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Chapter 230 Betrayed Again

Chapter 230 Betrayed Again
After a long time, I accidentally got a set of data-official data.

This set of data records the number of casualties in the Battle of the Fortress of Life.

Statistics show that in the Battle of the Fortress of Life, human beings—all identifiable corpses, regardless of churches or resistance organizations, a total of more than [-] people died across the board, while more than [-] people were missing.

The death toll of the infected cannot be counted.

The whole line of the Fortress of Life showed no signs of collapse during the battle, except that the defense systems at some locations were damaged to varying degrees.

On the other hand, in this battle, the government cooperated with the resistance organization for the first time in a large-scale fierce battle, and achieved great success. There were no casualties among the citizens of Guangzhou, and all the attacking troops of the infected were wiped out. The coach Gao Peng committed suicide.

When I saw that set of data and introduction, I felt very relieved and sad.

Of course, those complicated and slightly hypocritical emotions slowly climbed into my heart after a long time, and at that time, just after we had completely wiped out the infected, when the bloody sun was setting and the night was getting darker , just when the government army started to clean up the battlefield, I didn't have time to think about all this.

I fainted, and when I woke up, I was still in the dark night, in the wild, beside me, there were dozens of people and dozens of remnants.

I thought that after the end of the war, we should have no one left, but there are dozens of people around me. I feel a little strange. In the dark night, many people have turned on the lighting function of the communication device and turned the brightness to the maximum. , making the night as bright as the day.

I found that we were on the plain, the plain outside the fortress of life.

How is this going?Why did no one go back, why did everyone sleep outside?We have obviously won, we should go back to the Fortress of Life!In the end what happened?
The moment I sat up, I saw Mo Ge sitting not far from me, looking at me from the side, his expression still calm, and said: "Are you awake?"

"Wake up, this..."

"Can not go back."

"What do you mean?" I stared at Mo Ge with wide eyes.

"Hehe..." Mo Ge sneered.

I looked up and saw that Song Yi was sleeping beside him. He seemed to be covered in wounds, but he simply wiped the blood coagulant. There were also many soldiers sitting listlessly beside him. Although most of them were disheveled, they seemed to be uninjured. It looks like they have participated in the battle - aren't these people participating in the war, then... are they... the ones I stayed to guard the base?I looked up and searched, and sure enough, I found the researchers I stayed in the base in the crowd, as well as Ah Meng. Ah Meng had been walking up and down, seeming very anxious. When he arrived at me, he immediately ran over and said eagerly, "Brother...Brother Chu Tingsheng, Brother Chu..."

"What's wrong?!" I dare not neglect.

"They stayed Qiqi and kicked us out. What are they going to do to Qiqi? What do they want to do? Why did it happen? Brother Zhang Chu also colluded with that old man surnamed Zhong. Why?" She With a crying voice, he said, "I'm sorry...I didn't protect Qiqi well, I'm sorry...what should I do, Brother Chu..."

"What's going on?!" I couldn't understand what she was trying to express in her incoherent words, and I looked back at Mo Ge in confusion.

Mo Ge raised his head, looked at me, and said, "Can't you see it? We were evicted and homeless."

"Why? What do you mean?"

Mo Ge began to tell me what happened, the fact that made me feel ashamed and resentful.

"After the battle, the government army needs to go back to defend their own line of defense, so let's go back to the Fortress of Life for a while to rest. At that time, there were only a dozen of us left. Song Yi and I brought you back. We encountered baby human flesh on the way In the bomb attack, no one was hit, but several soldiers were exhausted and died. We had no choice but to take you back to the Fortress of Life, but who knows, they were blocked by the soldiers returning to the defense .”

"Soldiers returning to defense?!"

"Yes, General Zhong and Zhang Chu brought a group of people back." Mo Ge said, "They think that we may be carrying human infection pathogens, which is the infection virus of baby human bombs. They not only drove us out, but even The defenders who were originally stationed were also driven out. Our people, who were seriously injured, had all died on the plain. Two soldiers and the guards who were driven out rushed to the gap in the life fortress, wanting to go back to the theory , They activated the defense mechanism and directly shot several people to death, so now, we are blocked in this place.

I clenched my fists, what are they doing?We fought desperately outside, and almost all of them showed the determination to die for the sake of the citizens of Guangzhou and the fortress of life, and they were all beaten up.Now that they have come back and occupied the base, they won't let us in, what are they doing?Is this the so-called friendly army?This is the resistance organization I used to call home, the Fortress of Life?Even if they killed Lin Wan, even if they kept deceiving, oppressing, and using me, I never complained, because I knew that our goals were almost the same, we both wanted to protect the world, to protect this world. A city, but now?what do i see now !It's ridiculous!
I tried my best to calm myself down. My body has almost recovered after rest. I couldn't let my anger affect my judgment. I kept my tone calm and said, "What about Qiqi? What's going on with Qiqi?"

Ah Meng said: "We were kicked out, but Qiqi was left behind. I don't know what they are going to do to Qiqi."

"What else can I do?" I sneered, "It's too easy to think about what they would do to a little girl with a secret!"

"Now, I just need a word from you." Mo Ge said.

"A word?"

The corners of Mo Ge's lips ticked off, and he said, "As long as Officer Chu Ting says a word, I only need three shots to help you destroy all the main defense devices in the base—but I need some time.

I understand what she means.

"Are you going to counterattack... Are you going to fight the fortress of life? But..." Ah Meng still has some doubts.

I looked at Song Yi who was still sleeping, and I couldn't help feeling a chill in my heart—Song Yi and Zhang Chu should have been the best comrades-in-arms and the closest friends, but now?Song Yi was also blocked from the fortress of life, and he was wounded all over his body, even dying, while Zhang Chu was indifferent, and still shot at his own people. The people in the fortress of life, for their own safety overnight, had already disregarded Everything has long regarded our life and death as lighter than a feather.

I looked at Ah Meng and said, "What? Do you feel sorry for them?"

"It's just that once...we..."

"Don't mention the past." I sneered, and said, "There have been so many friendships through life and death, as long as the betrayal is unilaterally decided, it is irrefutable. Hehe, think about Xiaoxia, think about it." Brothers and sisters who want to die, right? We don’t have to die for them, but to them, what are we? Is there any difference between killing us and killing a dog or a cat? Do you think they Here, what's the difference in all this?"

"No difference!" Ah Meng didn't answer, but someone beside him began to echo, "We are guarding the base desperately, for what? Is it because of such a group of white-eyed wolves?" It was an ordinary soldier, and his echoes instantly moved Many people stood up from the ground, approached Mo Ge and me, and surrounded us.

"Call back!" Someone yelled.

"Attack! Chief Chu, as long as you give an order, we will follow you and fight back!"

"We know how you treat us and how those beasts treat us! We also know good and bad!"

"That's right, with all our passion, we can't just die in vain! Occupy the fortress of life and fight back!"

The crowd was excited, and Mo Ge also said: "I think now, there is no other choice, Chu Tingsheng, they are not benevolent, we don't need to talk about loyalty."

"Okay..." I lowered my head slightly, just about to give an order.

Suddenly, Song Yi's voice came from beside him, a trembling voice - he obviously had no strength: "Wait a minute... call now, it's too early..."

"Song Yi?" I hurried out of the crowd, followed by Mo Ge.

"Song Yi, how are you?"

"I'm fine... You guys, don't fight for now... Zhu Ming is still negotiating..." Song Yi said, moving his lips.

"What? Ju Ming?"

"Yes, he passed by just now. It's been about half an hour. If we fight over now and anger those guys, Zhu Ming is afraid... It's a bad luck." Song Yi said.

"Hmph... that fat man..." Tu Shu folded his hands in front of his chest, and walked up to him at some point, and said, "We don't know his details yet, who knows if he's going to negotiate or go back to his lair Gone? Hasn't he always been elusive?"

"You... you're blaming him...he's not a person who doesn't know right from wrong." Song Yi said, "At least I believe him..."

"You also believe in Zhang Chu, don't you?" Tu Shu's faith has been shattered. At this time, when she mentioned Zhang Chu, she looked disgusted as if she had swallowed a blowfly.

"I..." Song Yi seemed to be choked by Tu Shu, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

But when I heard the news that Zhu Ming had gone to negotiate, I suddenly had a new idea—maybe, we really don’t need to fight now, maybe we will cause more casualties if we fight so hard, our people have already There are not many more. What we have to do is to try to keep as many people alive as possible.

Thinking of this, I waved my hand and said, "Wait, I have an idea, maybe it will work."

(End of this chapter)

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