global variation

Chapter 242 Plan Arrival

Chapter 242 Plan Arrival
I left Qiqi's room, stood in the corridor, silent, I was waiting for Mo Ge, I knew that Mo Ge would follow soon, after about ten minutes, Mo Ge finally came out of the room with a solemn expression .

"She's asleep again?" I asked.

Mo Ge nodded, and said, "She's been sleepy very easily recently, and I'm afraid her brain has suffered some shock, so..."

I sighed and said, "Let her rest for a few days. How is the defense around the base?"

"Everything is normal. It seems that Tu Shu has reached an agreement with the government, but she hasn't come back yet." Mo Ge always has a weird expression when talking about Tu Shu.

"Then let's talk about it when she comes back." I sighed.

"That's the only way to go." Mo Ge said.

Just at this moment, the communication device that I had kept around my waist and barely touched vibrated. I took out the communication device and switched it on.

Tu Shu's voice came from over there: "I'm back, and it's smoother than expected. It seems that the government and the rebel organization are already at loggerheads."

"You can talk about it when you come back." I said.

"I'm already waiting for you in the command room, my officer." Tu Shu said lazily.

I froze for a moment, and could only say, "Soon, I'll be right there."

Putting down the communication device, I looked at Mo Ge and couldn't help asking: "Is it possible for anyone to enter the command room now?"

"No..." Mo Ge said, "Sorry, when you were resting, we took our own initiative and restored the original gene code account information. Except for deleting those who originally resisted the organization, no other changes were made. Therefore, at the account level of me and Tu Shu, we can still enter the highest command room and only the terminal at will, if you think this will affect you, you can ask the researchers to help you..."

"No need." I waved my hand and said, "I'm just asking casually."

After finishing speaking, I turned around and walked to the terminal command room.

At this time, I don't have too many other things to control.

I just want to grasp the clear clues quickly, and even grasp the overall situation.

Although it seems very difficult.

I went back to the command room, and Tu Shu was sitting alone behind his desk drinking beer, looking very leisurely, I couldn't help crying and laughing when I saw it, and said, "Are you celebrating yourself?"

"Shouldn't I celebrate for myself?" Tu Shu said with a smile, "If it was you, would you be able to manage things so smoothly?"

I sighed and said, "I'm not sure, forget it... let's talk about the situation."

"The government promised to give us a certain amount of financial assistance and cooperate with us in defense." Tu Shu said, "However, the conditions are also very harsh."

"What is it?"

"They asked us to organize and conduct investigations by ourselves while guarding the entire Guangzhou residential area with the Guangzhou army," Tu Shu said.


"That's right, they want us to investigate the origin of Ebola by ourselves. They basically agree with some of our guesses about the origin of Ebola, but they are not sure, so they are not going to give us any help." Tu Shu said, "At least Now they are not going to give us any assistance. We need to organize our own investigation. The most support they can give is air support or fire assistance when we need to go deep into local strongholds. They think this is already the maximum assistance As you know, the government is strong in science and technology, but its people are also valuable, and they don’t want any large-scale sharp decline in their own troops, otherwise they cannot guarantee the stability of the regime.”

"I probably understand." Although I said so, I was a little annoyed in my heart.

My wishful thinking was wrong. The government did not intend to provide investigation assistance. It seems that we still have to find a needle in a haystack by ourselves, but I am more or less satisfied. Being able to form a defense with the government and live to support and support means that we At least to be able to gain a foothold in the Fortress of Life for a relatively long period of time, and use this as a base to develop and grow myself. Thinking of this, I began to have other plans in my heart.

Tu Shu also said: "In terms of funds, the government can give us strong support, but they still have reservations about technology."

"Understandable," I said, "we don't use that much technology either."

"Then what are your thoughts now, do you have any new ideas?" Tu Shu stood up, put the beer can on the table, and said.

I smiled and said, "No complete plan yet."

"I don't see it right?" Tu Shu said, "The land that I, Tu Shu, taught me should be well-developed at this time."

"I..." I smiled lightly and said, "It seems that I'm sorry for your master."

"Hmph..." Tu Shu smiled again, and said, "I'm not Mo Ge, and you shouldn't treat me like Mo Ge. If you don't want to say, Mo Ge will definitely not ask you, but I'm different, you The more I don't want to talk about it, so I want to ask clearly, what exactly are you thinking, what are your plans, tell me, anyway, I can be considered your master."

I took a deep breath, still a bit dumbfounded, but since Tu Shu had already asked about this, it would be a bit hypocritical for me not to say it. After thinking about it, I said: "I believe that in this world, we are not only resisting, but also There are not only the two teams of the resistance organization and the government army, as long as we rely on the fortress of life and the government as the backing, we are not afraid that we will not be able to expand our team.”

"You mean, can we expand the staff?"

I nodded and said, "Isn't it? This is the best way for us."

"Do you really want to take in talented folks and strangers? It seems that your ambition is not small." Tu Shu said.

I shook my head and said, "I don't have any ambitions, I just want to do what I should do."

"What you should do... Do you think this is what you should do?" Tu Shu asked.

I nodded and said, "Maybe it wasn't before, but things have come to this point, and they are all forced. I just want to live, and I want each of you to live."

"It seems that you really have a compassionate temperament." I always feel that Tu Shu's words are sarcasm, but I have heard such words from Gao Peng. I don't know what compassion is, and I have never felt that I am Savior, every time I do things, I don't think so much. I'm not so selfless, I just have my own set of principles. I am doing things according to my own principles and what I feel is right.

Perhaps sometimes, fate does have certain factors that cannot be changed.

Seeing that I was silent, Tu Shu asked again: "Then what is your plan, and what do you want to do next? How do you go about investigating?"

"Two aspects." Speaking of this, being so stimulated by Tu Shu, some thoughts appeared in my mind, "I remember Lin Wan left some things, some research reports and data, and those things may be helpful to us , those materials, if they were not taken away, should be in the place where Zhu Qing once lived, and I believe Zhu Qing can keep those materials well."

"You still trust Lin Wan."

"Lin Wan will give everything for science, and she only has research and science in her mind." I said coldly, "I don't think I need to say more about the others."

"Okay, what about the other aspect?" Tu Shu asked.

I said: "On the other hand, Qiqi, Qiqi's mind is filled with things related to Xie Chun. I hope that I can take her to retrieve those memories. It is different from the method of the resistance organization. I hope our method is more natural. Some, instead of coercing her with drugs or hypnosis, I took her to see and face all that, and I wanted to untie her knots and solve our problems.”

"You want to take her to see Xie Chun's old house?" Tu Shu asked.

I nodded and said, "That's right."

"You know her mental state, maybe doing that will not hurt less than hypnosis." Tu Shu said.

I frowned, remained silent for a moment, and then said, "I hope she can have a choice of her own."

"Well, since you think so..." Tu Shu hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "Then I can only agree with it."

I didn't speak, just bowed my head slightly.

"You know, why do I have to tell you?" Tu Shu said.

I frowned and looked up at her.

"Because this is your great shortcoming." Tu Shu said, "Have you thought about it? There are many things that others can help you with, but you always think of a way in your heart before you are willing to do it. You are afraid No one supports you, you are afraid of opposition and doubt from others, you are still not very confident in nature, or in essence, you still don’t trust the people around you very much, and you don’t trust us too much, otherwise why would you do this?”

I nodded.

I can only accept that Tu Shu's words are not pleasant, but they hit the nail on the head.

"Okay." Tu Shu said, "You can arrange the tasks. I think this plan is already mature. You don't need to worry about anything. You should know that time is everything now."

"Well, I understand." I nodded.

"Okay, you are the officer." Tu Shu smiled and left the command room without saying anything more.

I turned around and looked at the electronic map on the wall.

I feel that another big battle is about to start, and the preparation time for this big war will not be too long. Although the scene may not be that huge, the bloody storm may even be more bloody than before.

I frowned and sat behind the desk, gradually lost in thought.

In fact, there is one more thing I didn't say. It's not because I don't want to say it, but because I really can't say it, and I can't say it clearly.

That was everything in my dream, and I suddenly felt that everything seemed to be a very important clue - the sudden death of the swordsman, the few words Gao Peng said, my constantly changing strange body, and that dream, The Japanese military flag, those Westerners living on the island, the scenes that can only be seen in those war movies, the petrol bombs falling from the sky, and the materials dropped.All of this cannot be everything I have experienced, let alone some fragments left in my memory.

My memory from childhood to adulthood is very clear. I am an ordinary person, and it is absolutely impossible to awaken the so-called past life.

I stood up, closed my eyes, and tried to capture that in my waking hours, but there was nothing.

I am a little frustrated.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a long beep from the genetic verification device next to the electronic gate.

"Who?" I asked through the terminal.

"I am number five." The other side of the door replied, "I have something very important to report to you."

(End of this chapter)

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