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Chapter 241 77's Heart

Chapter 241 Qiqi's Heart

I smiled lightly, patted Qiqi on the head, and said, "Well, if you have nightmares in the future, don't be afraid."

"Of course I'm not afraid, Qiqi is very brave." Qiqi said.

The corners of my mouth curled slightly, and I felt a little bitter. After all, this little girl has endured too much. The entire team may even be related to the life and death of human beings.

At this time, the door of the room opened automatically, and Mo Ge walked in.

"Sister Mo Ge." Before I could react, Qi Qi ran over.

Mo Ge picked up Qiqi, teased her for a while, then put her down again, and said, "Qiqi, can you go get some drinks for your brother and sister?"

"Okay, can Qiqi drink too?" Qiqi asked.

"Of course." Mo Ge said with a smile, "It's at the end of the corridor, go back quickly."

"Okay!" Qiqi ran out happily.

I realized that Mo Ge must have something to say to me.After Qi Qi left, I looked at Mo Ge and said bluntly: "Tell me, what's going on."

"Qiqi's situation is very worrying, have you found out?" Mo Ge said.

"She's in a bad state of mind," I said. "It's hard to say what's going to happen if this goes on."

"Several researchers have already analyzed her condition yesterday." Mo Ge said.

"The result?" I asked.

"The result is very unsatisfactory." Mo Ge said, "According to them, a large part of her memory was artificially blocked, which caused a large part of her cerebral cortex to be unable to function. If this continues, it is very likely It will cause damage to her brain function, and if things go on like this, there may be very serious consequences... In addition, in fact, if according to what they said, the method of forcibly opening her memory by the resistance organization is helping her instead. We suspend this action, although it temporarily protects Qi Qi, it is actually not a long-term solution."

I was silent.

That’s what happens when you believe you’re doing the right thing, but it’s not necessarily the case, and reality often slaps you in the face.

After a long time, I looked at Mo Ge and said, "I want to know now, the artificial shielding you mentioned, do you mean that someone helped her shield that part of the memory, or was it her own subconscious shielding?"

"It's hard to say. What they told me is that some people deliberately hide some things, but those things will occasionally show up when Qiqi is talking. This is one; the other is..." Mo Ge paused and said "Qiqi himself is consciously avoiding himself. Although what he avoids seems to be different from what 'that person' wants to hide, the two are intertwined, so the process of shielding is very complicated. ... You know, the brain is a very wonderful organ of the human body, very different from ordinary organs."

I nodded.

Mo Ge said again: "I don't understand these things, I just want to hear your opinion."

I shook my head and said, "I don't understand this either, but I still don't advocate acting like a resistance organization."

"You think that will hurt Qiqi."

"Yes, I don't want her to take any risks," I said, "and as things stand, we still have time..."

"The key is the content of her brain..." Mo Ge said, "What is in her memory, what is that person or those people trying to hide, and what are they trying to do."

"I have an idea." I pondered again, and then said, "This idea has also been mentioned by people from the resistance organization, but now, I want to clear my mind."

"you say……"

I thought for a while and said, "Qiqi told me that she dreamed that she was in a dark environment in a dream, and someone told her not to shout or make a sound, otherwise it would be dangerous and there would be terrible things in there. Move around. I suspect that is part of her memory, and it is very likely that it was a memory generated under a certain environment..."

"What is it..." Mo Ge was silent for a moment, and then said, "Could it be that you suspect..."

Mo Ge understood what I meant.

I nodded and said: "Yes, my thought is, could this be the situation when her parents were killed? Qiqi is so young, and according to the style of the church, they are unlikely to survive. It is because she was protected by her parents that she has survived to this day. If my guess is correct, then Xie Chun may have left important information on this girl."

"Treat his daughter? Doesn't he know how much pain this will bring to his daughter? Do you think he... bears it?"

I smiled and said, "It's nothing to bear. According to what you have always said, Xie Chun is also a person who can give everything for science. For the safety of the entire human being, after weighing the pros and cons, I think she is very likely to To make such a choice..."

Mo Ge fell silent.

I added: "So the part of Qiqi's hidden memory is the death of her parents, and the part that is considered to be hidden is probably the clue left by her father Xie Chun..."

"Then what do you think..."

"It seems that there is no way to separate these two things..." I said, "But... I think, maybe we can help her in the most direct way instead of using so-called science and medicine to harm her body. Forcibly restoring this memory...Although it is still cruel, at least that kind of restoration has a more spontaneous nature and should not cause too much damage to her body."

"You take her back to where she came from?" Mo Ge asked.

I nodded and said, "Take her home, take her to see the scenery I have seen before, and even take her to see the scene where her parents died."

"You..." Mo Ge thought for a while and said, "But now it seems that there is only one way..."

What else do I want to say.

But at this time, Qi Qi had already turned around, bouncing around and handing the drink in his hand to Mo Ge and me.

I stroked her head, feeling a little sad in my heart, but this kind of affection is not suitable for a cruel battlefield, so I said, "Qiqi, let me ask you a question."

"What?" Qiqi looked at me seriously.

I said, "Do you remember where you lived when you were a kid?"

"Live with godfather and godmother." Qiqi said.

I shook my head and said, "No, what I want to ask is where you were born."

"I don't remember..." Qi Qi said after being silent for a long time.

I looked up at Mo Ge and asked in a low voice, "Do you know?"

"I... can find out Xie Chun's home." Mo Ge said.

I gritted my teeth, and said to Qiqi again: "Qiqi, let me ask you... If we want to take you home and bring you back your old memories, would you like it?"

"Can I...can I find my parents?" Qiqi said, "Do you know where they are? My godfather and godmother said that they sent me away with their own hands. Qiqi didn't understand why they took me away. Sending Qiqi away, actually Qiqi has a lot to say to them... Well... In fact, Qiqi misses them very much, even though Qiqi can't remember what they look like..."

I feel more and more sad.

I don't want to lie to Qiqi, but at this moment, there seems to be no other way.

I stroked her hair and said, "I can't guarantee that you will see your parents, but... I can guarantee that you will have a better idea of ​​where they went..." I paused, then said, " Have you ever thought that your godfather and godmother will lie to you?"

"You lied to me? What did you lie to me for?" Qiqi stared at me.

I looked at Mo Ge, Mo Ge didn't speak, and turned his face to one side, as if he didn't want to intervene. I know that she doesn't want to hurt Qi Qi more than I do, but she also knows that this is the best choice, and the decision I made , she also knew that she could not change, so I continued: "Maybe, you were not sent away by your family when you were young, but for other reasons. In addition, your godfather and godmother may not be as you imagined." Like the ones in, maybe, they are another kind of people..."

"Another kind of person? What are you talking about, Brother Chu?" Qi Qi was still waiting for her innocent eyes, looking at me stupidly.

I gritted my teeth and said, "If your godfather and godmother are bad people, they treat you well just to take advantage of you know what I mean?"

"Ah?" Qi Qi was obviously a little frightened, and said, "No, godfather and godmother treat me very well, and I am very happy at home. They really treat me very well, really..."

I smiled and said: "You are still young, you may not understand many things, but I want you to promise that we will not harm you..."

"I...Of course I know." Qiqi said, "Of course I know that you won't harm me. You are very kind to me, but godfather and godmother have always been kind to me. Otherwise, you have Take me to find my godfather and godmother first, maybe they can help, I..."

My heart tightened slightly, and I immediately interrupted her, saying: "Qiqi, you should rest first, we will arrange this matter..."

Qiqi is also considered well-behaved, she nodded, although her face was full of doubts, she didn't say much, seeing her expression that didn't match her age, I didn't know what kind of attitude I should take to face her.

(End of this chapter)

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