global variation

Chapter 248 Lightning Beast

Chapter 248 Lightning Beast
"Unusual? Chief Chu, can you tell us what exactly you mean?" One of them probably already knew the pros and cons of it. Although he had doubts, he deliberately lowered his voice and asked after looking around.

I said, "How are these people doing? Are there any signs of infection, things like that."

"It's just ordinary injuries. People who are infected should not survive at all." One of them said.

Another person also said at this time: "I chatted with some of them, and I heard that they also encountered a situation where someone was mutated and infected by the blood of an infected person on the road, and they killed that person on the spot. , will never let that kind of person stay in the team..."

I frowned. I knew that the researcher meant to comfort me, but I was even more worried when he said this. The body, which was injected with concentrated liquid or antibody liquid, should not be infected again, but now it seems that the situation has changed, and the virus is constantly evolving and even alienating. You have also seen that the hand The infected person who can manipulate the flaming bone sword, and the bloody horse."

"'s scary..." The two researchers almost simultaneously showed terrified expressions.

I nodded and said, "So, you'd better keep an eye on these people and don't relax for a moment."

They both nodded.

I didn't get any useful information from them, so I sent a few more people to guard the main hall with guns.

Maybe I was too careful, maybe I was a little careless, my move was quickly discovered.

About half an hour or so, I was about to go back to the rest room to rest for a while, and then go to see Qiqi, suddenly, Mo Ge’s voice came from the communication device I had been carrying all along, Mo Ge said to me : "Someone is causing trouble, please come to the lobby."

make trouble?


How could someone make trouble? I didn't think about it. I thought about any situation, but I didn't think that I accidentally exposed my intentions.

About ten minutes later, I made some preparations before I came to the hall. At this time, there were three or four people on the side of the warehouse hall, who were still making noise. Mo Ge stood in front of the side door of the warehouse hall, standing coldly and proudly. Although he was slender, But it still resisted those men who were tall and thick. I don’t know if these men are researchers or soldiers who were driven out of the resistance organization together with the researchers. In short, their figures are much bigger than ordinary researchers. , and everyone's expression is fierce, if it was changed when I was in school, I would be very afraid to deal with such people, because at that time, I probably couldn't beat them at all.

But Mo Ge didn't flinch in the slightest. She held her rifle horizontally and stood in front of those two men. The two soldiers with guns beside her didn't even have the courage.

"Woman, get out of the way, we're going over there!" The leader shouted loudly.

"Sister Mo Ge, what do you mean? If you don't want us to come, just don't take us in. What's going on now? Is there a massacre? Or house arrest?" The other person next to him was more polite, but His tone was still sharp.

"Yes, get out of the way!" Someone pushed Mo Ge, but Mo Ge only moved his shoulders slightly, and his body was still upright.

I remember that Mo Ge is also the kind of guy who doesn't want to shoot his own people.

At the offshore base, when the recruits mutinied, if she hadn't been kind, it would have been impossible for her to be so seriously injured.

In this situation, she often suffers.

Thinking of this, I walked up quickly and asked loudly, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? This is what we should ask, right?" said the leader, "Why are soldiers guarding us with guns? What did we do wrong? Isn't this place arranged for us to live in? We didn't do anything out of the ordinary! "

These people are obviously very sensitive.

I immediately said: "This is to protect you."

"Protection? Are there enemies inside? You can just point your guns at the outside. Why do you send people to guard the corridor? Don't lie to us anymore. In a word, what are your intentions and what are you trying to do!"

For a moment, I felt a little unclear. They were excited and attracted many onlookers. Seeing that more than a dozen people were about to attack me.

At this time, my explanation seemed pale and weak.

Just when I was at a loss, suddenly, a loud noise sounded from above where I was standing.

"Explosion?!" I almost screamed.

Everyone was a little stunned, including Mo Ge, who had been as calm as a steeple. After hearing the explosion, his expression occasionally changed.

At the same time, Tu Shu's voice came from my communication device: "The situation is urgent, Li Jin's condition has changed, hurry up!"

Could it be that No. [-] really guessed it right? The thing I least want to believe and fear to see seems to have finally happened at this moment.

Not far from me, I saw Song Yi rushing over with a few soldiers armed with live ammunition. They were originally assigned by me to patrol outside the base, and they were the only patrol team in the base. That's why they rushed back. Song Yi took the lead and asked, "What happened? What noise?"

I didn't have time to explain too much, so I said to Song Yi: "Look at them."

Song Yi understood what I meant. Several soldiers, including the two people next to Mo Ge, immediately surrounded the people brought by Li Jin who wanted to make some moves. I turned around and said to Mo Ge: "Let's go up quickly!" Ready to leave after speaking.

The guy who took the lead in the trouble just now stretched out his hand and shouted behind me: "Hey, wait, you guys make it clear, it's now!"

I turned my face and roared loudly: "I said I was optimistic about them, what do you think!"

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers surrounding those people immediately raised their guns and pointed their guns at the researchers and troublemakers in the circle, and these people finally settled down.

I also took this opportunity to rush into the elevator with Mo Ge.

When the elevator goes up, I always feel that the speed is too slow.

I was very anxious, I didn't know what happened, and I was even more afraid of seeing the scene above.

"Ding——" With a crisp sound, the elevator arrived at its destination. After a moment of weightlessness and dizziness, Mo Ge and I rushed out of the elevator together. At this time, we saw Li Jin, but the Li Jin we saw had already Let's not admit it.

Li Jin took off his shirt, I don't know if he took it off by himself or someone else, or if it was torn to make it like this.

At this time, his entire spine had already protruded out of the body, and there was an obvious crack in the back, and a joint of the spine that looked like martial arts. The back of the joint was much longer than that of ordinary people, and it seemed that a tail had grown out. , the tail is extremely sharp, shining brightly, and slowly swinging, as if in a demonstration.

"Li Jin!" I hissed.

I can't believe that he has become like this.

He turned his face and saw me for a moment, his expression was extremely distorted, his face didn't change much, only the skin cracked and blood flowed down.At this time, I can still distinguish his expression.

His expression seemed extremely painful, even extremely contradictory.

For a moment, I softened my heart, but soon my kindness was wiped out by everything behind him.

Behind him were the two soldiers I sent to monitor him. The two soldiers were lying in the corridor, one body was scorched black, and the other face was completely metalized.

This is the lethality that such a powerful current can produce.

"Be careful!" I yelled, and retreated with Mo Ge.

In front of him, the monster transformed by Li Jin suddenly slapped his hands on the metal wall.

Our metal walls have been treated to be non-conductive, so his movements can't exert very strong power, but, after all, this guy has electric eel concentrate flowing in his body, and it seems to have strengthened a lot at this moment. Let the electric current gather around us, but the fingertips deleted a few flashes of light, and they flicked and bounced beside Mo Ge and me.

This provocative attack put a lot of pressure on me.

He seems to be able to directly manipulate the electric ions in the air, such a guy who generates lightning out of thin air is simply another magician.

It wasn't long before I met an infected person who could manipulate flames, but this time another guy with electric discharge came, which was really overwhelming.

What's more, this person is Li Jin.

That Li Jin who once saved me.

I gritted my teeth and raised my hand to shoot. Li Jin's body was very nimble. He stepped on the metal gun next to him and escaped the attack of the explosive bullets. Mo Ge and I.

The space in the corridor is very small, which is very advantageous for him who is flexible, but it is very difficult for me and Mo Ge.

I only saw a flash of light in front of my eyes, and Li Jin's kind bone tail stabbed straight at me...

(End of this chapter)

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