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Chapter 239 Weird Scene

Chapter 239 Weird Scene

I shook my head and said, "No matter how difficult it is, I still have to do it."

Mo Ge didn't continue talking, but just nodded and stood aside.

I suddenly felt a little embarrassed, our relationship has changed a bit quickly, although it is still the superior and the superior, but now I am the one giving orders, so I moved my eyes back to the screen, deliberately not meeting Mo Ge's eyes.

Mo Ge stood in front of me for a while, probably felt that I didn't want to pay attention to her, so he said, "Then, I'll go and order them to arm themselves first."

I nodded, but didn't speak.

Mo Ge left silently, and I continued to sit behind the desk.

At this time, I suddenly didn't know what to do. Everyone was ready to take their positions, but I didn't want to rest at all.

But my tired body finally made me slowly fall asleep behind the desk.

In my mind, that strange spot of light reappeared again, and the content there was still complicated, even becoming more and more difficult to figure out.

Every time I close my eyes, I always see that bloody scene, although I never understand what it is all about.

I don’t know how long it took, I guess I woke up slowly again, and this time when I woke up, I found that the corner of my mouth was bleeding—no pain, no very serious rejection reaction, and I didn’t even notice it at all There is something strange about the body.

The blood just lay down little by little, dripping on the table and dripping on the ground. I looked at the pool of bright red in astonishment, and gently wiped my cheek. At this moment, the door of the command room opened suddenly, and Mo Ge quickly Stepping forward: "Chu Tingsheng, the defense is already..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she froze in place, and her expression suddenly became serious, and she asked, "What's wrong with you? Rejection? I'll help you find the medical staff..."

"No need," I waved my hand and wiped away the blood from the corner of my mouth, "If you have anything to do, you can tell me directly."

"But... your body."

"I said don't worry." The corners of my mouth twitched. At this time, I don't want anyone to care about me needlessly. The guilt in my heart is already very deep. As for leaving, I feel that I should be the most damned person at this time, but I am not dead, and I still have to live to bear this indescribable and irrefutable guilt and pain.

Mo Ge looked a little embarrassed, but he calmed down quickly, and said, "I'm here to report to you that the defense has basically been completed."

I said, "Okay, then go back and rest."

Mo Ge looked to the side, with a hesitant expression, and then slowly left after a long time. The door of the command room opened slowly, and when she was about to leave for a moment, she turned her head slowly and said, "'d better pay attention to your body. "

"I have a sense of proportion." I said, pondered for a moment, and then asked, "How is Qiqi now, is she awake?"

"I'm awake, but my body is a little weak. Do you have anything to ask her?" Mo Ge asked.

I nodded and said, "If she's too tired, forget it."

Mo Ge sighed and said, "She's in lounge No. [-] on the second floor. You can find her when you have time. She misses you very much."

"Miss me?" I really never thought that there is still one person in this world who would miss me, even if it is just a little girl.

However, I still didn't intend to disturb her so soon. After Mo Ge left again, I felt a warm liquid rushing to my throat suddenly, and even choked me. I immediately started coughing loudly. That feeling couldn't be suppressed at all. After coughing, I found bloodstains all over the desktop, drawer openings and table legs in front of me.

I can't even believe that's what came out of my mouth.

What happened to my body, how did it become like this? !Am I already infected?When did it start?In the end what happened?
There is an inexplicable fear in my heart.

You know, what I hate the most is the infected. My only purpose, the only belief that supports me to live is to kill these infected people. If one day, I become one of them, I don’t know what I will doing what.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that my body was overwhelmed. I wanted to stand up, but found that my body was a little weak.

I didn't notice this at all just now.

I supported the table, and moved towards the door little by little. When I came to the door, I felt dizzy and completely paralyzed.

I sat by the door with my back against the wall. At the same time, the door of the command room was opened again. This time it was Tu Shu who came in. I only knew that she was standing beside me, but I didn’t have the energy to talk to her at all. I felt Tu Shu knelt down slowly and stared at me, but I still didn't have any strength. I felt her lips moving, as if she was saying something to me, but I couldn't hear it clearly. The voice seemed to come from the distant sky.I felt her reaching out and grabbing my shoulder. My blurred eyes could vaguely make out her mouth shape, as if she was calling my name, as if she was telling me not to close my eyes.

I couldn't control that much, I reached out and grabbed Tu Shu's arm, and said in a hissed voice, "You... don't tell anyone about my condition, it's not enough yet... Even if you call someone to come and treat you, you have to... find trust people..."

I could only vaguely hear my own voice, wondering if I had become gibberish.

But Tu Shu obviously understood what I meant. She nodded, stood up, and reached out to press the verification system on the wall. Immediately, a piercing electronic sound came from my ears.

This is the sound of the command room door being locked.

Tu Shu helped me up, and helped me sit on a chair beside me. At this moment, there were illusions in front of me.

It is still the spot of light, erratic, the content contained in the spot is clearer than before, and even the outlines of the characters have appeared. Those people seem to have their own personalities and expressions, and they seem to be telling me about themselves. life experience.

Throughout the ages, some people died, and some people came back to life.

In the jungle, on the hillside, in every human settlement.

I saw gravel being polished and smooth on the ground, I saw staggered roads appearing on a barren plain, I saw camel bells ringing horses, I saw rivers rushing, I saw people living by the river, I saw them plowing, they grazing... …

I saw iron hooves stepping over the tents of the tribe, I saw death and blood flowing in the world, and finally I saw tall buildings and mansions rising again among the rubble and broken walls.

I am afraid.

I feel that a history of human beings has been presented before my eyes, but I don’t know why I saw all this. I have never even seen a similar description from any book. There are many details, and it seems that I have begun to Presented in my mind.The savages living in the jungle split the thorns, escaped from the cage, and walked to the rivers and mountains, looking for the hope of life in the changing seasons.

I saw a certain emperor, he sang songs, he offered sacrifices to heaven and earth, and he prayed for good weather and good weather for the country and the people.

His every movement, every expression seems to be engraved in my mind.I have never seen this emperor in any TV series, and I have never seen such a scene in any drama.

I saw swords and swords, tanks in motion, assault boats landing, supplies dropped and field troops walking in the jungle. I have never seen such realistic scenes in any war film.

What exactly is this.

My mind is very chaotic, but I seem to have seen all the changes in the world, the vicissitudes of life, all the information is too large and too messy, as if someone deliberately poured all their memories into my mind , I was caught off guard and overwhelmed.

At some point, I had tightly grasped Tu Shu's hand, and I heard her voice.

"What's wrong with you? What do you want? How are you feeling now?"

I can't answer her.

I am still trapped in the endless time changes, I am walking on the timeline of thousands of years of human beings, and I even feel that I have never survived.

This feeling is too subtle to describe.

It was too scary for me to bear it at all.

I started to hiss when an old Molotov bomb exploded "in front of me" and at that moment I saw something that seemed to be a military flag and a group of Westerners who were fucking me I couldn't understand language, walking among the jungles - one of them seemed to be sick, he kept coughing, his facial features were bleeding, and red spots appeared on his body.

He was very weak and was dying.

What is this... Is this also part of some memory.

I tried to capture it, but at this moment, the scene in front of me began to collapse and shrink. It was a kind of brokenness without a sense of tearing, and it was also a kind of collapse without smoke and dust.

I clearly know the collapse of memory at this time, and I clearly know that some things seem to be blocked, and they seem to no longer be sent to my brain.

I seemed to be pulled back to reality in an instant.

Then, I coughed violently, and a stream of blood spewed out of my mouth again. I straightened up suddenly, and everything in front of me became clear.

I finally came back to reality.

I turned my face and looked at Tu Shu blankly.

Tu Shu's expression looked a little frightened.

"How are you, Chu Tingsheng!"

I shook my head, and after a long time, I slowly choked out a sentence: "'s fine..."

"Are you really okay?!" Tu Shu reconfirmed.

I nodded and said, "Just now, I saw a lot of strange phantoms, but now I...I feel..." I moved my body, and I felt that everything seemed to be back to normal, and I was even more energetic than before. And the blood that comes out seems to be the superfluous things in the body. When they leave the body, not only will it not make me feel uncomfortable, but it will make me feel more relaxed.

"What did you see?" Maybe seeing that I didn't answer, Tu Shu asked again.

"I can't tell." I really didn't know how to tell her, "I saw a lot, too much..."

(End of this chapter)

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