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Chapter 225 The Last Battle with the Swordsman

Chapter 225 The Last Battle with the Swordsman

I didn't dare to reach out to cover my face, I was afraid that there would be a big problem after covering the shooting sight. At this time, I had to stand and be responsible for myself and the people behind me.

Needless to say, the one at the bend in front is definitely the Fire Eater. At this time, the Fire Eater launched another attack. This shot was faster and more violent than the one just now, but it just hit the wall not far from me, and a fireball split into two pieces. Four or five of them were bombed in my direction at the same time—in this passage, it is true that one man is in charge of the other, and so is the enemy. The fire that illuminates my face blocks all of us. On the way, we can only stay where we are, watching that guy ignite and wreak havoc.

I aimed with a laser gun, but that guy didn't show his head at all. Every attack was made by the wall of the bend, causing the fireball to reflect and slant towards it.

Sure enough, this fireball is not just flame, its core is definitely an explosive solid.

I simply closed the laser gun and raised the explosive gun to aim at the target.

The moment that guy poked his head, I took a stride and stepped on the side stone wall with one foot. The so-called stone wall is actually a wall made of gravel and soft soil, which is easy to peel off and slip, but the position of my foot is still there. The calculation was accurate. With the help of the thick soil layer, I leaped up, held the gun in my backhand, and aimed a shot at the head of the damn fire eater. The sound of the explosive gun was quite loud, but the shot missed him. Instead, it rubbed against the stone next to it and exploded on the wall. The impact of the explosion knocked the guy to the ground. Make up a shot.

This shot happened to hit between his airbag and his head tilted to one side. The airbag was so inflated at the moment, it exploded immediately under one shot, the flames scattered, and the crackling sound was deafening. Immediately, I felt ringing in my ears and dizzy , the whole person fell backwards.

"Mr. Chu!" Someone called me from behind.

"Stay away!" I yelled, waving, "Keep your distance!"

At this time, I vaguely saw a group of infected people rushing up behind the fire-eater. They were very fast, but they could only line up in a single line in the narrow passage. It's a threat—I mean, it's not a big threat in normal times—I was dizzy at this time, and I couldn't even figure out what was going on in front of me, but I was really anxious and scared.

Holding the gun in my hand, leaning against the wall, I stood up little by little.

Those guys are getting closer.

I'm not sure how many infected people can be killed with one shot.

At this point I'm not even sure I'll be able to successfully aim.

"Damn it!" I hissed, "Come on, brutes, come on..." My hands were shaking, and in the dark hole, the only light came from the light on the laser gun, which was very bright. Limited, because of my shaking, it made shooting more difficult.I kicked back, choked to the ground, tried to steady myself, aimed at the bastards again, and pulled the trigger.

The internal structure of the laser gun operated quickly, and a beam of blue light bloomed in the darkness, but this beam of light disappeared from the side of the group of infected people - a single shot missed and hit the earth wall.

I couldn't see if there was black smoke rising from the dirt wall.

I gritted my teeth, raised the gun again, and shot again.

God still favored me to some extent. This shot pierced through the heads of several infected people in the front row. Half of the infected people who rushed up immediately fell down, and the threat was also reduced by more than half.

I gritted my teeth and continued to move forward.

The infected people continued to swarm up. These guys are really stupid. Even at this time, even though they know that such an impact will only kill them, they still follow their flesh and blood to wanton their bestiality.It was as if they had no desire other than to kill or die.

The second shot penetrated the heads of seven or eight people again, and those infected people fell down like dominoes in waves, and turned into blood water wave after wave—they turned blood even faster than before—this made I feel that these guys are more and more like ordinary consumables. People who manufacture and study them even try to make them disappear faster after death, so as not to hinder other people's actions and attacks.If the way of thinking is really like this, these guys are really insane to the point where it cannot be added.

There are more and more infected people. I suddenly feel that this ghost place is different from other places. The number of infected people here is scary, and almost all of them rush forward desperately. Are we really close to their base? ?
Suddenly, at this moment, a flame shot out from the passage, and several infected people were smashed to pieces under the sudden push. At the same time, the flame also directly hit me.

Although there are infected people who help me weaken the power of the flames, such a fireball is definitely enough to blow me into coke.I pulled the explosive pistol and shot sideways, the speed was considered very fast, but the fireball was already very close to me, in the blink of an eye, there was another explosion in front of me, this time, my body finally couldn't bear it, The whole person flew out and fell heavily about ten meters behind me, almost at the same level as the soldiers behind me.

My mind is still clear, I know that I am not dead, but my eyes are dizzy and my ears are ringing, as if my internal organs are shaking.

"Mr. Chu..."

"Shoot, shoot!" I ordered with all my strength, moving my lips.

"Yes!" The soldier immediately raised his gun and fired. Due to the blocking of my body, he was not injured in any way. As the No. 2 soldier in the platoon, he also held a deadly laser weapon in his hand.

I felt a flash of light before my eyes, followed by a bang.

The laser gun can penetrate the enemy. This shot probably directly penetrated the head of the fire eater, and then the light shot into the airbag behind him. The high temperature burned the volatile oil inside, and the flame burst out, causing a serious explosion. Even if I didn't see it, my not-so-awake brain could guess what was going on at the moment.

The soldier wanted to pull me up after attacking the target, but I felt extremely heavy. He tried to pull me several times, but I still couldn't stand up, and I just barely sat on the ground.

"Sorry..." I kept panting and said, "Sorry, next, are the vanguard."

"I..." The man nodded, hesitated for a few seconds, and immediately said, "Yes!"

The speed of progress cannot be affected by me alone. The battle is urgent and time is everything. We have been marching in this cave for at least an hour, and perhaps the battle outside has already started.

Although I want to lead everyone to charge, although I am not reconciled, although I can't bear others to die, but now I have no choice.

I shrunk my body to the side as much as possible, tearing my throat, and shouted with the loudest voice I can use now: "Go fast, keep your distance! If I get down, step on me! If you think I'm in the way, Smash me with your guns, do you hear me!"

There was no objection, and all I heard was a neat "yes" in reply.

I feel relieved and relieved a little.

Perhaps, I couldn't understand this kind of emotion before, but now, as an officer, I understand it, very much.

The team passed by me, they still tried their best not to step on me, and I tried my best not to hinder them. Soon, the last soldier also passed me. There were still enemies ahead, and the cave was still extremely silent. My body is still a little disobedient, and I still want to catch up, but at this time I have some difficulty even standing up, as if it is a luxury.

I gritted my teeth and insisted on sitting in place, trying not to lie down was the only thing I could do, and at this moment, I felt a black shadow appear not far away, that black shadow was tall and fast, he appeared At the same time, there was a sound of metal scraping across the ground, which made the scalp tingle.

"That thing!" I seemed to have guessed what it was.

He is like my old enemy, the moment he appears, he will always give me a special notice.

"Bastard..." I clenched my fists, gritted my teeth, and reached out to touch the nearby guns.

The laser gun is still there, and the explosive gun is still there, but at this moment, I don't know if I still have the strength to fight back, and I don't know if my two guns are enough to penetrate his strong body with alloy plates.

I lifted my burning arm as best I could, pointed the pistol at the figure, and pulled the trigger.

My arm trembled, and the shot exploded not far from me. I don't know if it hit the target successfully.

So, I moved my arm slowly again, adjusted the direction, and fired again. This shot still only got a burst.

I squinted my eyes and looked carefully, only to see that black figure was still moving forward slowly.

That's right, who can knock him down with just a few shots, even if his whole body is slag, he seems to have the possibility to reassemble himself, I threw the explosive gun aside, and switched to the laser gun The guy shot, under two consecutive shots, the guy had already rushed in front of me, raised his arm, I only felt the bone sword flashing, and stabbing towards me, at that time I had almost no strength, instinctively moved to the side Suddenly, that piece stuck in the soil layer above me, and I fell limp and fell down, lying on the ground.

The swordsman pulled out the bone sword and raised it high again. I rolled on the ground for a while, and the rolling speed was very slow. I didn't mean to try to escape at all, but it was just struggling like an ant.

It was another sword strike, this one was deflected by a few points, but pierced straight on my shoulder.

"Uh..." I didn't have the strength to shout.

He wants to torture and kill me, I don't have the ability to resist, there is no room for resistance, and I don't even have the qualifications to resist.

In the darkness, I smelled my own blood.

I felt extremely resentful, I was ready to die, but I didn't expect that I would die like this in the end, the battlefield is really like this, no matter who it is, they can die without dignity, and die cleanly.

(End of this chapter)

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