global variation

Chapter 229 The Voice of the End

Chapter 229 The Voice of the End
As soon as I rushed out of the crowd, turned over and fell on the side of the grass to reload the assault rifle, another figure flashed up and fell beside me at the same time.

Huang Qian?
"what happened?"

"Cover me!" Huang Qian said.

"Covering you? What are you going to do?" I wondered.

"Jamming the signal." Huang Qian said, "The Wings can't get down, so I'm going to try to jam their signal."

"only you?"

"It's too late to say so much, hurry up!"

"Okay!" I tried my best to get up, stood in front of Huang Qian, and shot down several infected people who rushed forward.

At this time, I took the time to look back at Huang Qian. Huang Qian was closing her eyes, just like a person in a martial arts drama urging her internal energy, but she looked more like she was catching and exploring something, her nose kept moving Shivering, it should be very similar to bats, using the nose-shaped leaves to capture electromagnetic waves, respond to signals, and disrupt signals-he is much better than bats, bats only perceive sound waves, and she can manipulate and interfere with electromagnetic waves.At this time, Huang Qian frowned, as if she was still clenching her teeth, I was suddenly worried, I felt that she seemed to be in great pain, but I didn't know where the pain came from.

Enemies on both sides rushed towards us again, and I turned and shot, smashing the heads of two strong infected.

In the sky, the two surviving helicopters have already started to fly into the distance—they are no longer prepared to continue to support us, and they are probably also afraid of this place where the electrical signals are completely confused.

On the ground, the remaining armored vehicle was still madly attacking the crowd, firing continuously without any scruples, firing missiles one after another.

This indiscriminate attack caused the loss of more than half of the government troops who came to support them—after all, they had not been injected with concentrated liquid, their bodies were much weaker than ours, and they did not have the ability to quickly evade.

Huang Qian was still trying to interfere, and the Winged Man was still circling in the air.

At this time, someone in the crowd suddenly fired a shot into the air, and under the shot, a wingman flew sideways, hit the top of the slope beside him, rolled down randomly, and landed not far from me , I hastily raised my gun to shoot, and smashed the winged man's head with one shot.There was only one Winged Man left in the air. I believe Huang Qian was just fighting with him now.

However, when I looked back at Huang Qian's face again, I found that her face was pale and extremely painful, even more painful than before.

"Huang Qian you!"

"Don't make noise!" Huang Qian said sharply.

At this time, I was also covered in blood—I had no choice, probably the only thing I could do to help her was to guard her, cover her, and let her complete her mission. The Winged Man in the sky was shot down by Mo Ge, Then, among the crowd, Mo Ge shot again, but this time his luck was not so good. The winged man was very flexible, and I noticed that it was not an ordinary winged man. His arm was embedded in the flesh. With a hot weapon, this guy should be the winged man who attacked the offshore base. The strengthened winged man is much stronger than the ordinary winged man.

But at this time, I found that the armored vehicle on the ground gradually began to return to normal, the trajectory changed, and it began to shoot at the place where the infected people gathered.

"Successful!" I looked back at Huang Qian.

"No...not yet...not yet..." She couldn't stop dressing roughly.

"No, if you go on like this, your body..."

"Don't make noise, I'm fine!" Huang Qian opened her eyes, and I felt that something was wrong with her expression, and there was something wrong with those eyes, but I couldn't tell what was wrong.

All of a sudden, the armored vehicle that had just been normal started to go "crazy" again, and it drove straight towards us, and it was about to attack us. I had already raised the pistol given by Zhang Chu, and was ready to fight back. But when the armored vehicle was still a few meters away from us, it suddenly turned around and rushed towards the crowd of infected people.

Huang Qian was indeed fighting with that guy in the air.

"Huang Qian..."

I found that Huang Qian's eyes had turned red at this moment, like a wild beast, but she still refused to stop, and I didn't know how to stop her at all.

More and more infected people are coming towards us, I can only keep shooting defensively, and soon, I have no time to take care of the woman behind me who has been fighting with people in the air.

The infected fell in front of me one after another. At this moment, the armored vehicle finally launched a merciless attack on the infected from behind. On the periphery of the encirclement, many infected were blown down by machine guns and were blown to pieces by missiles.The government army finally stabilized its position and began to support us.The wingman in the air seemed to have discovered the problem, and began to dive towards the ground. Our chance came—as long as this guy sprints towards the ground, we have a chance to hit it.

I raised my hand and shot, the winged man lightly dodged the first bullet, the bullet exploded in the air, the guy was shocked by the shock wave and flew sideways for a few meters, but he quickly stabilized his position and launched a counterattack at me , but his marksmanship was obviously not accurate enough. One shot hit a stone about two or three meters away from me and Huang Qian, and dust, decayed grass, and gravel flew up.

I was not reconciled, so I raised my gun again. At the same time, Mo Ge also found an opening in the crowd to shoot again. She has the eagle eye ability, and her marksmanship is much more accurate than mine after all. The hand of the weapon was completely broken, and blood splashed down from mid-air.Taking advantage of the unstable figure of the winged man, I quickly fired several shots at it. The winged man was hit by bullets continuously, and his whole body sprinted higher into the air for a while before falling down again.

It's clearly exhausted physically, but its brain isn't dead.

The infected would not be eliminated without destroying the brain tissue.

The infected people on the ground are still crazy, the guy in the air launches sneak attacks on us from time to time, and the power of the thermal weapon in his hand is not small.I simply ran a few steps towards the hillside, raised my assault rifle horizontally, and aimed with my breath held.

The winged man seemed to have seen me, and he was powerless to dodge. Instead, he rushed towards me, and I pulled the trigger immediately.


With one shot, the impact of the bullet made the winged man retreat several meters.

Then came the second shot, and each time I fired it, I hit him badly, but it was hard to hit his head.

Just when I was at a loss, suddenly, the small armored vehicle on the ground turned its muzzle, aimed at the sky, and fired a burst of fire. Completely lost its combat power, at this moment, the small armored vehicle on the ground made a crisp and long electronic sound, and the red lights on both sides flashed, and then, two miniature missiles shot straight out, flying towards the Wingman in the air, but only heard a loud bang. There was an explosion, blood mist filled the sky, and pieces of meat splattered everywhere, creating a strange scene in the air, and a place not far from me seemed to be raining blood.

The guy was finally completely killed.

I almost rolled down the hillside and landed beside Huang Qian.

"Huang Qian, it's done!" I grabbed her shoulders with both hands and said loudly.

Huang Qian's expression was already stunned, she looked at me blankly, her lips moved: "It's's solved..."

I glanced back at the armored vehicle, it had already started to support us, it stopped shooting randomly, and its attacks were very regular and delicate.At the same time, not far away, combat helicopters seemed to be flying towards us—probably the headquarters was finally able to control the situation here, and the government forces finally dared to support us again.

"Yes, it's done." I nodded emphatically.

"Hmm..." Huang Qian showed an extremely painful expression. At this time, blood began to flow from her nose.

I should have known that her behavior was seriously damaging her brain. She joined the war with the determination to die, and she didn't want to leave alive at all.

"You...I'll take you out of the siege and back to the base."

"No... no need..." She pushed me away, "My battle... is over, you, it's not over yet..." With this hand, blood began to flow from her mouth, her speech was slurred, and she didn't say anything. After a few words, the blood continued to flow down, I wanted to help her up, and said loudly: "Don't talk, I will take you out, you are fine, you will be fine..."

"I... want to rest... um..." The corners of her eyes also started to bleed, she didn't know if it was blood or bright red tears.

"Huang Qian!"

I screamed loudly, my voice was already hoarse, and my voice seemed pale and weak.

Huang Qian started to cough loudly, and blood spurted out of her mouth continuously. She couldn't hold on anymore, and she couldn't go back to the base at all. I knew it very well, but I was struggling and still wanted to take her away, but she seemed to be I pushed me away with all my strength. At that time, I was also injured all over. I rolled down the hillside and fell to the ground. I was in a mess. I struggled weakly to get up, and Huang Qian also stood up slowly. , her bleeding eyes looked into the distance, we had fought from the early morning to the sunset, at this moment, a ray of blood-red setting sun fell down and bloomed among us, she looked at the sunset, and she seemed to be saying something— -I can not hear clearly.

She walked forward step by step.

One step, two steps, three steps—she raised her hand and pointed to the sky. I looked at her helplessly, not knowing what she meant.

Finally, she exhausted the last bit of strength in her body, she tilted her body, rolled down the hillside, fell beside me, and died.

"Huang Qian...Huang Qian!" I kept calling her name.

The past is vivid in my memory, this woman who will never reveal her heart, this woman who is always glib and annoying, this veteran soldier, died on the battlefield in the end, can she and He Fan and the others die in another world? Worlds meet?
I do not know.

I stood up, and suddenly, I realized that I didn't have the strength to continue attacking anymore.

They fell one by one, as if they were draining my strength, my faith, and my reliance time and time again.

The dead are only dead after all, but the living have to bear the pain of the death of their loved ones.

I raised my gun, but couldn't pull the trigger. I wanted to shout, but I couldn't make a sound. I walked step by step into the chaotic crowd. Finally, I fell to my knees in a sea of ​​corpses. The infected people were about to be killed. It was wiped out, helicopters hovered in the sky, government troops and miniature armored vehicles wiped out the remnants, and I knelt down in this bright red world, the past was vivid in my memory, but I couldn't find my future no matter what.

They are all dead, why am I still alive?

Should I be grateful for God's gift, or should I hate the arrangement of fate?
(End of this chapter)

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