global variation

Chapter 235 Hatred

Chapter 235 Hatred
As long as the other party says it is possible, I will definitely let him try it.

I immediately asked number five to try to invade from the outside again, probably you and the other party have prepared this time, so this invasion seems to be very difficult, I don't have time to wait and procrastinate here, what I have to do now is at least to help cover five and other researchers.I started shooting at the door aimlessly. Sure enough, my gunfire aroused the sound of returning fire from the other side of the door. Our men also fired with me, and the other side continued to fire back. They don't know what's on the other side of the door. The places they can see are very limited, so they can only shoot blindly. Every moment of bullets is a waste.

After a while, a grenade flew out of the gap on the other side of the door. Our people retreated hurriedly, and I also covered my face with my hand and retreated to No. [-]'s side.

The grenade exploded, meaningless.

None of us were injured, and the shooting was still going on there, but the explosion knocked down half of the metal door that was already cracked and crumbling, and the door of the command room was opened wide, probably they managed to see clearly here In this case, two people rushed out from inside quickly, we attacked from left to right, and immediately dealt with those two, the timid guards started shooting us from the other side, still aimlessly, even though they knew it was useless , It still seems to be bold in this way.

One shot after another, it seemed to be shouting, it seemed to be shouting, I even thought it was begging for mercy.

I signaled everyone to approach the door slowly, their bullets would run out at some point.

After about ten minutes, there finally stopped there, so I turned sideways and fired a shot at the inside. My shot really had an immediate effect, and immediately a soldier fell down.

At the same time, I could see clearly that there were still four people inside, besides the one who died, there were three other people, two of whom were working on the terminal of the operating system, obviously they had already fought against No. I know how long it will last - I think the longer the better, another soldier saw his companion was knocked down, obviously frightened, and fired wildly and frantically, I quickly turned around to avoid it, although this shooting method is very terrible , but after all—the other party is a lunatic, and a lunatic is very scary.

After a few minutes, finally, the random gunfire became rhythmic and orderly.

I believe that other people also started to shoot and suppress. It is absolutely impossible for that frightened guy to recover so quickly.

I frowned and looked at number five.

No. [-] looked up, probably understood what I meant, and said, "Don't worry, I just showed an opening to lure them, and I will be able to fully invade in a short time. Our opponents are not strong."

I said, "As soon as possible."

A few minutes later, a long electronic sound suddenly sounded from the terminal of the base, and then I heard the person inside yelling "Oops."

Number five yelled "Okay!"

I knew the opportunity was coming, so I gestured to the person opposite, at this moment, the lights above us began to flicker, and number five said: "Last chance, we have affected the base circuit, and there will be a power outage for about ten seconds. "

"Enough!" I said, "wherever my light shines you hit!"

In the dark, I was the only one who could still see the outline of the enemy with the power of the concentrated liquid. I quickly turned on the lighting device, and then the lights above my head went out. And I could clearly see their outlines, so I shot down the person closest to the control terminal first—to prevent the terminal from being destroyed by random shots.

At the same time, my lighting device fired at two enemies who were almost close to each other.

This light started a flurry of gunfire, which lasted for several minutes, until the overhead lights came on again, until our men could see clearly what was in front of them.

Those two were beaten into honeycombs by us, with bullet holes all over their bodies.

I still don’t know these two people. They should be the confidantes of General Zhong’s people. I seem to have seen the person who fell in front of the terminal, but I’m not familiar with them. They should be Zhang Chu’s people.

I didn't think too much about it. Anyway, the base is already covered in blood at this time. There is no difference between the number of deaths and the number of deaths. What I want to do is to bring everyone to live, and to bring these people who have been treated unfairly to live. .

And now, the plan is about to come true, it's about to be completed.

I asked No. [-] to start destroying the terminal operating system from the inside. Obviously, they were very quick and skilled. After a while, they restarted the terminal system and put it back on track. They stepped up to adjust the system settings. At this time, we Everyone is still displayed as "invaders" on the electronic map of the system. I looked, and our people have occupied almost the entire lower three floors of the Fortress of Life. It seems that there are not many casualties, and they are guarding the main roads. The surprise attack was very successful. As for the defenders of the Fortress of Life, they had already shrunk at this time. I really didn't expect that there seemed to be not many enemy people, and most of them were concentrated near the passage on the west side of the fourth floor.

"This..." I frowned and asked, "Where is that place?" I pointed to the electronic map.

While controlling the system, No. [-] took a closer look, and after a while, said, "A confinement room is nothing special, but it's relatively secluded and can be used as an infirmary."

"The confinement room...the infirmary..." I thought for a while and said, "You stay here, I will contact the terminal at any time."

"Where are you going, Chief Chu?" Number Five asked.

"I'm going to have a look over there, maybe there's something I need..." I said.

"You take someone there, our side..."

"No, it's not good if there are too many people. I will go alone and I can solve it." I said.

No one objected any more, my words had long since become invisible commands.

I left alone with an explosive pistol, an ordinary pistol and a few grenades. The pistol given by Zhang Chu has been thrown in the terminal control room by me, although I am not sure whether he can still use any special metal to attack me. For positioning, but after all, just in case.

I immediately turned the passage and went up to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor was also silent. If the map indicated correctly, there were only people near the confinement room, and there were quite a few people, at least dozens of them. The small passage was almost full of people.

What would they be so active in protecting?
Hehe, everything is self-evident, here are people I want to save, not things I'm looking for.

I took the gun and moved forward, turning over several passages. When I knew the target was ahead, I contacted the base control terminal again and ordered No. [-] to temporarily shut down the power supply equipment on the fourth floor.

Five quickly carried out the order.

total darkness.

I immediately turned around and fired, firing both guns while moving and throwing a few grenades at the same time—what I want to do at this time is not to make the opponent be suppressed so badly, but first to let them not know what their opponent is. There are several people.My attack speed is extremely fast, and my running speed is also faster than those people imagined. When the power supply on the fourth floor was restored again, I had already returned to the passage, but the enemy was still shooting, and it seemed to be frightened Like courage, all the bullets greeted them.

I laughed secretly in my heart, and threw a grenade backhand.

There was a "bang", and there were several screams from the opposite side. In the narrow passage, the grenade was particularly deadly.

In order to prevent them from imitating and hurting my body, I immediately started to back up. After taking a few steps back, I saw that, sure enough, someone on the other side was reaching out to throw a bomb, but the way of throwing the bomb was not professional enough, and the whole arm was exposed. The gun, the bullet passed through the back of the guy's hand and hit the grenade, and the grenade exploded in his hand immediately, splashing flames and blood, and the man's screams immediately resounded through the entire passage.

Next, they got smarter. A grenade bounced off the wall and appeared in the passage, but it was a few meters away from me, so I shot the grenade. The grenade exploded in the air and did little damage to me. .

They still haven't figured out how many of us there are, and they are still wasting bullets and grenades. The second and third grenades were thrown out. I had already retreated to the end of the passage. Those grenades were very far away from me. Standing far away, listening to the sound and watching the fire, the rest seems to have nothing to do with me.I stopped attacking and waited silently.

Soon, they probably sensed something was wrong, and couldn't hold their breath anymore. Two soldiers rushed out immediately, and they were obviously stunned when they saw that the passage was empty and I was alone. I didn't wait for them to report back, and shot one , ended up with them.

Then I fired both guns, threw grenades, and beat the other side.

Are these guys really all recruits? Could it be that bastard Zhang Chuna deliberately used recruits to fight us to preserve his own strength?

But regardless of recruits and veterans, standing in front of me, I have no choice.

After this shot, the opposite side seemed to have shrunk, and the firepower was obviously much weaker. I immediately approached the folding road again, and threw a grenade to test it. It hit the wounded lying on the ground.

At the same time, my communication device vibrated, and I immediately held it to my ear. On the other end of the communication device, Number Five near the terminal said: "We have fully controlled the defense system. But more advanced system control still needs to be done." Break it down slowly."

"First help me clean up these beasts on the fourth floor." I said.


The voice is still there, and I have not hung up the communication device. At the entrance in front of me, the metal shield wall suddenly opened, and a machine gun suddenly protruded from the shield, and began to shoot at the enemy's sniper passage...

"So efficient?!" Amidst the screams, I couldn't help admiring secretly.

I suddenly realized that this number five seemed to be not only helping me, but also venting his hatred towards the base of the rebel organization...

(End of this chapter)

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