global variation

Chapter 251 That's Just Your Selfish Desire

Chapter 251 That's Just Your Selfish Desire
I remembered everything I saw in my dream.


Tropical plants.

European soldiers with special accents.

Wait, if it is in North Africa, there should be no such islands, and there will be no such plants.I would rather believe that everything in the dream is on the Pacific Ocean.But why is it in the Pacific Ocean?Could it be that what I see is not the origin, but some unknown thing that happened afterward?I began to fall into endless doubts again.

Pacific Ocean - If the virus had really been transported from Germany to the Far East at that time, it would not be surprising that it appeared in the Pacific Ocean.Another point is that the influence of the church has spread to American countries early, even earlier than the rise in China. It can be shown that there is an extremely close relationship between the two.

Well, what I saw was probably the scene on the Pacific battlefield during World War II.

I took a deep breath.

For someone like me whose history is not very good, the amount of information is really too much.

Although a bit cumbersome, I decided to hold a small meeting to discuss further strategies.

Through the communication system, I quickly summoned Mo Ge and the others. At the same time, of course, Number Five and several senior researchers came.

Number five still looked at me with a half-smile.

When I rushed into the command room just now and sent away the researchers who were still guarding here, this guy probably already guessed what I might do next.

he is very smart.

Terrible too.

I quickly copied several copies of the information in my hand on the photocopier in the side wall and sent them to everyone who entered the command room.

No. [-] just flipped through it casually, then raised his head and said with a smile: "What's the matter, is it the devil's fault again?"

I said, "I don't care who made this crime, now I need to investigate the origin of all this, Tu Shu." I turned to look at Tu Shu, and said, "Didn't they also talk to the government when you negotiated with the government last time?" Shall we investigate all this ourselves?"

"Yes." Tu Shu nodded and said, "They will only temporarily give us financial resources. As for investigation and defense, they will not support us casually. They also have to consider their own interests. Benefit."

I nodded and said: "So, now I want everyone to work together to dig out this matter. You have also seen that these documents should have been brought out by Li Jin from the rebel organization, and the rebel organization translated them into multinational documents. Language and writing, it is very likely that we have already made contact with various countries, and we must seize this opportunity."

This time, not many people spoke.

After a while, Mo Ge suddenly opened his mouth and said in a low voice: "This place... I can take people to search..." She was still a little weak in speaking, obviously she hadn't recovered from her injury, I felt a little uneasy, looking at She said: "There is no rush for this moment. We only know that this village is at the junction of Guangdong and Jiangxi, but we don't know the specific coordinates of this village. What is even more worrying is that this village is likely to be in ruins now, or even A new town may have been built on top of the village."

"Impossible, if the foundation is laid, can't we not find an underground military base of the former Japanese army? Moreover, if the virus really spread from there, and now it has reached this point, then that ghost place has probably already become Is it a zombie camp?"

I frowned, it's not impossible.

And that's one of the toughest problems we face.

"We don't have enough manpower now, this kind of investigation..."

"Let's go to the government." Tu Shu said suddenly, "The government has enough manpower and material resources to investigate this matter. We are weak. As long as we report the information to the government, they will never sit idly by. This information is very important to them. Say, it must be very important.”

"The government will definitely investigate, but how do you want us to believe them..." I gritted my teeth and said, "After all, we are already in exile, and the government only promised us very limited support. How can we guarantee that we are not in Utilized by the government forces, they hold the strongest technological strength in their hands, and what are we? Flesh and blood? Are we going to pave the way for their mechanized troops with their bodies?" I still don't believe those people, Not because of hatred, but an instinctive resistance.I have been watching what they did since the first day I fled, and there are many things I don't understand, and there are many things I can accept.They are also brave, but they often come across as weak.They actually see farther than us, but they often can't take our lives into consideration.

I'm afraid of cooperating with the government army, maybe because I'm petty, maybe because of other things, in short, I'm just a little scared and a little anxious.

And Tu Shu said: "Don't be hypocritical, you should understand that they are the only ones who can help us now."

"I don't think so." No. [-] hooked his mouth and said, "We still have a bargaining chip, but our great commander is unwilling to listen."

No. [-] wanted to use the citizens of the temporary resettlement area in Guangzhou as a shield. I wanted to refute, but Tu Shu said first: "I know what you're thinking, No. [-], you need to figure it out. What we need now is to use the smallest The price, the safest means to exchange for victory."

"Isn't using them as a cover the cheapest and safest method? Don't deceive yourself, okay? You are just being influenced by the pedantic kindness in your heart. Those so-called kindness will only harm us and harm us. Everyone, our great commander, Chu Tingsheng, was influenced by this kind of kindness, which gave Li Jin an opportunity to take advantage of."

"Do you think the people are fools and the government army are idiots?" Tu Shu said, "You are just eager for quick success and quick profit to achieve your own goals, right? You hate the infected, the resistance organization, and everyone who harmed you , Of course, it is very likely that you also hate those people in the government army who have taunted you... So you want revenge, this is your ultimate goal, you just deliberately raised your hatred to the level of being responsible for us, to put it bluntly Now, you're just a villain, a coward."

"You!" No. [-] slapped the table hard and stood up, "You spitting blood!"

"Spit blood?" Tu Shu said with his hands behind his back, "You have been blinded by hatred, but you still want to lead us into the abyss. It's not me who spouts blood, but you with ulterior motives!"

"Hmph, where's the evidence?"

"Evidence? I don't need evidence. I just need to tell you what will happen next if you use your plan." Tu Shu said, "If your plan is true, we will use the residents of the city as a cover , then the prestige we have just established will be greatly weakened, and the people will not trust us. Even if we fight a good battle and attract some guerrilla troops to join, we will still lose support. And the government army? The government forces have formed an alliance. Even if their support to us is very limited, it is better than nothing. Moreover, they can help us solve the worries in the rear. Even if the rebel organization counterattacks from the rear, there is absolutely no chance. But if you do what you said What? We will break with the government forces, and in the end, there is only one possibility, that is, we will desert our relatives and be isolated and helpless.”

Tu Shu took a step forward, pointed at No. [-], and said sharply: "How dare you say that you are not out of selfish desires, with ulterior motives and no consequences?"

"Hmph!" No. [-] was so refuted that he had nothing to say. I'm not eloquent, and I usually don't want to talk to him. , he really has nothing to say.

I saw this guy with a pale face and trembling hands. After a while, he slapped the table angrily and left without looking back.

After he walked out, other researchers began to whisper, Tu Shu spread his hands and said, "I'm just telling the truth."

Looking at Tu Shu's expression, I couldn't laugh or cry.

But I have to say that Tu Shu is indeed a rare guy who can control number five.

"Do you have other plans, Chu Tingsheng?" Probably seeing that I was silent, after a while, Tu Shu looked at me and asked.

I curled my lips and said, "I don't have any sure plans...but..." I thought for a while and said, "On balance, I agree with you. It's better to leave this kind of thing to someone with human and material resources." It is more appropriate for the supported government forces to do it, and we are mainly responsible for bringing Qiqi home."

"Go home..." Ah Meng was a little puzzled.

I know this kid hasn't understood our plan yet, so I'm not going to explain it to her, but I looked at Mo Ge, who nodded slightly, and said, "Her mental state has improved a lot..." She said In the middle of a sentence, he seemed to want to continue, but he began to cough uncontrollably.

I frowned and said, "I'm more concerned about your physical condition now."

"I'm fine." Mo Ge shook his head and said, "If you want to punish at any time, I can...cough cough..."

I sighed.

"That's the kind of person she is, with a stubborn mouth." Tu Shu sneered.

Mo Ge turned his face away and gave Tu Shu a cold look.

I shook my head and said: "Stop arguing, take a rest for two days, Tu Shu, you will continue to be in charge of contacting the government forces, I want them to pay attention to this matter, and help us to the greatest extent, do you think it is possible? ?”

"Of course I can do it." Tu Shu said with a smile, "Don't you believe it?"

I nodded. Although I have not personally experienced Tu Shu's negotiation scene, I still believe in her eloquence.

Without any hesitation or waiting, she stood up, walked out, and said, "It seems that my problem has been solved, and it's time to work."

After Tu Shu left, I reckoned that no one could make any meaningful speeches, so I said, "Everyone should leave, let's take a rest, we may have to fight again at any time..."

"Wait..." Unexpectedly, at this time, a researcher stepped forward to me, handed me something, and said, "When I was organizing the data on the disk, I found an encrypted sector. We deliberately stripped it. I got some data in it, but through that set of data, I obtained a piece of code, and by deciphering that code, I got a piece of...some weird words."

"Weird? Why didn't you say that just now?" I froze for a moment.

"Just now...we..."

"There's no need to explain." These researchers are more hesitant than one another. Their work is the most rigorous, so people are often a little bit dizzy. In the information handed over, there was a very simple sentence in it, which was obviously deciphered from the code - "Xiang scientist Liang Yue has made great achievements in the study of the theory of civilization."

"Liang Yue, civilization theory?" I froze for a moment.

At this time, a word suddenly popped up in my heart, and that word, during this time, has been entangled in my brain... It made me torment and struggle...

"Civilization in the dust..." I murmured to myself, "Could it be that this Liangyue is the opportunity for me to unravel these four characters? Hunan Province?" I raised my head and asked, "Do you know a man named Is it Liang Yue's scientist?"

(End of this chapter)

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