Chapter 224
Time passed by minute by minute.

I selected my own team members, a total of more than 40 people.

I don't know their names, I don't know their abilities, I don't know their sync rate, I don't know them.

They looked at me resolutely, stared into my eyes very firmly, they believed in me, this kind of trust that called their lives to me on the battlefield almost crushed me.

But I can't break down, I have to rush, I have to go desperate to win.

I must win.

04: 30.

I heard a shout of killing at the charge.

it has started.

My saddest, most exciting, most uncomfortable, and most exciting time began.Me, Tu Shu, Huang Qian, Yi Tian, ​​and even Mo Ge and the others gathered at the front of the charge with their own people. We didn't have any communication, but just stared at the backs of the wounded as they rushed out.

I noticed that Ah Meng didn't come, maybe she was taking care of Qiqi - I didn't ask much, but I believe so, I hope, before we all die, this battle can be completely over, otherwise, I don't Know if Qiqi can survive.

At this time, the defense system was fully activated, and the small number of soldiers who stayed at the base were waiting in battle. The researchers were cleaning and disinfecting the warehouse square, and a group of researchers who understood the base defense system were manipulating complex equipment.

There are no wounded or idlers in the base. Everyone is doing what they should do. We are seeking death as well as survival.

The wounded all rushed out, and I held on to the communication device tightly.

I am waiting for a message from the researchers who are in the command room at this moment.

About ten minutes, just ten minutes, before five o'clock, the communication device vibrated, and there was a hoarse electronic voice: Mr. Chu, they have already broken through the gap of nearly 1000 meters, but at present, we people, there are not many left.

I feel myself shaking.

I still made up my mind and said, "Is there any possibility of continuing to expand the gap?"

"Maybe." The researcher in the command room said, "But...we really don't need to support them, just like that, let them...they..."

"No," I said, "that's not our purpose."


Then, there was another silence, and after about a few minutes, the voice of the researcher came again: "The gap has exceeded 1000 meters, now..."

"Come on!" I shouted.

All the troops assembled at the charge began to rush out from the charge.

Naturally we dare not shout, our purpose is only to step over the enemy's offensive line and enter their rear.

It's close to five o'clock, which is the darkest time in this place. The people we lead can only judge the direction based on the information from the base - we dare not turn on the lighting - while the others can only follow us The leaders left, and they handed over their lives to us.

Sure enough, there was a large open space where we charged. Of course, this open space just meant that there were no enemies. There were corpses under our feet. Many soldiers tripped over the corpses when they charged, but they got up It was blood all over his body, even covered with rotten skin and pieces of flesh.Although we have done some special anti-virus treatment before coming out, I don't know whether the blood will be infected or the body will fester.There is nothing we can do, nothing at all.

It only took us a few minutes to rush through the open space in front of the radius and arrive at the enemy's rear.

They didn't notice.

The east gradually turned pale.

Between wavings, I could vaguely see the infected filling in the gaps. They must have thought that they had just encountered a suicidal charge.

And when their headquarters successfully detects that I have entered their "territory", perhaps their base is already in danger.

I didn't dare to be sloppy in the slightest. When I came to the mountain pass, I instructed several other teams to rush into the mountain path first and find the passage or high ground that needed to be guarded.

I don't plan to lead people in the first wave. I have a special physique. Once I go in, I will expose the target immediately.

"Listen, everyone." I said to the communication device, "After arriving at the predetermined location, send messages to each other, guard the fortress, hold the laser gun tightly in the front row, shoot as little as possible, but make sure to hit, and keep the front and back when entering the cave passage. The distance, the person in front is dead, the person behind will make up for it, the body of the person in front is blocking the road, blow me up with an explosive gun, the vanguard is going to die! If necessary, you must use your own body to block the explosion and Shockwave, in exchange for the survival of the team members behind, you know?!"

No one refuted.


I pick up the laser gun.

The soldier behind him suddenly stepped forward and said, "Mr. Chu, you are an officer, so I'm the one with the laser gun..."

"Listen to the order." I said coldly.

"Okay... okay..." The soldier shook his head and could only back away.

This is the last thing I can do, this is the last bravery I can hold.

He Fan is dead, Lin Qian is dead, Zhu Qing is dead, and many people will die in front of me—war is like a meat grinder, people you think are important are thrown into this meat grinder, and even the corpses are thrown into this meat grinder. Neither could be found.All of this happened in front of me, not a so-called TV drama, there is no replay of scenes, no turning back in time, no supporting roles, everyone is the same in the war, they are all passers-by, and they can all die quickly and easily no dignity.

The first team rushed out, and 10 minutes later, Zhu Ming's voice came from the communication device: "arrived at the predetermined location, the top of the northwest hillside, there is no underground passage here, 50 people, two casualties."

Then came the second team. This team was led by Mo Ge. Within five or six minutes, Mo Ge's calm voice also came over: "We are guarding the underground passage on the hillside in front of the northwest direction. The defense has been completed, and there are no casualties."

The third, fourth, and fifth teams... Tu Shu, Yi Tian, ​​and Song Yi also all arrived at the predetermined location, but they couldn't find the exact location of the enemy's base. Now, there is only the last passage— —If I guessed correctly, it is the enemy base, or the exact location of the research institute.

Our surprise attack this time was very successful. The attacks of the previous teams only resulted in four casualties.

However, it may be that those passages and hillsides did not attract the attention of the enemy, and they were not stubbornly resisted.

This last difficult task seems to be entrusted to me.

I gritted my teeth, and after the last team had assembled and arrived at the scheduled location, I waved my hand and said, "It's our turn, let's go!"

Everyone followed me and continued to charge forward.

At this time, the Tianshan Road is already brightly lit, but even in the dark, they still can't see us clearly. Probably as long as I rush into the mountain road, they will react. The things I carry, Will give them the greatest danger signal - although I still don't know what I'm carrying.

After rushing into the mountain road, we rushed straight to the last passage I estimated. That location happened to be the direction where Gao Peng fled with his men when we were besieged that day. Would not believe it at all.The passage quickly appeared in front of us. The passage was wider than other places, but it was only enough for one person to fully display his fists and kicks. I stopped, turned around and waved to the soldiers behind me, telling them not to get too close to me. , After they understood it, they slowly entered the passage.

The passageway was extremely dark, and I turned on the lighting facilities of the laser gun. When this beam of light hits a certain place, it will mean the death of that group of infected people.

After only a few dozen steps forward, a low shout came out from the empty cave.

Where the light shines, sure enough, a group of infected is approaching me.

I shot right away, piercing the skull of the infected person at the head of the line.

The infected people behind him fell to the ground and slowly turned into blood—I seemed to have directly penetrated the heads of seven or eight infected people with this shot, which I did not expect.

I didn't move forward until the bodies of those infected gradually began to completely turn into blood.

In this dark cave, although I know there are many people behind me, even dozens of people guarding the entrance of the cave, and there are comrades in arms on the top of the slope, I still feel lonely and I still feel that I am fighting alone.

Ahead, the infected rushed up a few more waves, but they were still shot down by me. Even in the life fortress, the reserves of laser guns are very limited, and its operating principle is based on internal charge interaction, and the manufacturing process is extremely difficult. , The number of bursts is also extremely limited, so I must ensure the accuracy of my shooting.

Once the laser weapon temporarily fails and enters the cooling state, I will replace it with an explosive gun, which will bring great trouble to everyone.

I tried to check the communication device once.

The signal is confusing, and I don't know how the people outside are doing.

The road here is much more rugged than the previous passage, and there is a fork in the road, which is obviously not an ordinary passage.

At the fork, I gestured for the soldiers behind to divide into another fork and continue forward, while I led the soldiers to the left.

Calculating the time, those damned infected people should already know that I have entered the defense range of their base by this time, and their soldiers should also remove the attack encirclement and start to return to defense...

Thinking of this, I continued to walk forward slowly. At this moment, suddenly, at the crossing in front of me——and another crossing—a group of flames suddenly spurted out, rubbing against the wall and flying towards me.

I didn't dare to dodge sideways, otherwise the soldiers behind would be hit, so I quickly raised the explosive gun to shoot, the flame collided with the explosive gun, and exploded only a few meters in front of me.

The flames illuminated the entire passage, and my body was shocked to take a few steps back, with bursts of burning sensation hitting my face.

(End of this chapter)

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