global variation

Chapter 245 1 Team of Humans

Chapter 245 A team of humans

This guy can talk.

I gritted my teeth and stepped back step by step.

The raging fire ignited in that guy's hand never slackened in the slightest, pointing directly at my most vital point, that hoarse voice like a ghost rang in my ears again: "Your death time has arrived."

This life-threatening words made me have to step back quickly.

The guy continued to ride his horse forward, when the cloak fluttered, he suddenly swiped his sword horizontally, and a flash of flame suddenly shot out in front of me.

I staggered back and fired a shot casually. This shot had no meaning, it was just to boost my courage, but this shot was shot right on the wrong side, tearing the flames apart in front of me, saving me from danger.

However, when the attack failed, the opponent galloped on his horse again, turned over in the air, and stabbed me with a sword. The flame on the bone sword was like a swimming dragon.

At this time, it seemed that I was not fighting an infected person at all, but was facing a terrifying martial arts master. The attack like death and soul under the cloak really made it difficult for me to parry.

And at this moment, suddenly.


With a loud noise, the guy on the horse in front of me suddenly soared into the air, flew out fiercely, and landed heavily on the ground.

I couldn't help turning my head to look around, but I saw Mo Ge standing in the crowd with a gun in hand.

She was surrounded by infected people and was almost completely surrounded, but this shot was not aimed at herself.

I suddenly had an inexplicable feeling in my heart.

But I don't allow me to think about it at all. The monster that fell to the ground stood up again surrounded by a ball of flames. This guy is not afraid of flames at all, not even a little bit. The cloak around him is already on fire, but he But it didn't seem to have any burning pain. Instead, it rushed towards me crazily. While rushing forward, it kept throwing flames at me. The flames almost surrounded me. No matter how I retreated, people in all directions The dust will be stirred up by the flames and fly all over the sky.

I turned sideways, using the strength given by the concentrated liquid, to avoid the flames circulating around me in the air, then stepped and raised my legs, jumped high, and then the body of an infected person next to me jumped into the air.I don't know from what angle I can completely kill this terrifying monster. I just instinctively feel that his weakness may be in the head. I don't know who conveyed this feeling to me. over the guy's head, so I raise my gun and shoot, and throw a throwing knife with the other hand.

Obviously, the infected person was not prepared for defense. Although he waved his hand to block it, he just knocked down the throwing knife to the ground, but the bullet still exploded above his head.

There was a bang.

The guy's body staggered, and I also fell from midair.

I tried my best to stabilize myself, but I still slipped and fell to the ground.

The moment I reached the bottom, the infected person in front of me suddenly fell to the ground, and seemed unable to get up for a moment.

The moment I landed, a group of ordinary infected people rushed towards me. I shot in all directions, and managed to make a bloody path. I got up from the ground and charged forward a few steps. Only then did I realize that the person who fell on the ground The cloak-infected person was already staggering a little at this moment, as if he had been seriously injured.

"Damn hit it so accurately!" He yelled at me, "Die, you're going to die!" he hissed.

He is definitely still a human being, and he still has a trace of humanity, so he will feel pain and even fear. At this time, he is already a little scared. This fear makes him start to retreat, and he starts to swing the bone sword surrounded by flames. Played a semaphore that we couldn't understand, and this semaphore quickly caused the infected people in all directions to retreat, and he had already swooped towards me, forcing me to dodge, and I dodged In a moment, he had already flew onto the strange war horse, and quickly evacuated with the infected.

While the infected person was in the car, only a few corpses and blood were left on the ground.

We only lost a few comrades-in-arms in this battle, never more than ten.

But this number is already a bit worrying.

We have very few people in the first place, and we don't know how many times this kind of desperate battle will happen in the future. I'm not sure how many battles like this we have to go through, and whether we can support it.

I gritted my teeth, looked at the retreating backs of the group of infected people, and couldn't help but fired several shots at them. Each shot represented a layer of anger in me, which was unstoppable, completely unstoppable.

After the machine gun was fired, I felt meaningless and stood there blankly.

Mo Ge came to my side, looked at me, and said, "If it lasts longer, I'm afraid we won't be able to withstand it at all."

I nodded and motioned her to say I understand.

I don't want to say anything more. At this time, I can only turn around and leave, and return to the base.

Maybe I should really consider the method No. [-] said, but I can't pass my own test, I can't use the public as a shield, I can't do it, I really can't do it at all.

When I returned to the command room, I was already covered in blood. After I sat on the system terminal, I looked around blankly—everything was quiet this time, no one bothered me, and No. [-] didn’t show up. Crazy guy, maybe he is desperate, maybe he just doesn't bother to communicate with me anymore.I think my expression at that time must have been a little sluggish. I was sluggishly looking at the map, at the system terminal, and at the interface of the base automatic defense system that needs to be overhauled. , lingering, I just faced everything in such a sluggish way, I couldn't figure out what I should do next.

Not long after, a mechanical report came from the terminal of the base—the voice was Mo Ge’s, but it was colder than the electronic voice. The voice contained only data, dry data, and it was nothing more than to tell me How much we lost, how many people died, how many advantages we lost.

I was a little tired of hearing it, and even wanted to shut her up, but of course I couldn't do it willfully.

After a long time, Mo Ge finally stopped "broadcasting" the dry numbers, and said instead: "Chu Tingsheng, there is a situation that I need to report to you."

"You say it."

"I noticed that there is a team on the mountain pass in the northwest that has been moving. I'm not sure where the team is. This team has a tendency to approach us. If it is an enemy, we may not be able to resist it."

To make matters worse.

I gritted my teeth and asked, "How many people are there in the team, can you judge?"

"It's difficult, but according to my eagle eye observation, there may be between ten and fifteen people, but they seem to have hot weapons in their hands." Mo Ge said.

"Continue to observe, pay attention to their movements, and be careful that they take advantage of the situation," I said. "By the way, there is another very important point. If they are not infected, we may try to win them over."

Is it a blessing or a curse? It is a disaster that cannot be avoided. If it really makes the situation worse, it can only make the situation worse. But what if those are human beings?Is it the so-called guerrillas against the infected and the church?Even if there are only ten or fifteen people, they will definitely be a great help to us with hot weapons.

I feel like I'm praying.

About ten minutes later, Mo Ge suddenly said: "That team is moving in our direction."

I was very nervous and said, "Where are you now, let all the snipers get ready."


I said again: "Attention, only hit the leader of them, don't waste ammunition."

"Understood." Mo Ge replied.

I waited quietly, and not long after, the defense system began to respond to the uninvited guest. The team came from the northwest, and the speed was not too fast, making it difficult to guess what they were trying to do. I Uneasy in my heart, I stared at the screen tightly, the team was getting closer and closer, and every few minutes closer, more doubts and anxiety appeared in my heart.This team never chose to attack, nor did they make any weird moves. They seemed to be going home, calmly and unhurriedly.

I contacted Mo Ge again. She has the ability of eagle eye, and she is probably more useful than the observation tower in our place.

I asked, "Mo Ge, what's the situation, what did you see?"


Continue to be silent.

This kind of silence makes me almost suffocate, but there is no way, I have even heard the breathing of Mo Ge on the terminal, but as long as she refuses to speak, absolutely no one can force her, and one of her characteristics is , Unless it is a fact that I completely believe in, I will never say it easily. I just waited quietly and looked ahead coldly.


After a while, Mo Ge suddenly spoke, and the slightly excited tone seemed to cheer me up, "It's human, and that team is human." Mo Ge said loudly.

I widened my eyes and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, sure!"

"Wait!" I didn't want to pour cold water on it, but I had to be careful. This is related to the safety of each of us. "Even human beings can't take back their weapons! Look clearly, who is it!"

"Resist...resist the organization!" Mo Ge said.

"What?!" I was shocked and angry.

"Wait, no, it's not the resistance organization, it's people we know, why are they here?" Mo Ge seemed to be talking to himself.For a person like her who has always been prudent, she can talk to herself like this at this moment. It seems that the person who appeared at this time is really unusual.

"Who is it in the resistance organization?!" I asked sharply.

"I still need to confirm it carefully." Mo Ge said slowly.

I fell into waiting again, and because I couldn't hold back, I stepped to the observation deck.

I did see a group of soldiers with hot weapons walking towards our base. The reason why they walked slowly was that they were very alert and watched every place around them astutely.

And with my eyesight, at this time, I can't tell who they are at all, but the clothes on their bodies and the outline of the weapons tell me that they must be members of the resistance organization, and several people are very similar to me Someone I have met or know.

(End of this chapter)

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