global variation

Chapter 234 Invasion

Chapter 234 Invasion
The assault port was in chaos. I used the power of the concentrated liquid to explore in the misty space. Every time I saw the defenders of the Fortress of Life, I shot mercilessly. There is no mercy at this time. We must first To achieve one's own goals, without the right to exist, one is not qualified to talk about kindness.

Soon, we covered the researchers and rushed into the main part of the Fortress of Life. We all knew the location of the terminal very well. Every ten meters I walked, I asked a soldier to squat down and guard against him, so as to ensure that they would not be separated from each other. If you are disturbed, you can also ensure that there are people guarding every road crossing, and you can accurately snipe all the enemies that appear suddenly-this bunch of idiots, without the cooperation of the defense system, will not fight at all. Now I will separate them Come on, it doesn't take a lot of effort to defeat each of them. Compared with fighting those infected people, fighting these pampered resistance organization "Gulin Army" really couldn't be easier.

A few researchers and I turned to the corridor. We did not choose the elevator. Let alone whether the elevator can be opened or not. The means directly trap us inside.

I can still hear the gunshots behind me, and whether it's fighting or our guys are helping build momentum, it's a huge benefit to us.

When we turned the corner of the corridor, suddenly, there was a gunshot, and a bullet almost passed by in front of me and No. [-] beside me. He was shot at a researcher who rushed forward, and hit his chest that was exposed by the gun when he turned sideways, and a stream of blood gushed out - a shot pierced the heart, the researcher turned over and fell down, his heavy body was still pulled down another researcher, and the two rolled down the stairs together.

I was startled suddenly, I didn't have time to care about the researcher who had been killed, and immediately waved my hand to signal everyone to hide. I also lunged and rolled, and immediately rushed to the corner on the other side of the corridor.

If I guessed correctly, I was very close to the person who just shot and sniped, but there was a corner between us. If I turned around, I would be exposed to his gunpoint. If he took a step forward, I would kill him , At this time, what I need most is courage and speed. I grit my teeth and hold the pistol tightly. This gun is for shooting explosive bullets. We have never returned to the Fortress of Life, and there is no chance to change guns. If the other party is smart enough, this If he had thought of this at the time, he would definitely try his best to get close to me, because once I got close for a long time, I would not dare to shoot, otherwise I might hurt myself.

That's what worries me the most.

And judging from the small sound, this guy is probably really stuck near the wall, ready to attack me at any time.

I am at a disadvantage.

Then, all of a sudden, a gun slid over from Number Five and landed right at my feet, on the smooth metal surface, so easy to do.

No. [-] saw that the battle situation was not good for us, so he threw his own gun to me at the first time, and I immediately bent down to pick up the gun and held it in my hand-in this way, the opponent would have no advantage at all , and he probably didn't realize it yet.

However, at this time, I still dare not relax in the slightest, the enemy is still there.

I gritted my teeth, took a step forward, took out a grenade, and quickly slid out of the corner. The grenade bounced to one side after hitting the metal wall. At this time, it probably rolled to the opponent's side and exploded with the grenade. The speed, the opponent has absolutely no chance to pick it up and throw it out.But what I didn't expect was that the opponent had the courage to kick the grenade out. You must know that the impact force of the kick might directly detonate the grenade. The grenade quickly rolled towards the end of the passage, and made a muffled sound—our infiltration plan was disrupted by this guy. The muffled sound failed to destroy the target, but caused a huge sound and shock due to the explosion on the metal plate. , This kind of shock cannot be covered by the gunfire behind us, it is very likely that people can accurately judge the position and attract the defenders from other places.

I knew that the other party wanted to hold us back and wait for the defenders, and I absolutely could not let him succeed, so I took two steps back and fired a shot at the wall on the inclined side with the explosive gun, and the power of the bomb had already spread to the surrounding area , the passage is narrow, so big that it is likely to injure the guy who sniped us - just looking at the guy couldn't help it.

After one shot, there was no response there, so I stepped back a little and fired again.

Another explosion.

The other party still didn't move.

what happened? !Could this guy have escaped?I couldn't help being surprised.

If the opponent has some kind of special concentrated liquid ability, maybe he can escape in this blind spot for a short time. Thinking of this, I boldly stepped forward, but the moment I stepped out, I saw a figure, a ray of fire, and I stepped down. If I hadn't dodged in time just now, if the team members behind had followed up, I'm afraid there would be several more corpses here. This guy is really capable. Patience, I really can't imagine that he can hide in that place without making a sound after several explosions.I admire this guy, but I can't show any kindness to him. There are still many soldiers waiting for me behind me, as well as those wounded who need to be treated. The most cruel, I fired again, this shot was slightly lower, I intended to blow the guy's legs, under one shot, I heard a rustling sound from over there, this time it might be Really blew him up.I didn't stop, and fired another shot, and there was a low roar over there, I think I succeeded-this guy probably couldn't move his feet at all, although it was a bit cruel, but I With no choice, I raised my hand and threw a grenade. The grenade rebounded again with the help of the metal gunshot. This time he must have no time, no space, and no ability to dodge.


In just a few seconds, the grenade exploded in that corner, and a gust of hot wind blew past my eyes.

With such power, it is easy to kill three or four infected people, let alone the sniper. I raised my gun and dodged out. Sure enough, the sniper had already been blown into two pieces by me, and the lower half was dragged a few meters away. , the legs are already bloody.I don't know the face of this sniper, half of the face is bloody and bloody, even if there are still half of the facial features, I don't know this guy, he still holds the gun in his hand, raises his hand, struggles to point at me, someone Tell me that people who have been cut in half will not die on the spot, they will either bleed to death or die from pain, so this is one of the most painful ways to die.

And this guy, even at this moment, still pointed his gun at me.

I took the pistol number five had given me, and shot the soldier in the top of the head, ending his suffering and his life.

At the same time, three figures suddenly flashed in front of the passage—probably because their reinforcements were long overdue.I immediately raised my gun and fired quickly. Several researchers who followed behind cooperated with me to shoot, and quickly killed the three people on the spot.

We continued to move forward, turned the corridor again, and it was a long passage—there were more and more enemies, we scattered our shots to attract their attention, and used the bend to carry out a sneak attack, and quickly cleared the control terminal of the rebel organization system The guards around the command room—the guards here are fairly tight, but the individual combat ability is really poor, not even as good as these few researchers who have fought on the battlefield.

Before we came to the command room, the door of the command room was closed.

At this time, our genetic account should have been removed from the account system of the base. No matter how mediocre they are, they will not make such low-level mistakes. I tried it casually, but there was no way to open the door, so we decided to Come on, I continued to ask the soldiers to hold hands on both sides of the passage, and several researchers lurked on both sides of the passage, leaning against the wall and began to interfere with the surrounding defense system and alarm system, and I directly placed a few grenades on the door. , ready to detonate.The detonation of the grenade is by collision. After pressing the button for the first time, there is still more than ten seconds of preparation time. If it is hit again during these ten seconds, it is easy to explode directly.

I took a few steps back, and while the researcher's interference was basically successful, I quickly pressed all the affected buttons, and then quickly backed away.

In a short while, there was a loud noise, the whole ground seemed to shake, the hot wind and smoke intertwined and spread, and the metal door was immediately blown out by me, but just as I was about to pass, flames burst out from inside the metal door Come, at the same time, bursts of rhythmic gunshots came and went.

There seems to be a lot of people here.

I looked back at No. [-] and said, "Can we just blow it up?"

"No, if the terminal page is damaged, I can't control those defense systems. The defense system is likely to be disordered. At that time, not only may it attack everyone indiscriminately, but it may also have more serious consequences, and even destroy the entire life. fortress.

"It's so serious..." I gritted my teeth.

"Yes, the defense system is very complicated, and there are various emergency devices attached to it, which must be controlled by the terminal..." Before No. [-] could finish explaining, the door was full of flames, gunfire, and the metal gun on the opposite side. Explosion with sparks.

"What should I do, I can't get in..." No. [-] asked me again.

"Can we now try to hack from the outside again?" I asked.

Number Five thought for a while and said, "Maybe... maybe you can try."

(End of this chapter)

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