global variation

Chapter 250 Origin

Chapter 250 Origin
Seeing that we were about to clash again, Mo Ge behind me suddenly said, "Chu's okay, let me down..."

I froze for a moment, and slowly retracted the pistol. I could hear the eagerness in Mo Ge's tone. She wanted to stop my action. I also realized my impulse, but the anger in my heart couldn't dissipate. , but I pushed the troublemaker in front of me, and said coldly: "Get out of the way." Then I continued to move forward, found a clean, empty bed, and let Mo Ge sit on the edge of that bed.

I knew that Mo Ge refused to lie down, so I sat beside her and said, "I'll send someone to come over and soothe your body."

"No, no, I'm not used to people touching my body." She said, "I'm fine, you are the commander here, you should have more important things to do."

I sighed slightly.

What she said was true, but it wasn't what I wanted to hear.

I stood up slowly, gritted my teeth and looked around, then signaled to those people near the side door——I still want them to do a full body check, and I will not let infected people move around in my base anymore.

Then, I turned around and entered the elevator, and returned to the place where I fought just now. While Li Jin's blood was still wet, I tried my best to calm my emotions, took a few drops of his blood, and dropped them into a test tube.

I need this blood, this blood can unlock that disk.

Then, I returned to the command room. The people in the command room didn't even know what happened outside. They were still busy, recording data, calculating data, manipulating the terminal, and trying to decipher the disk.

No. [-] stood in the middle of the command room with a serious expression.

When I went in, his expression became brighter, and he said, "It's okay, it's lucky that you didn't die, otherwise it would be too ugly."

I gritted my teeth and said, "I don't die so easily."

"That's not certain." He teased, "With your current state of mind, maybe if others don't kill you, you will try to kill yourself."

"Suicide? Don't worry." I sneered, "I will not commit suicide."

"No, of course it's not suicide. Of course you won't commit suicide. Suicide is not the same as killing yourself." With his hands behind his back, he took a few steps back slowly, then turned around and walked back and forth a few steps. I was a little annoyed, but his expression Zi Ruo continued, "Although the words are not pleasant, you don't have to be sullen, you still can't do without me, at least this place needs me, and all the plans you want to make also need me...I, by the way, this disk is almost The deciphering was successful, if I guessed correctly, it contains a lot of secrets."

"That's bullshit." I shoot back.

His grandpa was not angry, and continued to direct the operation with a smile on his face.

I don't understand these technical issues, so I can only stand aside. This is where I am most helpless. If I understand all this even a little bit, I won't be subject to No. [-].

It can be heard that there are precedents in the teachings, and there are specializations in the arts. I am not a scientific researcher, and I am only half-baked at war.

For about twenty minutes, I saw fewer and fewer symbolic characters on the terminal screen, and then stopped abruptly. First, a word "complete" popped up, and then a dialog box popped up, indicating to input data.

At this time, Number Five suddenly extended a hand to me and said, "Bring it."

I froze for a moment, stared at him, and said, "What?"

"What? Bring it, I know you must have it." He looked at me confidently, still smiling.

This guy seems to be very confident in his own judgment.

I sighed, and handed him the test tube sealed with a stopper in my arms. He took the test tube out carefully, but after a while, he returned with a microscope slide, and put the slide on the side of the terminal. On the genetic testing system, I signaled everyone to start operating again. After a while, I heard a crisp electronic sound. I realized what might have happened, so I rushed up and came to the screen. Immediately afterwards, the words printed on my eyelids , is the same interface as when viewing computer files, and the words and symbols are finally gone, replaced by Chinese characters, clear words, and detailed records of tables and graphics.

I found one thing in it besides those related to scientific theories.

——"Investigative Report on the Origin and History of Ebola".

This is a document in traditional Chinese characters. After the document, there are several versions in French, Japanese, Russian and English. I browsed it and realized the importance of this investigation report. I stretched out my hand and said, "copy this, Make it a hard copy and give it to me."

"Okay." Number Five said with a smile, "It seems that you, like me, are more interested in this old story."

"One copy." I emphasized, "Just one copy."

"Hehe, I got it, I won't take a peek, you can rest assured, you're so stingy." He was still teasing.

His ridicule is different from Huang Qian's. His ridicule contains malicious derogation and sarcasm, while Huang Qian is mostly just a knife-mouthed bean curd heart. In comparison, No. [-] is definitely a dangerous existence.

I went back to the lounge and waited for the copy they gave me.

I'm a little tired, but I don't have the intention of closing my eyes and resting at all.

I don't know how long this has been going on.

During this time, I rarely sat, stood all the time, or fought.

Soon, the document was in my hands.

I can't wait to start reading.

This is the second period of history I have come into contact with. Perhaps, all of this is also very important, even more important than those grievances and grievances between the church, resistance organizations and the government.

This document is only a preliminary investigation document. Many things have not been confirmed, but it is well-founded. The document shows that the Ebola virus first appeared in North Africa, and the virus was discovered and studied. The No.1 is none other than the historical war madman Hitler and his war and science madmen.

They were preparing to launch a germ warfare in Europe, but during the research, they discovered that the spread of the virus could not be controlled at all with the level of technology at the time, and it would even affect themselves. Moreover, this kind of virus warfare was unprecedented, even The German Communists, who were already crazy at the time, also felt a little scared, so they thought of a better way, which was to entrap their "allies".

They contacted Japan, a country that was also keen on germ warfare at the time.

As a result, the virus was secretly transported to the Far East.

This is why Ebola will appear on the land of China.

Everything seems to be very simple, but it is difficult for people of our time to see how many twists and turns there are.

When I continued to look down, I felt that the curtain of history suddenly opened in front of me. Those scenes of the past, as if the dust had been blown away by the strong wind, began to show terrifying power.

I never knew that at that time, Japan actually established an underground secret research base in the south of China, at the junction of Guangdong and Jiangxi, and the base of that base was an ordinary village.

I tried to go back to the research room and search for the village on the map, but this village didn't even seem to be marked on the map.

What kind of closed place is that?
Could that be the origin of all this?Are we going to go deep into that place?
What kind of situation will that ghost place be like at this moment?
I suddenly felt a little scary.

According to the data, the underground base should have been destroyed, and the village, of course, was also destroyed without any suspense. Everything has been sealed in the mud.

But now I have to dig out all of this with my hands.

I couldn't help but put down the document and walked out of the command room, feeling like I had a new plan.

I have to find that village, that village may be the node and key to solve everything, where is that village at this moment?Is it already haunted?
Is there any living infection virus in that hide and seek buried underground, that terrible Japanese military base?

I thought of everything in my dream, all of this, could it be just like this?This is definitely not a coincidence!
(End of this chapter)

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