global variation

Chapter 236 Old Enemy, Enemy

Chapter 236 Old Enemy, Enemy

The automatic fire of the defense system lasted for a few minutes until there was no more sound in the corridor.

"The enemy has been eliminated." The other end of the communication device sent a message through the terminal.

When I saw this sentence, I carefully turned around the aisle.

Corpses criss-crossed the aisle, blood splattered all over the floor, and the metal walls were also stained with blood.

I approached the tight chamber cautiously.

The Chamber of Secrets was very quiet.

To be on the safe side, I contacted No. [-] and asked about the situation nearby. No. [-] said: "The sound insulation effect of the secret room is very good. Maybe they concentrate on doing their own things and don't know that the outside has been breached. In addition, there are a total of Five people, one of me doesn't appear to be a member of the Resistance, no genetic account information."

"Can you confirm the person's appearance and age?"

"No, it's too difficult."


It's all just to be on the safe side, actually, but by guessing, I can also guess who the person in there will be.

I came to the door of the confinement room, touched the door behind me, and confirmed that the door was just an ordinary metal shield. If it was a special genetic memory metal, the alarm would have sounded loudly by this time——I contacted number five again, five Response number: "The system of the confinement room has been successfully hacked, you only need to directly verify to pass."

I smiled lightly, and stretched out my hand to press the genetic testing system by the door. There was a long and crisp electronic sound, followed by a "verification successful" prompt. The metal door slowly opened, and I was greeted by a sound from inside. He scolded: "Who! Who let you in, didn't you say that you are not allowed to come in?" The voice was very domineering, but I was not familiar with it.However, the voice stopped abruptly soon, as if something was choked in his throat-obviously, although I didn't know him, he definitely knew me, and he seemed quite familiar.This guy, staring at me so firmly at this moment, I think his eyes are about to protrude.

A guard next to him immediately wanted to draw a gun, and I knocked him down with a single shot. The man on the other side wanted to rush up, and I threw back the military stab at his waist and hit him on the neck.

This unexpected instant kill skill was taught by Tu Shu.

Zhang Chu ordered Tu Shu to train me. It seems that he has cultivated a terrifying opponent for himself. I suddenly feel that I am like the ultimate terrorist who was cultivated by the United States decades ago. Only, I I think my ending will definitely not be as miserable as this **.

Two guards fell to the ground, and the two researchers who were "working" suddenly seemed frightened. One kept retreating, and the other fell directly to the ground. These two people no longer had any fighting power or threat. My gun He pointed directly at the guy who was yelling at me. Obviously, this guy was the leader. On the soft recliner behind him, Qi Qi was in a coma. Ripple, I do not know what it means.

I faced that guy coldly and said, "Let Qiqi go."

"We...we are also following orders. I let her go, let me go."

"it is good."

"Okay...ok...quick!" The man immediately asked the researcher behind him to let him go. I walked forward quickly, picked up Qiqi who was still unconscious, stepped back, and raised my gun again. Looking at the head of the leader.

"You... didn't you just let me go if you agreed to let me go?"

"I said, that was just now, now I have something to ask you, answer truthfully, otherwise..." I sneered.

"Okay...okay, definitely..."

"Where are Zhang Chu and General Zhong?" I asked.

"Ah? Zhang Chu?! General Zhong?!" The man looked very astonished. I was a little surprised by his expression. I could see that this expression of this guy who was almost frightened was definitely not pretending. I have captured a lot of information in this subtle expression. At least I know that Zhang Chu and General Zhong are probably not here. Unexpectedly, I frowned and asked deliberately: "Why, you don't know?"

"I... I really don't know, they didn't even come to this place..." the man said.

"Didn't come? Where are they, still in Hong Kong?" I couldn't help asking.

"Yes, we are the advance troops. To put it bluntly, we are a group of cannon fodder," the man said, "However, the order was indeed given by Zhang Chu and General Zhong."

I gritted my teeth and said, "What is your mission?"

"Taking over the fortress of life, clearing out the idlers, etc., and... and conducting brain detection on Qiqi... trying to capture her memory fragments."

"Hehe, it's really high-end," I sneered, "Then who is your commander?"

"Shao Guangyi...Sir Shao Guangyi..." The man lowered his head.

"Shao Guangyi!" I clenched my teeth.

Shao Guangyi can be regarded as the first mentor in my life. After entering the Fortress of Life, he was the first person to talk to me about my ideas, and the first person to guide me to think about belief issues. What's more, we are also considered I used to go through life and death together, but I didn't expect that now we will meet in battle. I would never have thought that my opponent would be him, but for the safety of those who believed in me, I had no choice. I nodded and said: "Then tell me where Shao Guangyi is."

"The general command room on the fourth floor." He said, "Where are the main backbones concentrated? Wait for us to report back the information about Qiqi."

"If you haven't responded to your messages for so long, they won't be suspicious?" I asked.

"No, they know how difficult this task is, so...they shouldn't ask before we report the situation." The man said.

"Hmph, yes, the entire lower three floors have been occupied by our people, and they probably don't have time to take care of that much." I sneered again and said deliberately.

The man's expression changed, and he suddenly said in a trembling voice: "What you said is true? You, how did you do it, in such a short period of time...just..."

" don't have to believe it," I said lightly.

"No... It's not that I don't believe it... Anyway, anyway, now that I've said everything, can you... can you let me go?" The man began to bargain with me.

I was a little irritable, and waved them to leave. The three of them ran out of the door as if they had been pardoned, but just as they rushed out of the door, there were several gunshots in the corridor, and the three of them quickly turned over and fell to the ground. , I didn’t get up again, I was startled, and hurried to follow, only to find that those few people had been shot into honeycombs by bullets, and right in front of them, on the metal wall of the base, the defensive machine guns that had shrunk back just now once again Stretched out, it seems that No. [-] did it, I felt a little bit bitter in my heart, but I still just sneered at those corpses - they should have deserved their crimes and deserved to die, and I didn't just now They should be let go.

I carried Qiqi back the same way, even though she hadn't woken up yet, I still tried my best to cover her eyes, afraid that when she woke up, she would see mountains of corpses and seas of blood in her eyes, she was still too young, no matter what, she couldn't She should bear so much.

The more I go forward, the more corpses of the enemy, and the corpses are piling up in places where there were no corpses just now. It seems that the battle has already started. A few, and many of them should be directly killed by the No. [-] control terminal shooting with the defense system. His attack was really hot enough, and I couldn't help but feel a slight chill in my heart. This guy's hatred for the rebel organization was not formed in a day or two, but accumulated over time. blood feud.

I finally stepped out of the base and contacted Mo Ge. Outside, it was already light.

I handed Qiqi to Mo Singer. As a sniper, Mo Ge is still hiding in a safe place outside the base at this time. Her place is also the least likely to be noticed. It should be the best choice for Qiqi to stay here .

After settling down Qiqi, I was ready to return to the base again.

At this time, Mo Ge said, "How's the situation inside?"

"It's pretty optimistic," I said.

"Then why don't you just stay here and direct?" Mo Ge asked.

She is a smart person, and she can always find the problem in the subtleties. She has obviously noticed something is wrong. I pondered for a while, and felt that I should not hide anything from her, and said, "I'll go find someone."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Their commander."

"Who is the commander? Zhang Chu, or General Zhong." Mo Ge asked.

I said, "Neither."

"I guess so. If it's the two of them, we won't be able to break into the base so easily. Tell me, who is it?" Mo Ge already guessed that it's someone we all know, right?Otherwise, she would not have this expression at this moment, calm and relieved, as if she was trying to ease my heart, and hoped that I would not hide anything from her.

I smiled lightly and said, "Okay, it's Shao Guangyi."

"Sure enough..." Mo Ge twitched his lips and said, "Yu Zhong."

I said, "Maybe he has his reasons."

"He has always been reasonable and principled in his actions, and it is because he is too reasonable and principled that he will appear rigid. I have expected that even if everyone betrays, he probably will not betray."

"He has his reasons, and I have mine," I said.

"You do have your own set of rules more and more." Mo Ge smiled lightly and said, "Anyway, be careful."

"Don't you have anything to tell me?" I asked.

Mo Ge shook his head and said, "You are the commander, and I have my own principles, which are to support your decision unconditionally."

"Aren't you stupid and loyal?"


"what is that."

Mo Ge didn't answer. Instead, he touched Qi Qi's face, and moved his gaze to the range of her sniper rifle again. It seemed that this silent response was the best answer. I sighed, women probably It's all like this, I always like to say half a sentence and leave half a sentence, which really makes people feel a little uncomfortable, but since she doesn't want to say it, there is nothing I can do.

I turned around and returned to the Fortress of Life. According to the test provided by No. [-], I quickly reached the fourth floor through the shortest distance. The winding and deep passage on the fourth floor made me a little dizzy. If the terminal was not already in our hands , at this time, I'm afraid I'll run around like a headless chicken.

Fortunately, everything is under our control. The entire base seems to be blinded. Even the soldiers who defended and attacked us seemed a little panicked. Then I rushed all the way to the command post on the fourth floor. What surprised me was that the gate of the command post was open—the command post of the Fortress of Life was obviously much bigger than the offshore base, and I rushed into that When the command post was empty, I immediately stopped in my tracks.

Did I fall for it?

How is this going? !
Is it an empty city plan? !
I cautiously walked forward along the metal wall and repeatedly asked about the situation around No. [-], but No. [-] always gave me the answer that there was no threat in the surrounding area.

There is no threat, so did these people run away?

I continued to move forward and inspected the entire main hall of the command room, but I still saw no one. But at this moment, I suddenly felt that there seemed to be a sunken dark compartment on the wall beside me. Ge, soon, a metal wall opened slowly, revealing a small room in front of me.

(End of this chapter)

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