global variation

Chapter 246 The Difficulty of Trust

Chapter 246 The Difficulty of Trust

"Li Jin?!" At this moment, Mo Ge suddenly spoke, but the name she said from the terminal surprised me.

Li Jin?How could it be Li Jin?

These days of war almost made me forget about this person, who "leaved" almost at the same time as Lin Wan, but his departure was only temporary, while Lin Wan's departure seemed permanent.

"Are you sure?" I asked again.

"The leader is indeed Li Jin." Mo Ge said with certainty.

I frowned and didn't know what to do for a while. At this time, another voice came from the other side of the communication device in my hand. It was Tu Shu's voice. Tu Shu said over there: "Li Jin will appear Here, it is likely to be a signal that in order to maximize the use of their own resources, or to maximize their interests, the rebel organization has not only abandoned us, but has begun to abandon more old, weak, sick and disabled members, and even Some researchers who are not particularly accomplished may be abandoned, so think about what Li Jin does and what his situation is..."

That's right, Li Jin is a researcher, and his attainments in biotechnology are obviously inferior to those of Lin Wan and Zhu Qing. Although Lin Wan and Zhu Qing have passed away, within the resistance organization, there are people with more experience in bioengineering research than Li Jin Researchers abound, and Li Jin is nothing at all.

What Tu Shu said made sense. It was not surprising that people like Li Jin would be kicked out of the resistance organization and set up an exile army. It was even logical.

"I can go out and meet him," Tu Shu said, "as long as you do your best to cover me."

"We only have the base automatic defense system. If you are within the attack range, it will only shoot indiscriminately. Although other fire cover is accurate, but the cover range is small, and there is no way to achieve mobility. You should think again, I said, "If there is danger..."

"Don't think about it, I trust you, and I trust Li Jin." Tu Shu said, "Now, it's too difficult to find one or two people who believe. Just let me trust again."

I froze for a moment, feeling sore in my heart.

Indeed, maybe that’s the case, no matter in the eyes of Tu Shu or others, at this point today, it’s really hard to find someone who can be trusted. Maybe I should also understand the mood of No. [-] at the moment. Maybe he once He has chosen full trust, he has chosen benevolence and kindness, but this world has never given him any place to stand, let alone any chance for kindness. , what's more, it's still the bloody battlefield, the icy operating table, the dangerous dangling reagents, and the constantly moving tiny viruses.

All these dry, terrifying, pale and ruthless things gathered in front of him and extended to his heart. In the end, he chose to give up trust, choose to declare war on everything, and take revenge on everything.

And me, at this moment, how can I believe it?
I finally chose to give Tu Shu a chance to trust. I chose to let Tu Shu leave the base to "greet" Li Jin's team. When the incoming team moved slowly, I hurriedly left the command room and came to the observation deck. What I didn't expect was that No. [-] was still staying on the observation deck. He didn't look at me, but just stared blankly at me. Outside, looking at the flat and wide fields and the mountains and rivers that have become silent in the distance.

When I walked over, he suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Why? Are you going to let that group of hungry wolves divide our few remaining resources?"

"Hungry wolf?" I stared at him coldly and said, "Aren't we just short of soldiers?"

"Those are not soldiers, but those are hungry wolves who came to snatch food and drink." Number Five said, "You still don't understand that they have been wandering outside for many days without any food on them, so they choose to approach the Fortress of Life boldly, otherwise why would they be so early?" If you don’t come late, why don’t you come now?”

"Shut up, there are our comrades in arms, brothers who died on the day of birth." I said.

No. [-] retorted: "Comrade-in-arms? Brother? That was just a thing in the past. Wouldn't comrades-in-arms and brothers betray? The so-called betrayal, relatives will not support themselves unconditionally, why bother with this illusory friendship? What is the most important thing now ? The most important thing is to survive? Our resources are already scarce, but now you continue to make the most unwise choice."

"Is it wise to rely on you?" I said coldly.

"I didn't say that, but at least for now, I'm right and you're wrong." Five gritted his teeth, then turned and walked away.

I stared at him for a while, really didn't know what to say, so I turned my head again and looked at the moving team outside. The team had already met Tu Shu, and there was obviously no conflict between the two sides. The gun in his hand was also put down.

I waited, looking at the situation on the other side, everything seemed to be very peaceful, I frowned and looked at the overlapping crowd, at the small figure of Tu Shu, at the group of defeated soldiers, in fact, I And why don't I know that there is nothing wrong with what No. [-] said, that is, a group of hungry wolves who came to beg for food and drink, but I have no choice but to help them, because the leader is Li Jin. Saved me and was almost killed by a swordsman. Li Jin once almost lost his arm in a battle with me. When I saw him, the comrades who died in front of me flashed in front of my eyes. Li Wentian, Zheng Long, Lin Qian, He Fan, Huang Qian...Yitian...everyone.Even Lin Wan.

People I know have died enough.

After a while, Tu Shu's voice came from the communication device: "They are only going to the Fortress of Life. They have been abandoned by the resistance organization. Almost all of these people are researchers like Li Jin, and some of them are not even good at driving. They don't know how to use weapons, but they hid in this mountain area for several days, and had several conflicts with the infected people. There were more than 30 people, and in the end there were only a dozen people left. Moreover, they can now help us Provide some intelligence on the resistance organization, as well as some research materials and data."

I have a headache for everything mentioned above, but when it comes to research materials and data, I can't help but feel a little excited.

Yes, this is exactly what we lack most and what we need most.

Research data, data.

I just pondered for a moment, and then said: "Let them in. If the warehouse hall has been disinfected, they can be placed there, but there is a condition that they must guard the base with us while submitting all the research data."

I heard rustling conversations, probably Tu Shu was negotiating with the other side, and after a while, Tu Shu said: "They completely agree."

"Then let them in," I said.

I have no reason to refuse anymore, everything seems to be in our favour.

Even if it just seems to be in our favor.

In just a few ten minutes, this group of people was settled in the warehouse hall. We could only ration them simple food so that they would not starve to death after filling their stomachs. In the warehouse hall, I saw Li Enter.

Li Jin no longer has the gentleness of the past, his eyes are broken, and he looks a little funny. When he looks at people, he always raises his eyes from time to time. It seems that he can't see clearly from far away, and he can't see clearly from close. He is really very embarrassed. We didn't have good lenses to replace him with. His face was much rougher than before, and his body was thinner, but his muscles seemed to be more developed, which made him look taller than before.

The white coat that researchers always wear on him is in tatters. After entering the warehouse hall, he took off his coat and left his scarred upper body bare-chested, letting our people take medicine to treat the wound by themselves.

I think he would never be like this before, probably he would think this is a very imageless thing.

But now, he seems to have gotten used to this kind of reckless life - I don't know how long it took for him to change, but all this is enough to prove that the world is unpredictable.

When Li Jin saw me, he helped his glasses several times in a row, and finally threw the glasses on the ground angrily, crushed them with his foot, and said, "If you can't see clearly, you can't see clearly. It's always happier if you can't see clearly." .”

This sentence seems to have another meaning.

I said, "You guys... have worked hard."

"Hehe, I don't know the heart if I know the face, anyway, I can't see it clearly anymore." He answered the wrong question.

I knew they were filled with resentment, so I said, "I know you have grievances against the resistance organization, but now that you're here, you should take a good rest."

Li Jin ticked the corner of his mouth and said, "Can you promise to let us have a good rest?"

I said, "I can keep you safe, and I've seen too many people die before my eyes, but because of that, I won't let you get hurt again."

"I hope you are a good person." Li Jin is no longer the Li Jin he used to be. He stood up shirtless, and patted my shoulder with his hand. The electric charge in his hand made me tremble and numb.

But I managed to stand still.

He added: "It's not that I don't believe in you. If I didn't believe in you, I wouldn't come to you. It's just that now, it's too difficult to give my life to one person."

I smiled lightly and said, "I understand what you mean. It is even more difficult to protect the lives of one person or even a group of people."

Li Jin and I looked at each other for a moment, and suddenly smiled faintly. I knew that my words finally dispelled some of his doubts.

He sat down again and said: "I know that you will let us in, and it is not all out of good intentions, but as a basic reward, it is also appropriate. I will tell you all the data we know so far, including research data. The results of the research, and the information we currently have about the resistance organization."

(End of this chapter)

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