global variation

Chapter 244 Flame Knight

Chapter 244 Flame Knight
I quickly came to the observation deck and looked down, only to see a group of infected people tell the movement in the open space not far away. The guy in the lead was actually riding a war horse. Looking down, the war horse really has the "style" of an infected person. The so-called war horse has become a skeleton, and the bright red transparent skin covers the whole body. It seems that the beating heart, the flowing blood, and the beating blood vessels can be clearly seen.The horse's head was full of sharp teeth, and I seemed to be able to hear the rattling sound, and the pair of iron hooves had bony spurs, blood dripping, and barbs.What's more important is that guy on horseback. Judging from the exposed half of his shoulder, that guy's body is riddled with holes, bloody and bloody, and his skin and flesh overlap. It's impossible to tell where he is. His muscles were not deformed sarcoma, and the other half of his body and the entire legs, including the head and face, were wrapped in a large cloak.

There was a sword in the hand sticking out of the cloak, and sure enough, the long sword was burning with flames—it was not so much holding it as it was growing on the body.

Similar to the infected people I met before, the bone sword came out of the arm, but the difference was that the long sword was covered with flames, burning and entangled.

I never thought that the body of an infected person could be strengthened to this extent.

At this time, he seemed to have his legs clamped, and the horse under his crotch did not neigh, but just galloped forward, and the infected people behind him followed suit. The defense systems on both sides immediately activated and began to shoot at the ground, bullets After piercing through the horse's skin, the blood flowed and spattered, but he still charged forward, and when he raised his hand suddenly, a thick flame "serum" sprayed out from the flaming long sword, which shot straight towards the defense system above. Amidst the explosion, I only saw a puff of black smoke billowing up and scattering in all directions.

I aimed at the head of the infected man in the cloak and pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle. I was sure that the shot would hit him. However, instead of dodging the shot, the guy turned his face away instead.

I am at least 20 meters away from the ground. Although the observation deck is not high, it is not short either.

At this time, that guy raised the flaming long sword in his hand, swiped it in the air, and a flame followed the strength of his raised hand, turning into a half-moon "scimitar" and slashing towards him. I quickly retreated and almost hit the ground. On the body of No. [-] behind him, the flame split the fence outside the watchtower, and the black rock was still rushing—the fence had become distorted under the flame—how high is the temperature for such a situation to occur? ? !
When the haze cleared, I rushed back to the fence. The infected had been pushed back by the defense system, but a large area of ​​metal guns near the defense system was burnt black.

Mo Ge's voice came from the communication device: "The new infected seem to have a special ability to destroy the defense system, Chu Tingsheng, what should we do now?"

"There is no other way." I gritted my teeth and said, "Before he destroys the defense system, we must have someone out of the base to stop him!"

"Leaving the base to stop him?" Mo Ge asked.

"Yes." I said, "Try to minimize their damage to the automatic defense system, otherwise, once reinforcements come up, we will have no chance of winning."

"Okay, but there are not many people in the base." Mo Ge said.

"If there are not many, we will rush out." I said coldly, "You can fight while retreating, and try to hold the guy in front as much as possible. As for the guy behind, you can kill as many as you can."


After speaking, I took my gun to the edge of the watchtower again, gritted my teeth, and stared at the infected people moving below.

Their team has begun to be a little chaotic, but the guy riding the horse is still waving the flaming "long sword", unscrupulously drawing half-moon-shaped flames into the air. This kind of scene is not so much a spectacle of technology. It is better to say that it is a magical fantasy. The movements of those guys are extremely fast, and the rushing flames have become their cover. With corrosive flames, they directly hit the upright high wall, and bursts of explosions burst out on the metal wall. A burst of black smoke, although not every time can hit the target, but the entire defense system has also shown signs of disorder.

I took the opportunity and fired a shot at the infected team below. This time I didn't attack the guy in the lead, but directly hit the middle of the infected group. Immediately, their team became more chaotic, and the surrounding area was filled with ashes. Since then, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and I noticed that these infected people seemed to be more sensitive to the smell of blood due to their strength. When their companions were killed, they approached the corpses of their companions one after another. He wanted to get a share of the action, but the guy who led the battle quickly took control of the situation.

I didn't hear him speak, but I saw that guy wield the flaming long sword and made a gesture like a semaphore. The chaotic infected people immediately understood, and the whole team sprinted towards the fortress of life again.

"Damn..." I turned around and prepared to leave the observation deck.

"It seems that our coach has to fight too?" No. [-] still sneered behind me and said, "I advise you to consider my plan and let them enter the encirclement and enter the jurisdiction of the government army!"

I listened to every word he said, but I ignored him. I turned to the communication device, connected with Mo Ge, and said: Try to contact the government army, let them quickly send people to support, just say We can't stand it anymore, if the infected break through the defense line, it is very likely that the entire Guangzhou city will collapse.

"Yes." Mo Ge replied.

Behind him, No. [-] still laughed sinisterly, and said, "It's funny, everything is up to the government, when will you build up your prestige, if you don't take advantage of a good opportunity, it seems that you are really not suitable..."

Before he finished speaking, I turned around, quickly pulled out a pistol, put it against his forehead, and said: "I will not exchange the lives of the people for victory. I am me. The resistance organization is the resistance organization. I don't care what you think." What are you thinking, at this moment, shut up!"

Number five was stunned for a moment, with anger on his face, and after a while, that layer of anger turned into a sneer, and he hooked the corner of his mouth, and said: "Okay, I won't say anything, I will continue to see what you do , continue to see how you win this battle, I will see how many people around me will be killed by your pedantry, hehe, hahaha..."

I hissed, "You better shut up!" Then I turned and rushed out, gun in hand.

When I rushed outside the life fortress, the infected team was pushed back to a distance of tens of meters.

I raised my gun and fired several times at the infected people in the front. The moment they fell to the ground, I turned around and knocked down the infected people on the left and right flanks.

And at this moment, a group of scorching flames spewed from my side, but I had already expected this situation, I rushed forward, and the flames exploded behind me, and the flames radiated everywhere.

Then, I turned around and walked away, passed the two infected people, pulled out the grenade and threw it towards the group of infected people in front, and then turned my wrist and threw a throwing knife at the guy on the horseback.

I want to try my luck and see if I can knock that guy over.

But obviously, I'm out of luck.

The guy on the horseback shook his joints, turned around, and the throwing knife fell immediately. Then, he turned the horse's head and galloped towards me.

I did not expect this situation.

That guy didn't care that there were still several infected "comrades" in front of him, he stepped on the bodies of those guys and rode up. When he lifted his feet, the horse's legs like sharp knives immediately stomped towards me. Come on, if this kick hits, it will definitely cut me in half.

I immediately pulled out a throwing knife again, and threw it at the horse's belly with my backhand. The knife pierced the infected horse's peritoneum, and the beating internal organs were about to come out, and the blood spattered.

I still heard the sound of bones rubbing against each other. The guy on the horse was still fast, and suddenly he bent down, and the long sword with flames came towards me fiercely. Although I dodged the long sword on one side of my body, my body was caught by the sword. The infected horse slammed and flew out.

I only felt that the muscles, bones and even the internal organs of my whole body were shaking. When I fell heavily, I only saw a black figure rushing towards me. The guy on the horse looked at me coldly. In the mouth, there was a deep voice: "You guys are really brave."

(End of this chapter)

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