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Chapter 228 Flesh, Death

Chapter 228 Flesh, Death
There is no technical content in this battle. I only have one goal, which is to kill all the infected people in front of me. Three times, countless times, I saw only splashed flesh and blood, human heads, and dead bodies. I felt that other troops had also rushed into the battle. There were more and more of us, but the enemies became more and more crazy. Afterwards, I didn't seem to know who I was fighting anymore, I just kept rushing mechanically, constantly rushing, I didn't know when it would end, I only knew that I wanted to kill more guys who stood in front of me.

I'm so numb I don't even know who I am or what I'm doing.

I don't know anything, all I know is that I will continue to kill, the more I kill, the greater the hope that my companions, the citizens of Guangzhou, will survive.

That's it.

"Kill! Kill me!" It seemed to be Song Yi's voice. The revolver in his hand was extremely powerful and loud, but it was not easy to hurt innocent people.

I saw Tu Shu and rushed past me at a very fast speed. Holding two bladeless knives in both hands, I cut off the heads of two infected people in an instant, but I was also scratched by an infected person. shoulder.

I didn't have time to take care of them, I reached out and grabbed all the enemies around me, pulled hard, and unexpectedly tore off the arm of an infected person abruptly.

Then, there was another burst of crazy chopping.

The blood on the ground had already flowed into a stream, and the vegetation withered, leaving only blood stains, blackened blood stains.

There is no concept of time in my mind, only killing. I don't know when this killing will stop. I hope it will stop, but I don't want anyone to slip through the net.




Another team rushed in, and the flying knives flew past me and exploded next to me. Is it Ju Ming?

A tall woman with a cold expression, half of her clothes were stained red with blood, holding the spear tightly in her hand, even her gun was gone, but she still didn't budge - it was Mo Ge.

All are still around, all alive, but we are no different than dead.

It really doesn't make any difference.

I don't know how long, suddenly, I heard a rhythmic machine sound, what is it?Could it be the enemy's secret weapon?Immediately afterwards, not far behind me, a splash of bright red dust splashed up, and I was startled. The dust accompanied by blood mist settled, and more than a dozen infected people fell to the ground at the same time. , the body of the infected person quickly disappeared, leaving tattered clothes.

"Reinforcements! Reinforcements are here!" Someone shouted.

I turned around, no, no reinforcements on the ground.

Confused, I raised my head and saw a combat helicopter in the sky—no, it was two or three. Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of machinery moving in the mountain road not far away. What was it?I stared at that direction, two infected people rushed up, I chopped them into pieces, and continued to approach that direction - in the mountain road, two small armored vehicles appeared, with metal shields, which looked textured Absolutely—yes, this should be the armored vehicle controlled by the infected by the government army, right?Infected people and church members will not use it, and now it falls back into the hands of the master?So, is it the one who aided us?
A group of guys in military uniforms rushed over from not far away, and under the cover of armored vehicles and helicopter gunships, they began to assault the infected's defense line from the outside - government forces.

The government army that I hate the most.

I have always thought that they are the most useless army. I have always felt that these guys have extremely low individual combat ability. The bureaucracy in the army is corrupt, and the fighting attitude is extremely sloppy. They are not comparable to the resistance organization.

But now, it is the government army that saves us.

Suddenly, there was a sharp cry from above the hillside, and the cry was frightening.

"Baby bomb!" someone yelled.

It was too late, the human bombs on the hillside - not only babies, but also many ordinary children, rolled down like meat balls - I really didn't know that there were so many human bombs ambush in this mountain - meat The balls rolled into the crowd one after another, smashed to pieces!
There was a sudden cracking sound, followed by screams, and at the same time, several Winged Men suddenly appeared in the air—we thought the threat to the sky had been lifted, but in fact it was far from it.

Those Wingmen sacrificed their lives and crashed into the armed helicopter.

This is the scariest battle I've ever seen...

Probably because of the appearance of this group of Wingmen, the flight of the armed helicopter became a little disordered, and the small armored vehicles on the ground began to get out of control, and even shot at the government army's own people. Suddenly, the government soldiers were in chaos , the attack formation was completely disintegrated, and the armored vehicles hit their backs. They didn't expect it at all, and they couldn't defend themselves. We were caught in the middle of the infected. Although the strafing may not pose a threat to our soldiers, the infected They took advantage of this opportunity to free up their hands to deal with us, and we once again fell into an unprecedented crisis.

"Everyone be careful!" I yelled loudly, but in fact the sound was so small that I couldn't even hear much at all.

My throat was hoarse, and my mouth was filled with the smell of blood.

Beside me, the bodies of my companions fell one by one and were torn apart one by one, and I, no matter how I rushed and stabbed, I couldn't seem to find a way to pass. Suddenly, not far from us, There was a loud bang, and the whole earth began to tremble. My whole body was swayed by the strong wind and flying sand. When the haze was scattered, I saw clearly that a helicopter was shot down by the Wingman, and it landed among the crowd. Middle—The infected and humans are completely blown to pieces and merged into one.

I supported the uneven ground and struggled to get up, but a row of bullets shot past me, bursts of smoke and dust shot up, I retreated hurriedly, but the small armored vehicle drove towards me, I raised my rifle to shoot, He tried to destroy the armored vehicle, but the alloy shield of the armored vehicle gave him excellent defense capabilities. The assault rifle was no match at all, and the winged man was still hovering...

I stepped back into the crowd with a stride, smoke and dust shot up from my heels, and bullets continued to shoot. At the same time, the armored vehicle actually fired several miniature missiles in the chaos, and the missiles exploded behind me. Shrapnel flew by my side, cutting my arm, and I had to roll over and fall to the ground.

I fell into the crowd, and the crazy infected people swarmed up. I screamed and pinched the ankle of one infected person, and pulled it hard. The infected person fell to the ground. Suddenly, due to the crowd, he brought down the four Five infected people, I took advantage of the situation to stand up again, swung the military thorn fiercely, the heads of two infected people fell to the ground, the infected people on the ground stretched out their hands and pulled my ankles, and even some infected people came directly to eat, I shot the assault rifle obliquely downward , In the chaos, I don't know how many infected people were killed.

Immediately afterwards, in front of me, another burst of white smoke rose, and at the same time, blood spattered.

The "crazy" armored vehicle has now started shooting at everyone indiscriminately. It is difficult for anyone to dodge the terrifying bullets. There are also miniature missiles that are suddenly launched from the side of the armored vehicle from time to time. The missiles are more powerful than ordinary missiles. Much smaller, but big enough to blow any of us here to pieces.

"Be careful, everyone be careful, be careful!" I hissed and rushed through the crowd, but in the end, my cries were drowned out, and my people fell to the side of the grass, when I raised my head At that time, I saw Yitian shooting at the crowd with a gun. He was bloodshot and wounded all over, but he had no intention of stopping. He was approaching the armored vehicle while shooting.

At this moment, the red light on the side of the armored vehicle suddenly turned on.

"Missile!" I yelled, but Yitian didn't seem to hear it, and continued to sprint forward.

His speed, even at this time, is still so fast.

This reckless guy, he no longer knows what death is, nor does he know what life is.

At this time, I suddenly remembered something that I didn't want to use. I always carried this thing with me, but I had almost forgotten it, and I even hated using it.But this thing is likely to be able to overturn that damn armored vehicle.

The pistol given by Zhang Chu.

Can't handle that much anymore.

I pulled out the powerful gun from the back of my waist. If this gun is used in a crowded and small space, it will definitely hurt innocent people, but it is completely different here. I quickly pointed to the armored vehicle and pulled the trigger. trigger.


There was a loud noise, dust was flying, and the armored vehicle was blown up, and the metal shield seemed to be slightly deformed in mid-air—but it was too late, and the program had already been set in chaos Instead of launching a missile, even if the armored vehicle was lifted into the air, it still successfully launched that deadly missile.

"Yi Tian!"

I yelled.

The missile flew straight towards Yitian and exploded.

Dust was flying, and flesh and blood were flying everywhere.

The soil on the ground, the mist in the sky, and everything turned bright red. Several soldiers—whether they were humans or infected—were flying into the air, and with them were human stumps. The flesh and blood of the infected.

"Yeah!" I yelled and pulled the trigger again.

This time, the bullet penetrated from the lower part of the overturned armored vehicle and directly exploded inside him, and the armored vehicle finally crashed and destroyed in front of me.

However, when I went back to look for Yi Tian, ​​I only saw a pile of corpses that couldn't be distinguished from you and me, and I saw infected people rushing towards me stepping on the flesh and corpses.

I'm crazy, at this moment, I'm completely crazy.

I raised my gun to shoot, and the gun given by Zhang Chu was so powerful that the infected people who rushed up were immediately smashed to pieces. Finally, I made a bloody path in the crowd and rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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