global variation

Chapter 232 For Survival

Chapter 232 For Survival
While the interference net was forming, I asked everyone to turn off the lights, leaving only a few bright spots, just in case.

I waited for about ten minutes, and the communication device belonging to Mo Ge rang.

I decided to answer this "call" instead of Mo Ge.

I glanced back at No. [-] and asked, "If I connect to the communication device, will the headquarters be able to successfully locate me?"

"Yes," said Five, "but now we can start interfering."

"Then do it quickly," I said.

No. [-] nodded, and immediately began to act together with several other researchers. They moved quickly and solved the problem in a short while. I still had doubts in my heart, so I connected the communication device carefully, and kept a posture all the time. Let the communication device form a diagonal line with their self-made interference device to ensure that the interference wavelength can correctly "attack" the electrical signal wave released by my machine.

The two researchers smiled slightly, and one of them said, "Mr. Chu, there is no need for this. This is not the PHS from more than ten years ago."

I didn't answer them, because at this time, the fat man Zhu Ming's voice came from over there: "What's the matter with you?! Are you leaving me here and planning to run away? Where have you all gone? Do you know me? It's so dangerous here? How fucking disrespectful?" An angry voice came from the opposite side.

I secretly laughed in my heart.

After a while, I cleared my throat and said, "It's just that disrespectful."

"Huh?" The other side sensed something was wrong, "You're not Mo are, Chu Tingsheng? Are you awake?"

"Thanks to you, I didn't die." I said.

"Just wake up, where did you go? They said your team disappeared," Zhu Ming said, "Where did you hide?"

"They? Who are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb." Zhu Ming said, "I have no one around now."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure." Zhu Ming said, "I'm not that courageous! I'm here to negotiate, not to die. I'm sure there is no one here."

"Where are you?" I asked.

Zhu Ming said: "I broke up with them and was about to leave when I heard you run away. I can't find the location of any of you on my communication device."

I feel more and more wrong.

So, I said, "The talk is broken, right? Then they didn't kill you, did they let you back?"

"I'm a special commissioner, and besides, they don't regard you as an enemy, they just fear the infectious virus we carry." Zhu Ming said, "If our people hadn't overreacted, they wouldn't have shot us. "

I was silent for a few seconds, then yelled loudly: "Bah! What is it? Do you still have the face to say such high-sounding words if you don't treat us as human beings? It's amazing, it seems that they are right and we are wrong, right? Damn it sharp!"

At this time, Mo Ge next to me noticed my emotional instability, and stepped forward to stop me. At the same time, many people looked at me. Angry now?Anger will affect my judgment, the more I can't be annoyed at this time, but the more I pretend to be annoyed, the easier it is for the other party to take it lightly-I don't want to doubt Zhu Ming, but for everyone's safety, I can't be right He is completely relieved.

"Don't say that..." Zhu Ming wanted to persuade me.

"Listen!" I said sharply, "We're going to fight back inside the Fortress of Life and drive them all away. We won't kill people, but we have to go back!"

"You... what are you going to do?!" Zhu Ming was shocked.

"Listen, I trust you to ask you to help with this... We have an internal response in the Fortress of Life. At this time, the terminal of the fortress has been tampered with, so they can't determine our location. We are only going backwards now. It’s just moving, it’s moved to the mountain road and hidden, this place is safer.”

"Then...then what are you going to do?"

"We are going to let the internal response directly change the terminal system and eliminate the defense mechanism." I said, "You come back quickly, and when the defense system is eliminated, we will launch a charge, and you will join us." I pretended to be sincere.

Zhu Ming was silent for a long time, then suddenly said slowly: "No, I stay here so I can take care of me."

"Didn't you talk about it?" I said.

"As I said, I am a special commissioner, and I have won the trust of General Zhong and others in my life. I can go back." Zhu Ming said, "Tell me the identities of those internal correspondents, and I can take care of them. Maybe it will be more convenient." ..."

I don't know if Zhu Ming believes too much in my trust in him, and actually made a mistake at this time. His behavior is obviously exposing his identity as a spy. I can't help but feel cold. I really want to confirm whether Zhu Ming He is a spy, but at the same time I really don't want to see him, but there are all signs that he is the so-called spy. I sighed slightly, remained silent for a moment, and said: "I can't tell you who should be inside, safe Forgive me, please forgive me."

"You still don't believe me?" Zhu Ming said.

I sighed again, and said: "Well, if anything happens, as long as it is convenient for you, please contact me immediately and tell me what happened, how about it? This way you can also complement our internal response, after all, they can only do things , on the contrary, we can’t contact us too much.” Zhu Ming was silent for a while, but finally agreed to my request and said, “Okay, as long as it helps you, but, as you said, even if you rush It won't hurt anyone if you come in."

I said: "We were originally comrades in arms, even if they don't treat us as human beings, we still...have to maintain this bottom line."

"it is good……"

Soon, I hung up the communication with Zhu Ming, turned my face quickly, looked at No. [-], and said, "I want you to do one thing now."

"I heard it." No. [-]'s judgment ability seems to be very strong, and the judgment is accurate, "You want me to make a code for feint attacking the base terminal, and send it out through our jamming signal, right? This can increase life The suspicions of the brutes in the fortress."

I smiled and said: "Yes, if Zhu Ming has really betrayed, then the Fortress of Life will soon know the existence of the so-called 'internal response', and you will pretend to cooperate with the people inside and make a set of interference codes , send it over through the interference network we have established, and see what actions the other party takes."

"It seems that although you don't know much about electronic technology, you are very capable of imagining things, Chief Chu." Number Five said with a smile, not sure if he was praising me or mocking me. Of course, I don't care about these things either. At least what I see from his connection is trust and friendliness.

Several researchers immediately got busy. About four to five communication devices can form a microcomputer through a special parallel connection, which can at least send and receive electrical signals and data. I don’t know who made these communication devices in the first place. At that time, did you also consider the situation that there would be no microcomputers during the war, so this design came into being.

A few minutes later, our jamming attack message began to "fake attack" on the terminal of the base.

I couldn't understand the icons and data symbols on several communication devices, so I could only wait silently.

Another ten minutes later, under the silent night sky, No. [-] suddenly opened his mouth and said, "It failed...the other party obviously made preparations in advance and activated emergency measures...and, judging from my experience, they are Internal detection of the endpoint."

I sneered, my heart turned cold, and I said, "Does this mean that they really think that we should change the internal structure of their terminals?"

"Yes, this is the only possibility, otherwise there is no need to conduct internal inspections. Now the entire terminal is in the highest security defense state, and this state will only appear when internal inspections are remembered." Number Five said.

I lowered my head, sneered again, then turned to look at Song Yi, and said, "Senior Song Yi, it seems that you trust Zhu Ming too much."

I saw Song Yi's expression gradually distorted, and his upper and lower teeth were chattering. After a long time, I said slowly: "What exactly do you want to do? What are he and Zhang Chu doing? Are they inhuman?!"

I shook my head and said with a smile: "It's a pity... However, at this juncture, it is understandable to destroy our conscience in order to protect ourselves, but since they want to do this, we have to be ruthless in order to survive." Righteous."

(End of this chapter)

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