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Chapter 240 The Broken Dream

Chapter 240 The Broken Dream
"I have to find someone to help you take a look..." Tu Shu said.

I shook my head and said, "No, you are undoubtedly shaking the morale of the army by asking someone to help me now."

"A group of remnants and defeated generals, what kind of morale do they have?" Tu Shu was a little extreme, perhaps because everything Zhang Chu had done had made her unable to bear the pain in front of her. She should not have been such an extreme and unsteady person.

I shook my head again and said, "No, no, because everyone is vulnerable and scared now, I can't let them know... You should know that my symptoms are very similar to infection, which is the most serious problem... ..."

"You..." Tu Shu looked at me.

I smiled lightly and said, "I have nothing to do with it for the time being...but you need to promise me one thing."

"What do you want to say..." Tu Shu's expression made me feel that she already knew what I was going to say.

"What I want to say is, if I have any abnormal condition, please shoot me immediately, before I completely lose consciousness, understand?" I said irrefutably.

"I...I understand..." Tu Shu nodded slowly.

I sighed, and said: "I want to take a good rest for a while, you go out, if you can, help me clean up the blood here first."

"Okay..." Tu Shu said.

We quickly tidied up the entire command room, trying our best to conceal people's eyes and ears. Afterwards, Tu Shu turned and left. She didn't even say a word afterwards, as if she deliberately avoided something.

I had already stayed silently in the command room, although I had some different fears, I closed my eyes again.

I have to rest, I don't know what's wrong with my body, I only know that as long as I close my eyes, there will be many strange things in front of my eyes, and these things seem to lead me to a certain place, or to understand something. Things—what are those Westerners, is that sick Westerner just infected with Ebola, why are they in front of me, I don't know them at all, what is it?What is that jungle? By the way, I still seem to see the fiercely fluttering battle flag there--the battle flag, I only realized it at this time, it seems to be the national flag of Japan, why is it Japan?I suddenly thought of Li Wentian, what all this means.

It's a pity that Li Wentian is dead, and I may never know what is hidden in his heart.

Does this matter have anything to do with Japan?
Or, is it related to those Westerners?
Is it related to that jungle?

I was lost in thought.

I couldn't help but want to fall asleep again and explore those memories again, so I started to sleep as hard as I could, trying my best to calm down my body and mind, quiet in my own world, and I felt my body slowly Sinking, sinking to the bottom of the valley little by little, approaching that unknown abyss little by little, this time, I calm down and suppress my fear, this time, what I need is to explore quietly, to dig deep in my heart something unknown.

I believe that these things do not belong to me.

I don't believe in past lives and future lives in this world, let alone myths. Even if I believe in gods, I still regard this "god" as something that can be explained from a material point of view. Believe that these memories are mythical, they will appear, there must be a reason for their appearance.

I finally went deep into that abyss again.

Swamps, jungles, a dark night, the stars are hidden, and the distant mountains are sneaking.

I heard the sound of the sea, this is an island, and I am a bystander, I do not belong to this world, but I just watch every move in this world.I saw a small team camping on the beach of the island. Their people looked at the distant mountain and the hillside on another island. I felt that they seemed to be yearning, as if yearning for freedom.

At this time, I felt like I was hiding in a tree. They couldn't see me, but I could spy on their every move. I heard that they were speaking some incomprehensible words-this is a human language , I don’t know if it’s German, French or another Germanic language. In short, it won’t be Japanese, let alone Chinese.

I looked at them silently.

At this time, one of them stood up and punched the trunk of a tropical plant beside me. I felt a slight shock. My body seemed to have received some kind of special impact, and I felt a dull pain, and that person's hand was also scratched by the tree trunk. Broken, he stared at me while clutching his painful hand, and also stared at the tree trunk for a long time before slowly leaving.

The moment that person left, in his back view, I slowly fell asleep, and the scene gradually faded away.

My only memory is that the clothes of that person and the team are very similar to what I saw in some war TV dramas, the clothes worn by German soldiers during World War II. These people are probably the German army, but they The location is more like an island in the Pacific Ocean. I remember that the Pacific War was mainly a contest between the United States and Japan, but German soldiers never participated. So what happened to all this?Why am I on this island, why are these westerners staying on this island?

I couldn't understand what I saw more and more.

But I was already very tired. I fell asleep slowly. I don’t know how long I slept. When I woke up, I found myself slumped under the tables and chairs in the command room, very embarrassed, but fortunately, probably no one saw me. In this state, the command room was still quiet. I grabbed the corner of the table, like a drunk person, slowly got up, shook my head, and couldn't help but glance at the electronic map on the side. According to the display on the map, Mo Ge's defense It's all done, the entire city of Canton is now under our protection, and, I've noticed, the position of government forces seems to have changed as well.

Could it be that after I slept for so long, even Tu Shu had already finished what was supposed to be done?
I couldn't help standing up and walking outside.

There was silence in the corridor, and I couldn't even see a few people. I walked past the strange noises and came to the window at the end of the corridor. The automatic supply and vending device on the wall seemed to be repaired, so I pressed it casually.Since there is no restriction on the terminal of the rebel organization, this thing has also become completely free to use.It's just that I don't know how long such a "communist" life can last, after all, we don't have any backup resources.

A can of Coke fell out of the machine. I opened the can and poured it down my neck. Fortunately, there was no smell of blood in the Coke. I finally felt relieved. It seemed that everything here, my body, had recovered original appearance.

Standing by the bed, I drank the entire Coke, then squashed the can and threw it in the trash can beside me.

The plain outside the window is still as calm as usual, there is not even a trace of blood. The earth is tolerant, able to receive everything, wash everything away, smash everything, and dissipate everything.

I decided to take a look at Qiqi. The time on the metal wall screen told me that I had slept for a day and a night. I turned around and checked the records of personnel coming and going on the genetic verification device in the command room to confirm that no one else had entered the command room. Then I went to visit Qiqi at the location Mo Ge said yesterday with peace of mind.

When I came to the room where Qiqi was, the little girl was sitting at the table, staring blankly at the front, motionless, as if she was thinking, when she saw me coming in, she still kept that expression, this It made me very worried, Qiqi didn't have this kind of character at all, I don't know what those bastards did to her, but I didn't dare to disturb her for fear of frightening her, so I sat on the metal chair beside her Go up, watching her quietly, waiting for her reaction.

Qi Qi was silent in front of me for at least five or six minutes before she looked at me as if she had just woken up from a dream, and said, "Huh? Brother Chu Tingsheng, when did you come in, why don't I know?"

I frowned.

Her mental state was really weird. I reached out and touched her head, but she took my hand away, looked me up and down with her big eyes, and said, "Hey, why do you move your feet as soon as you come up? What do you want to do?" ?”

It seemed that she had temporarily returned to her original appearance. I forced a smile and said, "I just came to see you."

"Then you saw it!" She stood up and turned around in front of me, her light purple dress was like a flower blooming.

Then, she giggled, and took my hand mischievously - she didn't allow me to touch her at first, but now she doesn't let me go.

She said: "Let me see my brother too, I haven't seen you for a long time, I feel that you are getting old..."

I was stunned for a moment, and I couldn't help squatting down, facing her, and said, "My brother is getting old, but you, do you have any discomfort in your body?"

"No." She seemed a little puzzled, and said, "It just feels like I've slept for a long time, and my body is a little light, hehe..."

I am still worried.

Her face was pale, definitely not healthy.

I asked again, "Then what were you thinking just now?"

"Me? No." Qiqi shook her head and said, "I was in a daze just now, and no one was with me, so I fell asleep by myself..."

The way she looked just now was definitely not sleeping.

However, she didn't seem to notice it herself.

"I had a dream..." She pouted and said, "It's kind of a scary dream."

"What dream?" I asked eagerly.

"It's just... I feel like I'm in a very dark place, very dark and small place, I dare not move, dare not shout..." Qiqi said incoherently, "I know I can't shout because someone told me Yes, I heard footsteps, and many numbers, scurrying back and forth in front of my eyes... um..." She lowered her head slightly, apparently restraining her emotions.

She is a sensible girl, she will not be distressed like ordinary little girls, and she also knows how to control herself.

But at this time, her expression was clearly unwilling to recall everything in the dream.

It was obviously too cruel to force her to remember, so I reached out and touched the back of her head and said, "Don't think about it, it's just a dream."

"That's right!" She raised her head, returned to normal again, and said with a smile, "I knew it was just a dream, so I tried my best to push away the dark things in front of me, and then I woke up, and I saw you, brother !"

(End of this chapter)

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