global variation

Chapter 238 A New Line of Defense

Chapter 238 A New Line of Defense
No. [-]'s evaluation of Shao Guangyi also formed a stone in my mind.

I stood aside and watched them pick up everyone's bones and wipe away the blood on the wall. I felt an indescribable sense of heaviness in my heart.

When Shao Guangyi was carried away from me, I noticed that his face had begun to turn green—he was dead, and the venom of the poison dart frog in his body had also begun to spread.

I frowned and turned away.

I didn't take a few steps when Mo Ge came to meet me.

I looked at Mo Ge, a little puzzled, and asked, "Where's Qiqi? You weren't with her?"

Mo Ge said: "Qiqi has already been arranged in the rest room. She is not in a good condition and always talks in her sleep."

"Really..." I was a little worried.

"Now, what are you going to do? Kill so many people and completely break with the resistance organization." Mo Ge said.

I said, "We broke up from the first shot they fired at us."

"Well, I think so." Mo Ge turned to look around with a half-smile, and said, "It seems that you plan to turn this place into your temporary base, right?"

I was silent for a moment, did not answer, but continued to walk forward and said, "Can you take care of the command room with me?"

But Mo Ge reached out and grabbed my arm, and said, "I should know your plan before I can cooperate with you."

"Do we have to negotiate terms for cooperation?" I didn't turn my head, but stopped and looked ahead coldly.

I need absolute support now, even if I didn't say it clearly, I also need others to support me unconditionally, I know, this is a bit selfish, but I have no choice, no choice.

I have experienced too many betrayals, and I have lingering fears.

Mo Ge slowly let go of my hand, I measured Lian, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry..."

Mo Ge smiled and said, "It's okay, what help do you need?"

Fortunately, she probably understood what I meant.

Mo Ge and I came to the command room together. At this time, those friends on No. [-], those who still have them, have cleaned up the entire terminal command room, and the clear map was printed on the clean wall again. I turned my face and looked Looking at the cleared red dots on the map, the clean ground, and the moving figures of our soldiers, I suddenly had a little bit of confidence. Of course, when I thought that such confidence was based on endless wars and killings When I went to class, my heart sank again, the feeling was indescribable, complicated and entangled, and I couldn't help myself.

I silently sat on the chair at the desk in the command room, looking ahead, Mo Ge was standing beside me, I let her dry for a while, and then slowly said, "Mo Ge, can you help me re-arm? We don't have many people, I don't have much experience, and I don't know how to fill the gap next."

"Are you going to protect the Fortress of Life, or the entire city of Guangzhou?" she asked.

I froze for a moment, thought twice, and said, "The whole city..."

"There are too few people," she said. "Dividing troops to guard will definitely lead to unnecessary sacrifices, unless the entire defense line is torn down."

"Then do as you wish."

She thought for a while and said, "There is only one way, that is, I don't know the strength of my troops near the residential areas of Guangzhou, and hold peace talks with the government to see if I can get some support from them."

"I can go to the peace talks." At this time, outside the command room, Tu Shu suddenly walked in and said, "My analysis shows that the relationship between the government army and the rebel organization should have entered an ice age."

"Is it?"

"Yes, it can be basically concluded..." Tu Shu said, "The resistance organization did it by itself."

"What do you think."

"It's very simple. This time the abandoned life fortress retreated to Hong Kong and did not greet the government forces. Otherwise, the government forces would not be caught off guard and would not support us." Tu Shu said, "This time the resistance organization is an extremely selfish move. That little bit of strength pushed the people and his former allies into the fire pit. You know, although the Fortress of Life was built by the resistance organization, a large part of the resources came from government support and public donations, which were only about 60.00 About [-]% of the funds came from the rebel organization through the support of the original family and some internal companies before the war. This is not counted. All the infrastructure in the temporary residential area of ​​​​Guangzhou City is funded by the government and has nothing to do with the rebel organization Well, their behavior of abandoning the fortress of life and giving up resistance and combat is completely equivalent to not paying attention to the government, isn't it?
I didn't speak, just stared at Tu Shu, and waited for her to continue. After a while, she said again: "Now the government must have a grudge against the rebel organization, and even wants to weaken them. Our team Emerging forces are definitely the first ones the government wants to win over. The government saved us, we owe the government a favor, and they may be waiting for us to come to them.”

Mo Ge on the side said, "Because they saved us, we owe a favor, so this matter will be more troublesome."

"You mean..." Tu Shu frowned, looking at Mo Ge.

Mo Ge said: "In this way, the government can just ask for any conditions?"

"It depends on who is going to negotiate." Tu Shu said with a faint smile, "If it's Miss Mo Ge, who we have always been proud of, then it will definitely not work. But for a shameless person like me. Maybe it's different, isn't it?"

"Dealing with the government is not necessarily safe." I said, "To be honest, I don't trust them very much. Although I am grateful for their life-saving grace, public and private...I..."

"I know you." Tu Shu said, "So, I didn't let you go either."

"You have to reconsider when you go." I said, "Now we are not on a firm footing, and I don't want anyone to have trouble."

"I'll be fine, what can I do?" Tu Shu ticked the corner of his mouth, and said, "They won't do anything to me, besides, at this point, each of us is nothing more than a rotten life , you are, and so am I, everyone is the same, it’s nothing to take a risk.”

I was silent, her words made me unable to refute.

"So, when are you going to act?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." Tu Shu yawned and said, "I'm too tired now, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Mo Ge glanced at Tu Shu, seemingly disdainful and dissatisfied.

I just nodded and said: "Okay, tomorrow, you will be in charge of contacting the Guangzhou government army. Now the infected people around here have been cleared up, but it doesn't mean that all the infected people have been cleared... Our The battle is far from over."

"I know, I know, Chief Chu, you are becoming more and more like a leader..." Tu Shu pouted, turned and left. I don't know why, at this time, I suddenly thought of Huang Qian, maybe it was Tu Shu's tone It touched me, maybe it was something else, in short, at this moment, I thought of Huang Qian, I thought of this girl who has always been glib, and every positive girl, I thought of many people, many people who have died, these people, Not even a body could be found.

When Tu Shu left, I couldn't help but heaved a long sigh and stared blankly at her back. After a long time, I finally regained my composure, turned to look at Mo Ge, and said, "We must deploy our defenses in advance."

"Are you in a hurry?" Mo Ge asked.

I nodded and said, "The resistance organization has suffered a loss. We have to prepare both ways. The government needs to contact us, and our defense line must be set up first... You tell me your prediction now."

Mo Ge nodded, came to the front of the map, stretched out his hand and said: "My plan is to let our defense line retreat to the vicinity of the residential area. There is no need to arrange anyone in front, and the terminal will completely control each sentry tower. If If the rebel organization wants to attack, there are two ways. One is to copy from behind. It is very troublesome to do so. Not only do they have to pass through residential areas, but they also have to consider the bearing capacity of the government forces. They must not want the government that is still vacillating The army is directly allied with us because of their impulse?"


"So, their wiser choice should be, like the church and the infected, to attack us from the front. If this is the case, the situation will be much better," Mo Ge said, "First of all, use the terminal to control the sentry tower Although the defense line is less mobile, its accuracy will be higher than that of human control. On this line of defense, it can already cause them a lot of losses. After they break through the line of defense, there are two options. One is Encircle and attack the fortress of life, so that our soldiers who have retreated to build fortifications near the residential area can attack them from behind, even if we have fewer people, it is not good for them, because in this way we can form an anti-encirclement."

"Well... yes..." I nodded.

"They still have another choice." Mo Ge continued, "That is to directly attack the line of defense in the residential area, take them down first, and then attack the life fortress in reverse. This method is safe, but... our people, At this time, they can withdraw to the residential area, so I believe they will not dare to attack."

"Using the people?"

"Yes." Mo Ge said, "Now is not the time for the benevolence of mother-in-law and mother-in-law. To use the people is also to protect the people."

I didn't say anything more, this is indeed a very safe way.

Mo Ge said: "It's probably like this. If the infected attack, they should be able to attack very effectively just by using the defense system on the line of defense. If they attack and break through the line of defense by surprise, then, without the support of the government, we will We can only fight to the death, there is nothing to say at all.”

"I understand," I nodded, "Do as you want, I'm waiting for news from Tu Shu now..." I was silent for a moment, and suddenly, I remembered another thing, "By the way, I There is another plan, maybe it's too early to say, but... I think it's better to discuss it early and make a plan than to be unprepared."

"Did you think of anything?" Mo Ge looked at me.

I said, "I want to discuss with the government army to rediscover the origin of the Ebola virus."

"Rediscover the origin?"

"Yes." I nodded and said, "Understanding the origin of the virus is the only way to cure the virus. In this battle of the fortress of life, the church has been hit hard, but it can also be seen that their new virus-infected people There are more and more new weapons are becoming more and more terrifying. The only way for us to defeat them from the root is to find the origin of the Ebola virus, just like Xie Chun taught them..."

"It's easier said than done." Mo Ge said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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