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Chapter 237 He's Like a Rock

Chapter 237 He's Like a Rock

I raised my hand and raised my gun, and quickly stepped into the room. The room was very simple, not even as good as our common soldier's room in the offshore base. There was only a small bed, a metal table, and the computer on the metal table was already Closed and closed into the inside of the table, and on the fixed chair in front of the metal table, a man sat quietly with his back to me.

"Shao Guangyi." I called out in a low voice.


"You knew I was coming, and you knew you were going to fail," I said.

Shao Guangyi seemed to smile lightly, and said, "Yes, I know that, although there is some fatalism to some extent, I still want to say that most of these things are actually predestined."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, you will still be pushed to the forefront after all. This is not only related to the concentrated liquid you injected, but also has a lot to do with your personality." Shao Guangyi looked at me and said, "This world In the world, how many people are like you, compassionate to others, led a group of people to attack the fortress of life, and repeatedly made strange moves? If you are an ordinary member of the resistance organization, you will never give up your life for these citizens in Guangzhou. Leading the soldiers to raid and charge, even the government troops were moved by you and sent to help... Hehe, isn't all of this due to your personality, isn't it all your own choice?"

"so what?"

"So, you have done all the things that ordinary people will not, are unwilling to do, and dare not do, and your body is different from others, so you are destined to be the one who is pushed to the forefront of this era , Of course, generally such a person will be very painful, especially when he doesn’t know what his belief is.” Shao Guangyi raised the question again, “But...for you, all this seems to be no problem, although I don’t know Knowing if you understand what your beliefs are, but you seem to know what you need."

"At least I know better than you who resist the organization." I said coldly.

" have some advantages, but it's best not to overdo it." Shao Guangyi said.

"We are enemies, and you actually preached to me?" I froze for a moment, tried my best to suppress the inherent respect for Shao Guangyi, and said coldly.

"I'm your elder." Shao Guangyi said with a smile, "How can I say this? I'm also someone who has been there. I know better than you what I should do and what I want."

"If you were clear, you wouldn't help the evildoers. Don't you think Zhang Chu and General Zhong are at fault?" I asked sharply.

"Wrong? No, there are not so many right and wrong in this world, but the relationship of interests is more important." Shao Guangyi still smiled, "You remember my words, there is nothing wrong, this world does not ask about right and wrong, only about interests."

"You..." I obviously couldn't understand his words for a while.

"Each of us has our own purpose in what we do, and the reason we are willing to pay for it is because we think it is worth it." Shao Guangyi's voice remained flat, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said, "You can understand what I said. "

"I don't need to understand that, I just ask you now, where is Zhu Ming, and where are your people?" I gritted my teeth.

"Then let me ask you, where is Xie Chun's daughter Qiqi who you rescued?" Shao Guangyi asked back.

"You have no right to ask me back." I said coldly.

"There is no qualification or disqualification here. I just want to tell you that both of us will definitely not tell our opponents what we think, so it is useless to ask more." Shao Guangyi said.

"Shao Guangyi!" I really don't know what he is doing, he is obviously an upright person, he obviously knows what is right and what is right and wrong better than me, why does he have to stand on the opposite side of me?Am I wrong?No, I am sure that I am not wrong. Is it true that there is no need to talk about right and wrong in this world, and everything is really as he said? !Why it came out like this?I felt that my hand holding the gun was trembling, but I had nothing to say. Shao Guangyi could immediately refute any words I said, so crisply and neatly that I had no room to refute.

I tried my best to raise the gun in my hand, and said: "Okay, then, I will only speak the simplest words, say, or die."

"Death." Shao Guangyi said lightly.


"Even if you don't kill me, I will die." Shao Guangyi said, "The Fortress of Life is given to you. You want to build a new base here, a new world. With the resources here, you can do many things. Believe me You understand better than me, so you don't need to pay attention to where those people go. If they are against you, they will meet you on the battlefield sooner or later. If they go to the same destination with you, then I will let them go first this time. That's a big favor for you, isn't it?"

It makes sense, so I don't know how to refute it.

"You really want to die like this, are you willing?" I asked.

"If someone makes a flame, someone needs to be a firewood; if someone wants light, someone needs to be a candle..." Shao Guangyi began to pace slowly, "I know what I want, and I know what my mission is. Now, it's time to leave, the mission is completed, it's time to rest... I will leave the rest to you, haha..." Suddenly, Shao Guangyi took out his pistol and fired at me. Accurate, and the pistol bullet has a terrifying toxin, as long as it touches it, it will definitely kill you - I can't die, so I instinctively turned over and dodged. Pointing to his temple, pulling the trigger, a gunshot, before I had time to react, he had already swayed and fell to the ground, at the same time, a thick and bright red blood sprayed on the wall of the cubicle—— At the last moment he did not use the toxin in his palm and did not cause us any trouble.

Shao Guangyi didn't have much contact with me, but he has always been like this. He is straightforward, never procrastinating, and will not cause trouble to others.

My heart was suddenly empty, I took a step back, leaned against the metal wall, and sat down little by little.

A voice message from the system terminal came from the communication device—the enemy in the Fortress of Life has been completely wiped out, and we have begun to clean up the battlefield. We only lost five comrades in this battle, and wiped out the enemy army. Unfortunately, Both Zhu Ming and Jin Ming's high-ranking personnel took the opportunity to escape. Commander Chu, please give me instructions.

"Call a few people to the highest command room of the base on the fourth floor. There is a corpse that needs to be dealt with here. It is the supreme commander of this battle, Shao Guangyi."

"Shao Guangyi?" No. [-]'s voice was obviously a little surprised, "I didn't expect it to be him, but he deserved his death, this veteran who swore to his duty to the death."

I said, "Yes, he was unbearably defeated and committed suicide by drinking a bullet."

"He's also a man," said Number Five.

I didn't answer and hung up the comms system.

A few minutes later, someone came into the command room to clean up the battlefield, and No. [-] also came in with them. His expression eased a lot, and it was obvious that the victory in the battle made him very happy.

But I couldn't be happier.

I asked, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you go with other researchers to help Ah Hong sort out the terminal system you just took down?"

"The data sorting work of the terminal system can be handed over to others. There is no big problem anymore. Starting tomorrow, I will clean up and maintain the resources of the entire Life Fortress. What do you think, Chief Chu?" He said brightly.

I nodded and said, "I leave it all to you."

"Okay." He said with a smile.

"You haven't answered my question yet," I repeated. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to salute Shao Guangyi's body." He said, "I admire him very much, but I also know that he will definitely serve the Fortress of Life until his death."

I frowned, why did everyone say that.

So I asked: "So, is there any incomprehensible relationship between him and the Fortress of Life?"

"No, it's probably because of my personality." Number Five said.

"Character..." I couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Yes, character can determine many things. Shao Guangyi is like this. His loyalty will never be comparable to others, but it is also because of this that he always does things and says things against his will." Number Five said, "He He is a veteran, everyone loves him and admires him, but almost no one has commented on him, because he is that kind of person, like a rock, a rock cannot be moved, there is nothing to comment on..."

(End of this chapter)

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