global variation

Chapter 231 Information War

Chapter 231 Information War

At this time, everyone was looking at me, or staring at me, they were waiting for my solution.

I ignored their gazes, and went straight to a researcher, who I had chosen to maintain the operation of the base's terminal and defense systems.The defense system of the base includes not only those devices that can be used to strike targets, but more importantly, some of the interference systems, shielding systems, etc. These things are closely connected with the communication devices in our hands and complement each other. At this time, I suddenly There was a bold idea - I knelt down and said to the researcher, "I want to ask you something."

"Mr. Chu, tell me."

I nodded and said, "Do you have a way to avoid the base's shielding, interference, and monitoring, and use the communication device to contact someone inside the base, or directly connect to the base's terminal or a certain device."

The man's expression was a little terrified suddenly, but he quickly regained his composure, as if he suddenly understood my intention, and said, "This, it's very difficult... The signal network of the base is criss-crossing around the fortress of life, and we are all in it now." Under their surveillance, but... if you think it is necessary, I can give it a try."

"What's the idea?" I asked.

"The general idea is to change the signal wavelength loop. Our signal is sent out to avoid the corresponding wavelength of the jammer, jammer and monitor, and directly lock the target to be linked. But the most troublesome thing is that if it is linked to the base terminal, it is fine. If the people in the base are connected, as long as they move, the signal wave will also be deflected, which is easy to be captured."

I thought for a moment, and said, "I have an idea, it's just an idea, I don't understand electronic devices, and I don't understand your high-tech, I'm just fantasizing."

"Mr. Chu, please speak." The man was still very respectful.

"Can we gather all of our communication devices? Each device has independent account information, and should also have an independent signal. If our signals are interlaced and interfere with each other, forming a signal network, use this method To interfere with their judgment." The researcher thought for a long time, but at this moment, another person next to him spoke up and said, "I think it's feasible."

"Huh?" We both looked at the researcher.

The man said: "The reason why our terminal can confirm the genetic signal in each communication device in such a short period of time is not because of the amount of calculation it has, or how advanced and sensitive the terminal system is. The signal wave loops emitted by the communication device are all bundled and returned to the interior of the terminal."

"Cluster returns?!" The person next to him was also a little puzzled, and said, "How do you know?"

"Hehe... They will never remember me, but I have to say that I am one of the people who contributed the most to the defense system of the life fortress of the rebel organization." The researcher seemed to be in his thirties, and the tone of his voice seemed Calm and reliable, he said, "I am a student of Teacher Xie Chun, no one knows, especially after the teacher passed away, no one remembers me, but I have maintained the defense system of the entire Life Fortress for nearly three years—hehe , In recent years, the top leaders of the rebel organization have long been unwilling to make progress. They regard war as a bargaining chip for them to ask for money from the government and social organizations, and regard research as their own money. The equipment here has not been updated for a long time. I believe that even The terminal of the system is definitely still the same, without any changes."

I was suddenly in awe of the researcher, bowed involuntarily, and said, "Sorry, I don't know the identities of all of you, but anyway, you deserve respect. What's your name, please?"

"Add me No. [-]. I'm the No. [-] researcher for base maintenance. No one remembered my name before, and I didn't even bother to mention my name. Anyway, I'm already dead, so there's no need to pay too much attention to these things, haha ..." The man smiled lightly and said, "Let's get back to business, the reason why the terminal can carry so many signal circuits is because our communication device has installed a thing that recognizes genetic signals. At the same time, let the signal echo automatically identify the same type of gene signals, and attract each other, and return the cluster to the base terminal. Then, the terminal is decomposing and analyzing the cluster signal-this greatly reduces the carrying capacity of the base terminal, but the disadvantage is , is very easy to be seen through and controlled, as long as we take away the things that identify the same type of gene signals in the communication device, the echoes will no longer be bundled back to the terminal, and the signal waves will become chaotic, so that the entire terminal system will also be disordered , can’t even detect our exact location.”

No. [-] was very confident, and said, "The identification device does not need to be disassembled by professionals. We will teach you. Everyone can disassemble their own communication devices."

"Will dismantling that not affect the communication between the communication devices?" the researcher in front of me asked.

"Don't worry." No. [-] said, "The only function of that device is to depressurize the terminal of the base. No matter the offshore base or this place, or even the watchtowers, all use the terminal a few years ago. The government's equipment is better than ours. Much more advanced, they could have been replaced, but they were already rotten."

"Hehe... I can't imagine that we abuse the government all day long, but the non-government resistance organizations are even worse." I snorted.

"Living in this place, where there are people in power, there will be corruption. That is not the monopoly of the government." Number Five said coldly.

"Since it's feasible, let's start to act." I didn't want to dawdle any longer, so I said.

I straightened up, clapped my hands to make everyone pay attention to me, and then said, "Listen, everyone take out your own communication devices, follow the instructions of this researcher... on the [-]th, your communication devices Do a transformation, we now want to return to the fortress of life at the smallest cost, the first step is to eliminate the surveillance of those bastards, this is what we have to do now, everyone, hurry up, hurry up!" I While taking out my communication device, I asked everyone to follow me.

Immediately afterwards, No. [-] began to teach everyone to disassemble the communication device and extract the identifier from it without damaging the main system. The identifier was very easy to identify. After we successfully disassembled the communication device, most of them were the first It took time to find that thing, which seemed to be incompatible with the main system disease, and was quickly thrown aside by all of us. After it was successfully dismantled, No. [-] called several researchers to conduct another investigation on our communication system. Check to make sure there is no problem, and at the same time readjust the communication device that was disassembled incorrectly, and this is the completion of the entire process.

After everything was resolved, Mo Ge and I gathered everyone's communication devices and placed them in front of several researchers.

Number Five said: "At this time, the terminals of the resistance organization Life Fortress should have started to mess up, at least, they may not see us. Who do you want to contact now? Let's establish a jamming network first..."

I waved my hand and said, "Wait, don't contact anyone for now."

Researcher, Mo Ge, Tu Shu, and Ah Meng are all around me, and Song Yi is not far from me. Mo Ge asked with some doubts: "What is your intention?"

I said, "Haven't you guys been wondering if fat Zhu Ming betrayed us? I just want to prove it."

"You mean..."

"Ju Ming has been away for so long, it is impossible to keep negotiating with reason, and there are only three possibilities for not coming back, one is that he still has hope for that side, and the other side is deliberately delaying time; Imprisonment restricts movement; third, he has already betrayed. Now we can’t see our logo on the terminal of the Fortress of Life, and there will definitely be temporary confusion. Let’s wait for Zhu Ming for a while, maybe he will take the initiative to contact us... Even if he is Imprisoned, I think, in order to find out our whereabouts and prevent us from being caught by surprise, General Zhong and Zhang Chu will ask Zhu Ming to contact us."

"Okay..." Mo Ge frowned and nodded.

I waved to everyone and said, "You guys have a good rest, although it's not very comfortable here, it's better to conserve your strength."

Most of the people nodded slightly, and each returned to their original positions. I looked up at the life fortress a thousand meters away in front of me, frowning, with a stern expression. I never thought that I would regard them as enemies, but now, I It has to be done.

(End of this chapter)

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