." Lin Qian added, "They can't bear to see We died here in vain..."

"We can only rely on ourselves." He Fan said again, "Commander, give the order quickly, what are you waiting for?"


I looked at Huang Qian on the side again. She lowered her head and said nothing. She could no longer be glib. At this moment, in all of us, I think there is only resentment and despair of being betrayed in our hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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