global variation

Chapter 233 Top Secret Infiltration

Chapter 233 Top Secret Infiltration
Song Yi bowed his head and said nothing, I thought, his god, his belief, and his conviction are gradually disappearing at this moment, disappearing into ashes, unable to grasp, helpless.

I have no intention of destroying their beliefs, I just want them to see the reality clearly.

In my heart, I don't feel much better than them.

I looked at the ground and waited again for a while.

No. [-] said: "Well, I can basically confirm what they are doing, and this feint attack probably allowed me to figure out their defense routines. If I want to launch a formal interference next time, I can not only make their defense mechanism It can’t be activated, and they can even turn their guns around to hit their own people! As long as they dare to come out of the fortress of life! A bunch of beasts.”

I smiled, wryly.

Suddenly, I heard a few small sounds, from far to near.

"Someone!" I said, "Attention!"

Just now I told Zhu Ming that we have already retreated. At this time, some people from the base came out to investigate. They were really impatient. I glanced at Mo Ge not far away. The people there must have spotted us by now. However, in our Under the interference network, it is impossible for them to communicate with the base, and it is difficult for the base thousands of meters away to judge the exact position of our star light. These people must go back to report the news, so they cannot Keep.

"How many people?" I asked Mo Ge beside me.

Mo Ge, who has the eagle eye ability, just glanced around and said, "Three people, on the left side, less than 100 meters away, they can't see us clearly, but I can solve the problem."

"Let's do it then," I said.

"But..." Ah Meng wanted to speak.

"Think about Xiao Xia, think about the dead brother." I said coldly.

Mo Ge picked up the gun, and I made a gesture to signal the others to lower their heads as much as possible so as not to affect the shooting sight.

Mo Ge installed a special muffler for his sniper rifle. Due to the effect of the strongest concentrated liquid, I could barely see the outlines of those people tens of meters away. Because they couldn't see clearly at night, they were still shooting at us. direction to move.

I heard Mo Ge start counting down, this is the countdown of death, every time Mo Ge counts down, someone must die.

"Pfft!" There was a slight muffled sound.

One fell to the ground.

"Bang!" There was another muffled sound, which seemed to be a little louder, but such a sound would only make everything under the night sky look more desolate.

This shot pierced the chests of two people at once, and the other two fell down before they could shout. Of course, they never had the chance to report back.

The corners of my mouth twitched slightly, and I gritted my teeth and said, "I'm sorry, although I used to be a comrade-in-arms."

"I'm the one who killed you. You don't have to blame yourself." Mo Ge retracted the gun. I noticed that she was much more stern than before. She is cold from the bottom of my heart. We have no way not to be cold, because only coldness can save us, and only coldness can continue to live. In this terrible world, being passionate about anyone will probably only bring you an unwarranted disaster Bar.

The three spies were dead, and then, I thought, the time for a counterattack had probably come.

"Five, are you ready?" I said.

"Always be ready," he said.

I smiled and said: "I judge that the internal position of the fort is in chaos at this time. They have already abandoned this fort once. It is impossible to send the main force back at this time. Most of the people who come back are shrimp soldiers and crab generals, except Zhang Chuzhuming to relieve the itching Except for the people here, most of them are mediocre, including that General Zhong, that fat man...hehe..."

"There are not many people who are not mediocre in the resistance organization." Number Five sneered.

I continued: "They are suspicious of each other at this moment, it is our good opportunity, you officially attack the terminal system, try to take down their defense devices, don't turn the gun back for a while, and do it when necessary-oh , By the way, if possible, we can try to hack into the communication terminals of their internal personnel, and spread some news that makes them suspicious and misunderstood, so it may be more beneficial to us."

"Don't worry, I understand your intention." Number Five said.

No. [-] did clarify my intentions, and it was done very well, but a few minutes later, the rumor about the source of the virus infection having entered the base was sent to someone's communication device inside the base, and I don't care who he sent it to Yes, as long as someone starts to suspect, my goal will be achieved. I just want them to suspect each other, and suspicion will lead to chaos. Although people like Zhang Chu are there, they should be able to suppress the situation, but suppressing the situation is the same thing. It is not an easy task to turn people's hearts around. Fear is a human instinct. The mediocrity in the resistance organization and some recruits are quite timid. It is really normal to have fear at this time.

After waiting for a while, I was sure that Zhu Ming would not contact me a second time, probably the current situation was enough for him to realize his mistake and exposure, so after confirming that the defense system of the base was indeed completely disordered, I Begin to guide a selected group of people to approach the Fortress of Life with me.

All of us did not turn on the lighting facilities, and approached the fortress of life in the dark.

I'm going to catch them off guard.

Twenty minutes later, we successfully arrived near the main entrance of the Fortress of Life. Mo Ge killed two rebel soldiers guarding the entrance from a distance.

This is already the best way we can think of to minimize casualties.

I took a small team and came right under the charge of the life fortress. Looking up, there were people around the charge.

I thought about it, and said to researcher No. [-] who came with me: "Is it possible for you to interfere with them and sound the alarm at the base?"

"This is unrealistic." Number Five said, "The base alarm is controlled by humans, only the smoke alarm, the infected alarm, etc. are controlled by the terminal. Now that the terminal is out of order, we can only interfere and destroy it, and at most we can only spy on it. It is impossible to control the terminal instead of them."

"Then... a few of us are covering you. You sneak into the base and destroy and control their terminal system from the inside. Do you dare?" I asked again.

"Dare, but at this time the terminal system must be heavily guarded." He said.

I nodded and said: "It's very simple, you first interfere with turning their muzzles and shoot machine guns indiscriminately, and after they are confused, the next thing will be handed over to us - they should have already guessed our previous trick by this time, But in this way, it is easy to form another kind of thinking inertia, they may think that we have been interfering with the terminal system externally, and you try to influence them internally, but they will ignore it.”

No. [-] nodded and said, "I understand that, you can give it a try."

"Just one chance," I said, "It's a gamble."

"Since Chief Chu said that he wants to take a gamble, let's take a gamble." No. [-] smiled, and began to greet several other researchers. In the shadow of the charge, he began to connect to the jamming system again. Not long after, I heard a few rhythmic machine sounds.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of gunfire, and a defensive machine gun above the Fortress of Life started firing automatically, aimlessly shooting at the open space outside the Fortress of Life.

"What's going on! Someone!" Sure enough, there was chaos at the charge.

There are dozens of us—I only brought twenty or so people here.

We huddled in the secret place under the assault port, and it was difficult for them to see us in the dark. Moreover, their eyes were already attracted by the place where the gun was shot, and their eyes and the muzzle of the gun were probably aimed at the sudden haze of smoke. place.

I immediately winked at Mo Ge at the side. Mo Ge met and threw a smoke bomb at each of the several people who rushed out and near the charge. Suddenly, the entire charge was filled with smoke.

"Oops! Cough..." The soldier who rushed out began to cough loudly before he could utter a complete sentence.

"Scatter the shots and draw attention!" I ordered.

Twenty or so people dispersed immediately and fired a few shots aimlessly. The machine gun obviously frightened the defenders. At the same time, the darkness and smog made it difficult for them to see everything around them clearly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, several researchers with weapons rushed into the assault port, and I took three nimble fighters with me, and followed closely behind.

(End of this chapter)

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