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Chapter 226 Demon's Belief, No Forgiveness Needed

Chapter 226 Demon's Belief, No Forgiveness Needed

The swordsman picked up the bone sword, and my whole body was thrown up. The wound on my shoulder was torn again. I hit the soft soil layer, but my body was cut at any time.

The swordsman kept attacking me, and I was powerless to fight back. My whole body was being manipulated at will like an instrument used by the swordsman for entertainment.

There were more and more wounds on my body, and there was blood all over my body.

In fact, the swordsman's body was not without trauma. Explosive guns and laser guns greeted him several times, but he couldn't die at all.

Even a few times, the explosive bullet exploded right in front of me, making me dizzy, but the swordsman was still able to stand up and attack me.

I can't escape at all, and I can't win at all.

In the end, I finally had no choice but to step back.

I am not afraid of death, but avoiding death is a human instinct. I just retreated a little bit, and the swordsman continued to stab me one by one without mercy.

I hissed loudly, I don't know if there was already a mocking sneer on his ferocious face.

But at this moment, suddenly.

The swordsman's movements stopped abruptly in an instant.

"what happened?!"

My body was staggering, and I finally fell backwards, leaning against the dirt wall, and the wound was crushed by the gravel and the pain was excruciating.

"In the end what happened?!"

The body of the swordsman, at this moment, seemed to be a broken and jammed machine, unexpectedly motionless, staring at me, and those eyes also became dim.

What's wrong?In the end what happened?I asked myself repeatedly.

I boldly turned on the lighting device, and the inside of the cave was brighter. At this time, the hideous face had an extremely painful expression. I had never seen such a painful expression on this seemingly indestructible guy.What exactly does this mean, and what does it mean? !I raised my hand, raised my gun, aimed at the guy's head, and fired a loud shot. The guy's body moved, half of his head was gone, but he was still fixed in place, and the metal plate embedded in his body trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a second shot, which spattered his arm with blood and flesh, and a metal plate embedded in his body fell off.

Third shot.

Fourth shot.

This time, this place seemed to be my world again. He didn't know how to resist at all, and was bombarded by me at will.

It's just that he didn't fall down, never, always stood upright like this.

"You fight!" I was a little mad, "If you have the guts, attack! Fight! Aren't you very good at fighting?! Fight!" I hissed, and bombarded out one by one until everything exploded. The self-support was exhausted, and he had completely become a skeleton-like thing, only sporadic metal plates and pieces of meat were connected to the body.

At this time, in the empty cave, there was applause.

I am familiar with the applause, the mocking applause.

Gao Peng.

This applause must have come from Gao Peng.

I raised the laser gun and shot at the darkness. With one shot, the power of the laser gun seemed to have weakened a lot—the entanglement with the swordsman just now made my weapon almost run out of bullets and energy.

My shot missed the target, because I misjudged, the target did not come from the direction I shot, this fellow did not go with the swordsman, but came from the other side.I was extremely puzzled, he and the swordsman had already surrounded me, but why didn't they attack me?He should have a hot weapon in his hand, he can give me a fatal blow from a long distance, even if he wanted to watch the swordsman torture me to death, at this moment, the swordsman suddenly stopped attacking and turned into a pool of rotten meat , He has no reason not to attack me? !Why on earth, what happened in this hole?
What made me feel extremely puzzled, and even a little frightened, was that the indestructible and invincible swordsman next to me actually shattered and fell down at this moment, turning into a pile of bones and blood.

This time, it no longer has the ability to "reshape the golden body", he died, this time he really died.

It is impossible for a pool of blood to become a human form again, which does not conform to any principle of material formation.

"Wonderful, really wonderful." Gao Peng walked out from the deep passage, and I raised the laser gun again. At this time, I guessed that the Gao Peng who walked over was covered in blood. Under the light, although he had a smile on his face, Although he applauded mockingly, in fact, he seemed to be dying soon—yes, he came over from there, and he must have met our commando face-to-face, and confronted our commando head-on. It is already a miracle to avoid immortality and walk to this place.

"Don't be nervous." He coughed loudly, as if he had managed to regain his composure, and said, "Don't be nervous, I...don't pose any threat to you, cough cough...hehehe..."

"What do you want to do?" I stared at him coldly.

"I don't want to do anything..." Gao Peng leaned on the wall, already at the end of his strength, just like his team, he seemed to have only one pistol in his hand, a very ordinary pistol, and my laser gun was aimed at him, and he didn't have any resistance Given the opportunity, he was sure to die, but he did not back down, but stood in front of me, and said lightly, "I... don't want to do anything, but I really admire you from the bottom of my heart, and... I just , still in the midst of the spectacle I saw just now..."

He seemed to glance at the pool of blood beside me. The swordsman's minced flesh had all been turned into blood, and there were only broken bones and scattered metal plates on the ground.

"Even I can't believe it, he was really defeated by you in the end." Gao Peng was still coughing, coughing up blood, and the corner of his mouth was bright red.

"what do you want to say in the end."

"Ah... I have a lot to say, wait for me to clear my mind." He stood up straight without haste, and said with a smile, "You broke through our offensive line with a self-destructive attack , and then unknowingly occupied several hilltops here, and guarded the passage, waiting for work at ease. At the same time, using the attribute of the passage, one man guards the gate and one man cannot open it, to carry out a long-distance attack, constantly attacking the base where I am. Advancing, while condescending or using the passage for fatal blows when our troops withdraw to rescue - too clever, I really didn't expect that you, who have the strongest concentrate, have such a mind at the same time. Of course, if it wasn't for the first This mistake made you figure out the terrain here, and you have a certain understanding of this place, and I will never be played around with your applause."

He spoke a lot in one breath, and then began to pant heavily.

"Unfortunately, I'm not smart..." My legs felt weak and I lost a lot of blood. "What I did was not only not smart, but also very low-level, very low-level, very shameless!"

I'm telling the truth, not so much talking to the enemy as venting myself.

"You can't let yourself go, so don't think others will let you go." Gao Peng was still laughing, "You must be surprised, the swordsman died in front of you like this, he obviously had the upper hand, but he still died in the end, Have you ever wondered why this is?"

I don't know, how could I know.

"Why, say!" I asked sharply.

"Hehe...I don't know either." He shook his head, "I just know that your future road will inevitably become more and more difficult, and you will shoulder more and more things, hehe...don't blame me, blame me for not reminded you..."

"What the hell do you know?!"

"Dust Civilization..."

"What is Dust Civilization!" Gao Peng said these four words more than once. The last time was when he injected me with tracking medicine, and now, when everything has become panicked, With countless doubts overlapping and it is difficult to discern the truth, what is he doing and what is he trying to do? !


He didn't answer me, I took a step forward, "Say, otherwise I will make your death ugly."

"I'm not afraid of death. Since I'm here, how can I be afraid of death?" Gao Peng said with a smile, "I've already lost, but... the loser can sleep forever after completing his mission, but the living People, but you have to continue to accept the pain that this world gives... Hehe, you are fighting for mankind, but human beings are already rotten. You are destined to continue to suffer, and you are destined to continue to accept this sorrow bestowed by God. Poor, pathetic , Deplorable, deplorable."

"Bastard, aren't you human?! Don't you have any relatives or friends?" I hissed, "You crazy bastards!"

"Yes, for you, we are insane," Gao Peng said, "but for us, we are saving, we are saving, so no matter how many people we die, no matter how we die, we will not have the slightest loss. Complaints, and you, even if you are alive, live so confused, without faith, without goals, and without direction."

"I will not understand your so-called beliefs, let alone forgive your massacres for your beliefs!" I said loudly.

"Faith does not require understanding, let alone forgiveness." Gao Peng sneered, "Remember my words, dusty civilization—these four words may accompany you for the rest of your life, ahaha..."

With a dry laugh, he suddenly raised his hand.

"what are you going to do!"

I wanted to stop it, but it was too late. Gao Peng raised his gun and pulled the trigger. The gun was aimed at his temple.

A stream of blood splattered, and his body fell down. He is a human being, not an infected person. Such a shot is fatal.

Gao Peng died in front of me, leaving behind four words, a corpse, and a pool of blood.

"Dust Civilization... What exactly is Dust Civilization..."

"Bastard!" I yelled loudly, "Bastard! You bastard! Do you think that you can break my heart?! Do you think you can destroy my spirit?! You think..."

I yelled hysterically, but before I finished shouting, suddenly - "Boom", there was a loud noise.

The whole cave vibrated unexpectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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