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Chapter 249 The Price of Trust

Chapter 249 The Price of Trust

The coccyx stabbed me and Mo Ge like a poisonous scorpion's steel needle, I quickly dodged sideways, the fatal puncture hit the ground, and a bright color rose into the air, catching people's eyes.

I subconsciously reached out to block it, and the tailbone swept across again.

If it was an ordinary weapon, I might choose to forcefully raise my arm to resist it. However, this is a coccyx with electric light. The coccyx is probably doped with metal substances that can conduct electricity. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to carry such a weapon. strong current.

A few white lights flashed and flew in front of me, and I couldn't figure out their direction at all. Li Jin's body was many times more flexible than before, not at all like the weak him.

That agile reaching out really scared me a little.

Mo Ge and I have no chance to fight back. At this time, there is a shortage of personnel, and no one will support us at all.

Mo Ge turned over and fired the machine gun, but even with the eagle eye ability, it was difficult to deploy it in this narrow passage, and it was even more difficult for me to control my movements. I was almost struck by the lightning flashes several times. The speed and strength are self-evident. I really never thought that one day I would face such an infected person.

At this moment, Li Jin's hands suddenly closed together, and then opened again. I saw that countless bone spurs had sprouted on his arms, and his expression was still in pain, the expression half contradictory and half worried, I really don't know why he has such an expression, I don't know what kind of mood he is in at the moment - is he also afraid, he is also contradictory, and he doesn't want blood and killing?However, his body was already out of control, and under that contradictory and entangled face, the body manipulated by the infected blood rushed towards us again.

"He's not Li Jin anymore." I said to myself.

Every attack of his is so deadly, do I have to keep retreating and giving in?Do I have to wait until I am cornered before making up my mind to kill this guy?

I repeatedly hinted to myself, but the scenes of Li Jin fighting side by side with me are still in front of my eyes.

At this time, Mo Ge suddenly rushed up from beside me with a stride.

Only then did I realize that Li Jin was less than half a meter away from me. I was so distracted just now that I didn't notice that his hands full of bone spurs had already stretched out in front of me, and Mo Ge's charge this time was undoubtedly like suicide. , I can't believe she would make such a choice.Before I could yell, Mo Ge had already hit Li Jin's chest, and then Mo Ge was bounced several meters away, and Li Jin also staggered back.

This is an excellent opportunity, and I have two choices, either to save Mo Ge quickly, or to seize this opportunity to launch an attack.

I chose to raise my pistol,

With one shot, Li Jin's body staggered, blood spattered on his chest, and I could even see Bai Sensen's ribs.

He screamed and fell back, leaning closer to the wall, and finally supported the metal gun with one hand. I heard the hiss of electric current bursting around him. I looked back at Mo Ge, Mo Ge seems to have passed out, and the crisis has not yet been resolved at this time, no matter how much I care about her, I can't help her.

So, I took a step forward and fired again. Half of the metal gun was on the front, and the front part was stained with Li Jin's blood. Li Jin fell down with his messy hair loose.

I went up again and aimed for his head, one more shot would have killed him.

At this moment, he raised his arm.

I saw his arm, which was still wounded, and I remembered that day, the day Zheng Long died, the day he and Zheng Long were hit by the infected cat bomb.

I seemed to see blood and corpses there.

I trembled and closed my eyes, I didn't want to look any more.

One shot, one flick of the trigger, and he'll be terminated, and it'll be over.

I gritted my teeth.

At this moment, Li Jin suddenly spoke - his voice was very hoarse, as if his vocal cords had worn out, as if he had already swallowed hot coals: "Yes... I'm sorry..."

"You..." I froze for a moment and opened my eyes.

Li Jin was already lying on the ground, without a trace of life, his face was ashen, and the electric energy in his body seemed to have been exhausted—he had no ability to attack, and he probably couldn't resist long ago.My heart is still trembling slightly, looking at him, looking at his bloody body, looking at the shredded and bloody flesh on the wall, but at the same time, I also saw those two carbonized and metalized bodies , he committed a crime, he must be punished, all of this is irrefutable.

I tremblingly asked: "Why, it became like this..."

" careful..." Li Jin turned his head, looked at me, and said, "Your own body..."


"I...can't control myself..." Li Jin hissed, "I can't control it, my body has been, has been changing, it's become scary, I don't know myself, be careful, this It is likely to be a conspiracy, everything is a conspiracy, although I don't know what is behind this scene, but..."

I was stunned.

At this time, a smile appeared on his mouth, a strange smile: ""

His mouth suddenly spit out these four words without warning. At this time, his smile became more and more weird, and the corners of his mouth, between the lips and teeth began to ooze blood, and the blood flowed, almost covering his entire chin. It became bright red, his body seemed to be shrinking, except for the bones, maybe everything on his body was breaking, I knew that he was going to die, even if I didn't attack his head, he would die——At this time , but Li Jin said again: "Hehehehe...hehehe quack..." The hoarse guttural voice made people shudder, "Kill, kill you, clear you, this world... yes, this world is... "

His expression changed again, without that smile, and became extremely weak.

His human functions were about to disappear. He raised his hand to cover his chest, but was stabbed by a bone spur in his hand. He stretched his hand aside helplessly, and suddenly said: "You... actually I never trusted me... I originally, originally wanted to be alone in the room and die silently, but you, send someone to watch me..."


"Don't, you lied to yourself... In fact, there are too many things in your heart that you can't see through..." Li Jin said, "Hehehe... You are contradictory, but you refuse to admit it. Don't lie to yourself, you know , in this world, it is too difficult to trust someone, and it is almost impossible to trust someone with full authority, you know... We are all victims of trust, we are all..."


"You, just take care of yourself..." This was the last sentence he said. When I wanted to continue asking, he had already tilted his head and died out of breath. The corners of his mouth were still bleeding, and his skin began to gradually collapse. , he was buried in the soil like a rapidly degrading plastic bag, turning into a puddle of mud at the fastest speed, and finally a puddle of blood.

I still had doubts in my heart, but I had no time to see him, so I turned around and rushed towards Mo Ge.

Mo Ge still fainted.

I embraced Mo Ge's body and picked him up. He leaned against my arms, and after a long time, he seemed to have recovered a little bit. Looking at me, he murmured: "Li Jin, he..."

"Dead..." I said, "don't worry."

"Okay..." She slowly left my body, sat on the ground, supported the ground with both hands, but almost slipped again, and I quickly supported her.I know that Mo Ge's body still hasn't recovered from the click.I couldn't help but twitched in my heart, and said, "Why did you do that just now, do you know that you are committing suicide?"

"I know."

"then you……"

"You are the supreme officer here, and we all have an obligation to protect your safety," she said.

I gritted my teeth and said, "Fart! I just committed suicide by myself. Don't you want to protect your chief unconditionally when he committed suicide? Was that how you treated Zhang Chu at the beginning? "

"Didn't we all come to where we are today because of defending that 'death' Zhang Chu?" Mo Ge said suddenly.

I was stunned.

The corner of Mo Ge's mouth twitched, and he said again: "We are actually the same, always contradictory, but we always continue to do things that make us contradictory... But this time, at least I didn't do anything against my will."

I froze for a moment.

To be honest, since the resistance organization has gradually disintegrated, each of us has become extremely cryptic when speaking. It seems that none of us dare to fully express our feelings.We have erected thick walls in our hearts, defending others and wrapping ourselves.We have no chance to get closer to each other.

Therefore, the relationship, friendship, and everything between us have become extremely weird.

I couldn't understand Mo Ge's expression, nor could I understand her words.

She still had trouble standing up, so I supported her hard and tried to make her relax.

"Damn... this electric current..."

"A little older, and you'll never be able to stand up," I said.

"Hehe... I don't care much about life and death." Mo Ge said.

"I value it." I said coldly, "I don't want to see anyone die in front of me."

"But you have to face our death, Li Jin is, and so are we." She looked at Li Jin who had already turned into a puddle of blood.

I didn't know how to refute, any words seemed so pale, I shook my head and said, "I'll carry you on my back."

She refused a little, but I carried her on my back in the end, and I walked downstairs step by step with her on my back. I don't know why I didn't choose the elevator. At this time, I was a little numb and didn't know what I was doing. , and when I arrived at the warehouse square on the first floor with her on my back, I guess it was like waking up from a dream, but I knew I still couldn't put her down. Song Yi and the others couldn't help being a little surprised when they saw the two of us coming down, and Song Yi even felt a little bit surprised. Worried and frightened, he asked in a rough voice: "What's wrong with Mo Ge, she..."

"She's fine," I said, "the electric shock."

"Electricity? Li Jin... where's Sister Tu Shu?" At this moment, Ah Meng who was on the side suddenly spoke.

"Tu Shu?!" I felt like a fool. At this moment, I was so dazzled by emotion that I forgot about Tu Shu's safety.

She should be monitoring Li Jin with those two people, but I just ignored this and focused on Mo Ge.

"Too bad, Tu Shu might still be in school..."

My voice was still there, but a calm female voice came from behind: "Forget it, my great Chief Chu, when you come to save me, I'll be dead long ago!"

Tu Shu smiled and walked downstairs.

She was safe and sound, but when she looked at me, she smiled meaningfully. I didn't know what she was laughing at, but I felt that the smile was very strange and contained deep meaning, but it didn't seem to have any malicious intent.

I didn't have time to pay attention to him, so I looked back at Song Yi and Ah Meng who didn't know when to rush over, and asked, "How's the situation, are there any changes with these people?" While talking, I looked at the group of controlled people up people.

They didn't change anything.

They all seemed very annoyed. The leader and those who were closer to us were staring at me and Mo Ge. They seemed to have noticed something, and there was some fear in their anger.

"There is no change." Song Yi said, "Do you want to force inspection?"

I thought about it and said, "Then check."

"Why is there a mandatory inspection!" The person at the head wanted to take the lead in making trouble again.

I pointed my gun at his forehead and said, "The man who brought you almost killed me and my friends!"

(End of this chapter)

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