global variation

Chapter 243 Mutation

Chapter 243 Mutation
No. [-] suddenly came to see me, absolutely nothing good.

I was not mentally prepared for this situation. I frowned and thought for a long time before I said, "Come in." Immediately after pressing the control button of the terminal command room, the door of the command room opened slowly, and No. [-] walked in quickly. , I looked at him, he held a stack of materials in his hand, handed it to me, and said: "This is the news briefing I just asked people to collect from various places. The briefing shows that the problem is serious now." No. [-] said.

I frowned at Number Five and said, "What's the matter?"

"You can take a look for yourself." He said respectfully, but I saw more of a really weird smile from his expression.

He is a person who fears the world will not be chaotic, and has a strong desire for revenge. It is hard for me to imagine where his smile comes from.

I picked up the briefing and looked at it carefully, and suddenly felt shuddering.

I have a feeling that I have been cheated.

I seemed to be led by the nose by the rebel groups and the church.

I always thought that the main combat power of the church was put on the battle of the Fortress of Life. I thought that even if this battle could not completely defeat them, it would seriously damage their vitality, but I was wrong. It's just a ploy to delay time. The situation before our eyes is that the infection has spread around the world. Although China is the center of the spread, the frightening thing is that the spread has even crossed the ocean and reached the Americas. and the surrounding areas of Australia and other countries.

Moreover, because the Church Bensen has infiltrated European and American forces, sporadic cases of suspected infected persons have appeared in some areas of European and American countries, or the existence of Ebola virus has been discovered.

However, all of this is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that folk rumors have become more and more miraculous. The infected person seems to have changed from a beast that everyone hates to an evil god or devil that people fear.

There is a data record that reads: A certain citizen saw such an infected person on the outskirts of the city. He was riding a war horse with only a skeleton and a part of the skin, holding a raging fire. Although he looked ugly, he was extremely majestic. , but has lightning speed.According to the citizen's recollection, the old people in the village thought it was an evil god descending to earth, and even worshiped it, but the infected person did not show mercy to the worshiper, but massacred the entire village.

When I read this passage, Number Five also came behind me, and said sinisterly: "The ignorance of human beings will eventually lead everyone to the road of extinction."

I didn't speak, just stared at the briefings in a daze.

I have never seen the infected people who are regarded as gods by people. I have no idea what they look like, what abilities they have, what habits they have, and what their weaknesses are. I don’t know if one day I How should I deal with such an infected person? I think I will definitely be intimidated. This is also what I am most worried about. If I am intimidated, half of the battle will be lost.

After a long time, I put down the briefing and materials and said, "You mean, the whole world is being eroded now?"

"Yes, I think this is an opportunity," said Number Five. "A great opportunity."

"You say." I know, in fact, when I calmed down, I already expected that Number Five would say that, and Number Five's fanaticism has reached a certain level that makes people feel terrible. Although I have known each other not long ago, I have already discovered that This mania will definitely drive him to find opportunity and value in any crisis situation.I calmed down and said, "Tell me, what can you do."

No. [-] said: "It's very simple. The more chaotic it is now, the better it is for us. The people can no longer rely on rebel organizations and government forces to resist the infection. There will definitely be many rebel organizations among the people... many capable people Aliens, and we must take this opportunity to guide this group of people to establish our own power, so that we can gain a foothold."

"Do you have a plan?" I asked.

"Of course." He said with a hook on the corner of his mouth, "We must win a few good victories first, so that we can stand out."

"Are we capable of fighting?" I said.

Number Five said: "We can also bring government troops into the war. In this way, the credit is ours, but we don't have to spend too much effort."

"The government army is very principled in helping us." I sneered, "They will not be so stupid."

"If we lure the infected to destroy the city's infrastructure, they will have to join the war." Number Five's smile was still sinister.

"You mean letting infected people into the city?"

"That's right, we can take the lead in launching an attack, and deliberately expose flaws when the infected counterattack. As long as there is a problem with our defense line, the government will inevitably rescue the people in order to protect the people." I said, "The people will only blame the government If we are not given the necessary resources to a non-governmental organization like us that is swearing to defend the city of Guangzhou, we will definitely not think that we are at a disadvantage in fighting."

I gritted my teeth and said, "Have you ever thought about how many innocent people will die like this?"

"Necessary sacrifices must be made." He said coldly, "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. This is our best opportunity, and we must not miss it. Stand on foot, our brothers may soon be wiped out by the rebel organization. At that time, without the need for the church to do anything, we will collapse first."

I feel a little uncomfortable.

I was a little angry at first, but after listening to his words, I actually started to contradict myself. Yes, these people followed me because they trusted me. I said that I would definitely let them survive. Now, this opportunity is How could I pass up our only chance to survive?

"I'll think about it again." I said, "You go first."

"Don't think about it." Number Five said coldly, "Are you going to put our life or death at risk?"

I shook my head.

He said: "What do you mean by shaking your head, we don't need your silence!"

He is persecuting me. Sure enough, this person will cause me a lot of trouble.

Moreover, more importantly, he is much older than me and has more experience than me. My city is definitely not as deep as him, and I have no way to completely control such a person.

I remain silent.

He looked at me coldly.

The two of us seemed to be caught in a heart war. After a while, I couldn't stand the silence, and said slowly: "I can attack first, if it succeeds..."

"Okay, I know what you mean." The corner of No. [-]'s mouth twitched, and said, "There's no need to say any more."

I frowned and looked aside.

He was about to turn around and leave, and said: "At first I thought that you could really give it a go for our group of defeated soldiers, but it seems that I was wrong. You also have your own ideas, it seems that we still can't do it share weal and woe……"

"What are you talking about?!" I was a little angry and stood up.

I was about to get angry at the time, and Number Five turned his face, and his expression was a little crazy.

And at this moment, a siren blared suddenly, and both of us opened our eyes wide.

"What happened?!" I rushed behind the desk and yelled loudly at the terminal.

"The infected are attacking." Mo Ge's voice was very eager, "The troops are gathering."

"Who leads the team?!" I asked.

"It''s a..." Mo Ge seemed a little puzzled, and after a long time, he said, "It's an infected person that I've never seen before, and it seems to be riding a war horse!"

"What?!" I was dumbfounded, looking up at number five.

No. [-] still had a smile in his eyes, and said, "Hmph... It seems that everything is not groundless."

I wasn't in the mood to care about his schadenfreude, so I quickly called up the electronic map.

The infected in this attack were only a small team, but the speed of this small team was unusually fast.

"What the hell is it!" I started to contact the defense personnel in the base, and said, "Quickly call out the monitoring device on the defense system!"

"The monitoring device has been destroyed!" The reply on the other side made me feel cold.

I was a little excited, grabbed a sniper rifle leaning against the table, and rushed to the corridor outside.

At this time, No. [-] was still following me, but I saw from the corner of my eye that he still had a mocking expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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