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Chapter 223 Farewell

Chapter 223 Farewell
"Commander..." He Fan opened his mouth again, but quickly turned to say, "Forget it, I'll call you Chu Tingsheng. Chu Tingsheng, I am very happy to be friends with you, and we have always been friends .As a friend, I just want to say to you, you give the order, this is for us, not anything else, understand? We don't want to be a time bomb in the base, we don't want to be quarantined, we don't want to wait in the dark death, and we don’t want to hurt others, we just want to do what we should do, in exchange for a glimmer of hope for everyone.”

"I...can't make this order." I clenched my fists.

"But you have to give this order." Lin Qian said, "For us, for yourself, for the entire team, for everyone in the base."


"Yes, we are still forcing you, because we have no choice." He Fan said.

I glanced at the map again.

The electronic map shows that the enemy's encirclement has pushed forward a little bit.A little bit on this map may be tens of meters or hundreds of meters in reality, and the encroachment of this little bit will eventually bring death.

My hand was digging at the side of the metal table, and I even felt that with a little more force, my fingers could be inserted into the metal.

I gritted my teeth and stared at the map. I don't know how long it took before I slowly said: "Okay, just do as you said, launch an attack at 04:30 in the morning, how many people will be brought, and what is needed, you guys Pick your own, choose whatever you want."

"More than 60 wounded, everything is enough." He Fan ticked the highest.

"I'll go too." At this moment, the electronic door was suddenly opened again.

A girl walked in.

The girl is not tall, with short hair around her ears, she is pure and lovely, but she has already lost her playfulness and liveliness, and some are just worry, loss and even fear. Without stubbornness and composure, she looked at me, looked at us, and repeated again: "I will go too."

Zhu Qing, why is it her.

"You are a researcher, why are you joining in the fun?!" I asked sharply.

"Yes, I'm a researcher." Zhu Qing tickled the corner of her mouth and said, "I don't even know how to use a gun. When I was in the offshore base, the army was overwhelming, and I only knew fear. I couldn't hold the gun steadily, and I didn't dare to shoot The gun can't protect anyone well, even Teacher Lin Wan felt helpless, but there was nothing I could do about it, and I couldn't do anything about it myself. Later... Chu Tingsheng, thank you, thank you for teaching me how to shoot, thank you for giving I have courage. For a long time, I thought I had improved, but in fact, I still haven’t. I’m still afraid. Fight, I want to join too."

"Zhu Qing, you can't do it, we are all wounded, we..."

"Me too." Zhu Qing's smile on the corner of her mouth was very gloomy and cold, which made me a little scared.

"I was even infected earlier than you." Zhu Qing said, "I'm a researcher, so I'm also the first person who came into contact with those infected people." She turned around suddenly, took off half of her coat, Show shoulders and back.

The shoulders and back that should be smooth and sexy, but at this moment, they have festered badly, bloody and bloody.

"Hehe." Zhu Qing smiled again, as if she was mocking me, "Officer Chu Tingchang, in fact, in the short span of a day or so since you fell asleep, many, many things happened, many things, even things we couldn't have imagined before. of……"

"Zhu are a researcher, you should stay and study carefully how to treat these wounded people..." I was still struggling needlessly.

As if begging.

"I'm going to die, so what's the point of treatment?" Zhu Qing smiled, "The only purpose we stay is to increase your burden, to infect more patients, and to extinguish your hopes, that's all."

"Since this is the case." He Fan shook his head, sighed, and said, "Then let's go together. I believe that Chu Tingsheng's plan did not take these wounded into consideration. Our death will not bring any planned troops. This is worth it, the army of hundreds of people entered the mountains immediately and guarded the main roads, I believe in Chu Tingsheng," he looked at me again and said, "You will definitely win."


"Okay, let's go get ready, Zhu Qing." Lin Qian turned around and said, "Stay here, don't infect them too."

"Yeah." Zhu Qing lowered her head slightly, turned around, took a few steps, then suddenly turned her head, looked at me, and said, "Chu Tingsheng, I don't believe in afterlife. Remember me. So... before I left, I wanted to hug you again, but now...hehe..."

She suddenly faced me, made a hugging gesture, and hugged herself with both hands.

I went forward and wanted to hug her, but she suddenly stretched out her hand and said, "Don't come over! This infection is not a joke, you just stand where you are, I'm satisfied... By the way, I entrust Qiqi Give it to Mo Ge..." After she finished speaking, she turned around and fled like flying, really running, stumbling, as if she was crying, but she didn't seem to—she left without leaving anything else behind.

Lin Qian also left.

Then came He Fan. The moment He Fan walked out, Huang Qian suddenly said, "Why are you going to die?"

This sentence seems to be unspecified, and I don't know who it is addressed to, but everyone actually knows who she is asking.

"I just do what I should do." He Fan replied.

"You were born..." Huang Qian put her hands behind her head suddenly, showing that cynical expression, she actually laughed and said, "You were born to be angry with me, every time, I don't like to hear anything, If you don’t want to say anything, just tell me and force me to say it. Every time I get angry, you add fuel to the flames, and every time I feel uncomfortable, you step on me...but..."

"But do you know what you hate?" She took a step forward, still smiling, but I clearly saw tears on her face, something that couldn't be covered up.

"The most hateful thing is that when I was finally a little afraid of you leaving, you chose to leave." Huang Qian said.

"If you can survive." He Fan turned his face and said, "If the battle is over and you can survive, you will soon find another person who makes you afraid that he will leave. Don't worry, you are excellent, but You don't like to express your excellence very much."

"Damn!" Huang Qian urged, and said, "If you want to die, you should die quickly. What do you want to do by leaving such words? Do you think I will thank you for your blessing?"

"No..." He Fan turned around and said, "I just hope you have a better life, don't hide it all the time, laugh when you are happy, cry when you are unhappy, no one will laugh at you because you show weakness, I know you're a soldier, who isn't."

"Hahaha..." Huang Qian laughed dryly, "I'm very happy now, you bastard can finally disappear from my eyes, get out!"

"Okay." He Fan's expression made my heart ache, and Huang Qian's expression made me feel even more painful.

But, so what, isn't everyone going to die?They are dead, and I probably will catch up with them in a short time. We were deceived, cheated, and we were all besieged to die here, but we died a worthy death—the world is peaceful.

He Fan left.

Huang Qian turned around suddenly, stared at me, and said, "What am I doing?"

I gritted my teeth and looked at Tu Shu. Tu Shu had stood up again. After I looked at her for a moment, she also asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"Each person, lead a team, a team of about 50 people, according to my previous plan, when the gap is opened, sneak behind the enemy, guard the main road, or occupy the high ground, don't let He Fan and the others die in vain .”

"Understood." Huang Qian nodded, wiped her face, turned and left.

Tu Shu also straightened his clothes and returned to his original haughty look, but his expression was still difficult to change.

The feeling of despair and the feeling of collapse of faith cannot be reversed in an instant.

She prepared a bit, then turned to look at me, and said, "I'll be waiting for you in the underworld."

I bowed my head and smiled lightly: "Why are you waiting for me? Don't wait for others."

"You are my apprentice." Tu Shu said, "In the underworld, I will continue to teach you how to kill ghosts."

"Okay, if you can," I said.

Tu Shu stepped away.

Yitian followed closely behind.

They are all gone, and I am the only one left in the command room. The silent and terrifying command room seems to be so big at this moment that I can't reach out and grab anything. Everything is illusory, and everything has passed away. up.Everything that was once, what was once owned, what was never owned, what was picked up, and what was lost, will finally be completely smashed at this moment, and finally vanish into ashes, hard to find a trace.After all, it is like this, after all, it is going to be over. Although I have known that there is no permanent banquet in this world, but when the parting comes, it is still so thrilling, not to mention, it is a parting of life and death.

I squatted down with my head in my arms.

I cried, crying like a child.

Tears slid down my fingers and arms, I would rather that what fell was the blood that couldn't be more in my body.

I didn't cry for long because I knew it was pointless.

I quickly restrained my appearance, although I couldn't bear the grief in my heart at all.

After I turned around and came to the command platform, I cleared my throat, opened the terminal and informed everyone to return to the base for guarding, and tried my best to pull the enemy's offensive line in. I know that some people may not understand, but they will soon know my Plan, when the teams are assigned, everything will be known.

After that, I stood up and walked outside. I also want to join the battle. I can't stay in this base and wait for news. The base only needs a small number of guards and a complete automatic defense system.

I came to the assault port and the periphery of the warehouse square, and sent a group of researchers upstairs to test the defense system. Now I want to make the entire base mobile. Although the defense force will be greatly weakened, our soldiers, Then they can all be called out to fight.

Four twenty.

In 10 minutes, He Fan, Lin Qian...and Zhu Qing were about to charge with the wounded.

(End of this chapter)

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