Chapter 247
I felt a little bit unbearable, and said: "You should take a good rest first, take your people with you, stay for a few days, and recharge your energy before talking about other things."

"No need, I know you're also very anxious." He smiled lightly and said, "You don't have to put on airs with me, now that the battle has reached this point, everyone has a reason to be greedy, and everyone has a reason to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Even if it hurts others, it can be forgiven." Li Jin's expression and attitude made people shudder, but I couldn't help it, and I couldn't say anything more, I looked at Li Jin quietly, and the corner of Li Jin's mouth curled slightly, sneering , suddenly took out a disk from his arms.

In this day and age, few people use disks.

Li Jin looked at me and said, "Everything is in this, but I have repeatedly encrypted this disk, and it is difficult to open even with a password, so you have to try to crack it yourself."


"Oh, by the way, you'd better be careful about this disk. If you crack it violently, it will not only release viruses and delete existing data, but may also cause data overflow on the terminal where the disk is loaded. At that time, don't blame me in advance. I didn’t vaccinate you.” To be honest, I quickly understood what Li Jin meant, I gritted my teeth and said, “Isn’t there the most direct solution? For example, you tell us a way to crack it?”

Li Jin said with a smile: "You are a smart person, let me just say it, no, the external encryption relies on the combination of messy data instructions and special codes, which can only be cracked by a machine bit by bit, which is actually not difficult. It’s just that the amount of calculation is very large, no matter what, it will take three or five days, and there is only one core, that is, my genetic code, in other words, as long as you unravel the shell, you only need a piece of my skin , A drop of blood, a fingerprint, can unlock all the contents of this disk."

Sure enough, I guessed right.

Li Jin is delaying time. He is afraid that we will kill the donkey, so it will take three to five days. During this period, we can only entertain them with "good wine and good food" until they regain their strength. Tell us about that final order.

Although I was a little dissatisfied with his actions, I remained calm and polite and said, "Okay, I understand."

"It's best if you understand. I hope you can really understand." He said again.

I smiled and said, "Well, don't worry."

Then, I took the disk, turned and left without making a fuss.

After returning to the command room, I gathered almost all the researchers, including No. [-], of course.And when I explained the situation, no one had much doubts. Only number five said, "Wait, I want to say something. Although you may not be happy when I say this, I still want to Say."

I was a little bored, but I had no choice but to say, "What's good for you, tell me quickly."

His expression was a little playful, which made me more uneasy and sullen, but he still calmly said, "Have you considered why they took so long?"

"Take a rest." I said, "They want to rest fully, and then they will have more strength even to resist."

"Wrong, they don't need these at all." Number Five laughed, "Don't forget, we hold the control of the base, even if they recover their physical strength, they are still just fish and meat on the case. They are almost the same, Li Jin is not a fool, he will definitely not know. Haven't you really thought about what these three days mean? Haven't you really thought that these three days may mean a new accident?"

I gritted my teeth and said, "Even if it means an accident, then we should act faster. The faster we act, the less time they have to prepare."

"Hmph...I don't think they can be given any time to prepare, just now..."

"That's it?" I interrupted him sharply.

But No. [-] continued: "We can extract genes from people, whether they are living or dead!"

His meaning is clear.

I yelled, "Shut up, I can't do anything to them."

"Hmph... I also knew it would be like this." Number five said coldly, "It doesn't matter, life and death are not a big deal, at least for me it's not anymore, I just want to see if you will bring us Just to what extent."

I ignored him and said, "Since we've heard about the seriousness of this matter, let's act quickly and don't waste any more time."

"Yes!" Everyone began to divide the work to operate the terminal computer in the command room. This kind of computer has all kinds of functions integrated into one, and its computing power is very strong. Using such a terminal to crack this disk is the fastest thing I can think of. The method, although this cracking method will make our terminal temporarily appear in a semi-paralyzed state, and can only be used to look at the electronic map, and it is difficult to control the base defense system. That is to say, the base defense system has been automatically defensive posture.

In order to ensure the safety of the base, I asked Mo Ge to call back a group of soldiers who had been dispatched to guard the city.

These three days are destined to be non-stop, and I am also very nervous. To be honest, although I don’t want to believe a lot of what No. [-] said, I have to think about it. His words are not unreasonable, they are just extreme. , and extreme words often do not necessarily represent mistakes.Thinking of these, I am terrified.

At noon the next day, Li Jin came to the command room suddenly, looked at each of us with great interest, with a little sarcasm in his eyes, but when he saw the data flashing on the computer, the sarcasm gradually faded away. Faded, but seemed a little uneasy, and said: "It's amazing, if you sacrifice so much resources to unlock this disk, you won't be afraid that I'm a spy, or that this disk is inherently a virus, and you won't be afraid that I'm here to paralyze you on purpose." Is it the terminal system? To spend so much manpower and material resources, hehe, I really don’t know whether you are smart or stupid.”

I shook my head and said, "I just believe in you and do what I have to do."

"Hmph..." Li Jin said, "Don't forget, trust is the least valuable thing now..." After saying this, Li Jin began to cough loudly.

I found that his physical condition seemed to be inadvertently unstable, and it could even be said to be a little bad, so I said with a little concern: "Do you need me to call someone to help you treat it? There are enough people here, I can divide a few people out... "

"No need." He continued to cough and said intermittently, "You guys should think about how to solve the problem in front of you these few days. You should know that the longer the base terminal is occupied, the more difficult it will be for you. , the more unfavorable it will be.”

After saying that, he turned and left.

The moment the metal door opened, I followed him. He coughed and walked forward slowly with his waist bowed. It was very worrying and even more weird. What was going on? Could it be that he What's wrong with your body?
Number Five saw me standing in the corridor.

I knew that he would definitely pay attention to me, so while he was looking at me, my peripheral vision also caught him, and I couldn't help feeling a little bit in my heart.Although I had prepared for it, I was not used to his appearance after all.This guy is still unscrupulous. He seems to know that I will only lose my temper with him and will not make any further actions, so he doesn't care about my face at all. He walked slowly to me and said lightly: "You Don't you think his appearance is strange? Such a physical condition, but he is unwilling to accept medical treatment."

"He doesn't believe us at all," I said.

"Why don't you believe it? We are also the enemies of the resistance organization, and they are now too." No. [-] said, "There is a reason for a person to have any idea and do anything, and it is impossible for it to be for no reason."

"I don't need to delve into this." I said, "Go back and do your job well."

"Hmph... good." Number five nodded.

I stood there and waited for a while, but my heart was still uneasy. I knew that I was competing with myself. In fact, I couldn't trust a certain person with full authority, so I contacted Tu Shu. After all, Tu Shu This has always been the case for supervisory work. I said, "Tu Shu, send some people to help me keep an eye on Li Jin, but don't let him see the clues."

"Li Jin? Okay." Tu Shu didn't ask further.

This is probably the basic quality of a supervisor. She will not ask unnecessary questions, but will directly understand and implement.

A few minutes later, Tu Shu sent a message, saying: The person has been targeted, and there is no abnormality at present, please instruct to act.

I replied: Keep an eye on him. If he is not in good health, try to force him to undergo examination and treatment. If there is any abnormality, immediately control him. If he resists, shoot him... shoot him to death.


I still hesitated, but this hesitation did not change my final order.

I know which is more important.

Li Jin's situation is not optimistic, it is hard to imagine what he has gone through.

After finishing the arrangement, I turned around and went back to the command room, watching everyone's busy backs.I pondered for a moment, and went to the drawer on the side of the desk in the command room, opened the drawer, and took out a pistol. I just put the pistol back not long ago, and now I took it out again.

"No. [-], you command them to decipher." In desperation, I ordered.

No. [-] looked at me, nodded with a half-smile, and I said again: "Until the deciphering is successful, no one is allowed to leave this command room. I will let people guard you."

Everyone else looked up at me.

Number Five probably knew what I was up to, but the others seemed perplexed by my sudden change of attitude.

So, I said again: "Don't worry, food and drink will be prepared for you. For other things, you can apply to the guards I arranged at the gate. This is for the base and for your own safety."

"Understood." Only then did they feel relieved and replied in unison.

I didn't say anything more, turned around and left the command room, and soon, I came to the warehouse square.

Many people have gone to sleep, they are indeed too tired.

There are only two medical personnel and research institutes arranged in the warehouse square. These two people were selected by me. They really don't know much about computer operations, so I left them to help the research institutes on the square to heal their injuries.

The two were also a little tired, sitting by the metal door on one side and drinking a drink.

I walked up and squatted among them. They both wanted to stand up and salute. I pressed their shoulders and motioned them not to move. Then, I asked in a low voice: "You are guarding here, have you found anything?" Abnormal?"

(End of this chapter)

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