global variation

Chapter 227 The Last Charge

Chapter 227 The Last Charge
Such an explosion made me feel terrified. Even the inside of this deep cave was affected. What happened outside?Or did the explosion originate in the hole?What the hell happened?

I stepped over Gao Peng's body and ran forward quickly.

I didn't take many steps before I saw the abandoned command base. If I hadn't been injured just now, I could have seen this base just a little further. What makes me feel a little horrified is that on the side of the base command room, probably in the so-called research room, there are actually pictures of human organs, dripping with blood and viscous liquid, even though I have no knowledge of biology. I don't know much about it, and I can see what those organs are.

They are using these things to breed babies who are bombs.

I randomly found a piece of broken metal and threw it into the liquid in the organ container. White smoke immediately rose around the metal.

You must know that these are defensive metals used to build bases. Even in terms of the technical strength of the church, they are definitely stable alloys that have been specially treated, and they will definitely not be ordinary active metals. It's different from killing yourself.This kind of metal is thrown into this corrosive liquid and still emits white smoke, let alone the liquid produced by the explosion in the baby's body?
What kind of technology is it that can breed these babies?
The explosion outside stopped, so I didn't leave the laboratory immediately, but picked the human organ with a broken metal rod—it was probably a container for growing baby bombs.As expected, the outside of the container has undergone special treatment, and there is a very special film-a corrosive liquid that can react with metal, but it can't do anything about it.Of course, this is not surprising, the material has never been characterized by the degree of softness and hardness of its corrosion resistance.

If such a thin film can be used as a defensive battle suit for soldiers, the effect must be very good.

However, I have no way to bring these things back.

"Forget it, I don't know if I can get out alive..." I gritted my teeth.

Simply ignore those things in the laboratory, go through the passage on one side, and continue to move out of the cave. A battle broke out in the second half of the cave. I was fighting with the swordsman just now, probably because I didn’t hear the situation clearly at all. I found that many of our team members died when they came out of the cave, and the bombed corpses covered the road. I didn't expect all this. Could it be... We were still ambushed?What about the explosion just now?I quickened my pace and walked through the layers of broken corpses, and finally rushed out of the cave. The long-lost sunlight was spreading down the mountains, but what I saw was not light, but the blood that had already made me numb. The land was black. Red, the vegetation is black and red, and the whole mountain is black and red, as if the whole world has turned into the color of blood.

I turned around and rushed up the hillside, everything in the cave has been cleared, I don't need to stay in this ghostly place anymore.

It stands to reason that after our soldiers came out of the cave, they should immediately rush to the commanding heights to ambush the enemy who returned for reinforcements-but now the leaders of these infected people have committed suicide, and the war should have ended. It's not over yet?When I came to the top of the slope, there were indeed our soldiers guarding here, but the number was surprisingly small. The team of more than 50 people now looks like only about 20 people. When I crawled forward, the leader who commanded the battle The soldiers seemed particularly pleasantly surprised.

"Mr. Chu, are you alright?"

I gritted my teeth and said, "I look like I'm okay?"

He froze for a moment, seeming a little embarrassed.

I didn't have time to say anything to him. At this time, my physical condition was extremely poor. I thought that I could taste the fruits of victory by rushing out of the cave, but now it seems that we are far away from victory?I changed the subject and asked, "Don't pay attention to me, what's your situation now, why can't you take it down?"

"Mr. Chu." The soldier of the rebel organization looked forward, and I followed his line of sight.

I never thought that so many infected people could gather in this mountain path, I never thought that their number is so huge, so amazing.

"The troops in the air are basically wiped out, but we have also lost many brothers..." the soldier said, "We did have a great advantage, but... after all, there are too few people, really too few... "

"They have no leader." I said, "Their commander is dead, whether it is Gao Peng or the swordsman."

"Yes... I was about to say this. Officer Mo Ge sent a message just now, asking you to contact her as soon as possible." The soldier said.

I frowned, turned back, retreated to a safe place behind the simple ditch, and turned on the communication device——finally, I was able to communicate normally, and I immediately contacted Mo Ge.

"Are you still alive?" Mo Ge's tone remained calm.

"Fortunately, but he's dying too," I replied.

Mo Ge said: "Your plan is very good, we have taken advantage, but there is one thing that we didn't predict, the situation is very difficult now."

"what is the problem?"

"These infected people are different from ordinary infected people." Mo Ge said, "These infected people have been brainwashed and have been completely zombies without any thinking ability. I suspect that after you successfully smashed their command terminals, The infected who should have been affected by the lack of a leader have become more brutal and terrifying because they are out of control and are now completely chaotic, and only non-stop killing can satisfy their instinctive desires."

"How many are there, infected..." I whispered.

"Many, the church seems to have already predicted the failure, so not only did they arrange troops on the hillside, but also arranged a group of infected people in the forest not far away. Those infected people are completely out of control, but just Just like sharks, they can smell the smell of blood. As long as the battle starts, once there are stumps and arms, and blood flows, they will rush out desperately..."


"We have too few people. Moreover, due to the infant human bomb, the number of soldiers has been greatly reduced for the second time. I just made a statistics before you contacted me. At present, our soldiers should not exceed 200 people." Mo Ge said.

"Still... no support?" I asked.

"Hehe, stop having illusions and be realistic." Mo Ge said.

"Okay... reality..." I gritted my teeth, "I'm afraid there is no better way than to work hard..."

Mo Ge didn't answer, what answered me was the screaming and killing of the infected people—they rushed up from the hillside again, the number of infected people was astonishing and unimaginable like a tide.

An infected person rushed over from the right side, quickly tore apart a guard soldier with a submachine gun, and then rushed towards me. I grabbed the communication device with one hand, and held the military thorn in the other hand, and cut off with a knife in my backhand. The guy's head, at the same time, the wound on my arm was cracked again, and the whole arm was extremely numb - the blood splashed on my face, and the stench made it difficult for me to breathe. I said to the communication device: " If... I die here, remember to collect the body for me."

"Forget it, none of us can help anyone collect the body." After Mo Ge finished speaking, he cut off the call with me.

Everything has become clearer, we have only one battle, and fight to the death.

I straightened up and half-struggled to the torn warrior, picking up his tossed assault rifle.

I looked around. Everyone was lying in the simple trenches, shooting condescendingly. However, there were still many infected people who were able to rush up while shooting. Our soldiers are still reducing their numbers.

After a while, finally, we once again suppressed the attack of a wave of infected people.

Take this opportunity.

"Listen!" I yelled.

Many people look at me.

"We have no chance," I said loudly. "Now if anyone wants to go, if they want to escape, they can run from behind!"

No one moved.

"If you don't escape, then let's rush out!" I said loudly.

"Rush out? Us?" Several people wanted to question.

I couldn't tolerate them rebutting and questioning, saying: "We have no chance! Without reinforcements, no one will help us, and no one will care about our life and death. There are more and more infected people. Do you want to sit and wait for death, or rush out? Die where you should die?"

"Get out!" Someone responded loudly, and then more and more people began to respond, and for a while, the shouts of killing rang out—"Get out, kill them! I would rather be torn apart than suffocate in the trenches !"

"Okay!" I waved my hand and said, "This is probably you, and our last charge. Remember the faces of the people around you. In the underworld, maybe you can have a company!"

Everyone laughed, but I couldn't laugh. I looked down the hillside again, and the infected were about to press up again.

"Everyone obey!" I said loudly.

"Yes!" The voice that responded to me was unusually neat.

"Take out your last courage—" I gritted my teeth and shouted tearfully, "Charge!"

I also rushed up and down, and everyone jumped out of the simple trenches at the same time, shooting at the infected people while sprinting, many infected people fell in front of us, and we were getting closer and closer to the large army of infected people. Ordinary infected people may devour our infected people at any time.

Getting closer - getting closer - but only a dozen meters away, and it seems that they are about to fight hand to hand.

I yelled again: "Everyone listen to the order! Put on the bayonet! Kill me!"

An alloy spear barbed was attached to the assault rifle, and in an instant, although some people were immediately submerged in the tide of infected people.

(End of this chapter)

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