global variation

Chapter 252 The Weird Scientist

Chapter 252 The Weird Scientist

The guys in front of me looked at each other at this moment, and quickly lowered their heads.

They seem to want to say something but dare not say it.

My heart sank.

What's going on here, what's the origin of this Liang Yue?
I said, "What's the matter, why is everyone afraid to speak? What do you mean? Just speak up if you have something to say."

The leader seemed to think for a while, and then slowly said: "It's not that we dare not say it, it's just that it's useless to find this person."


"Liang Yue is Xie Chun's friend." The researcher opposite me said.

"So what? Isn't Xie Chun a member of the resistance organization?" I said, "Although we have left the resistance organization, our goals are similar or even the same."

"It's not that simple." The man said, "Liang Yue has always believed that the rebel organization is still the culprit of Xie Chun. He has a close personal relationship with Xie Chun, and there is another biggest problem, that is, Liang Yue was studying dust When talking about the theory of civilization, it was criticized and refuted by many people from resistance organizations and even political scholars. Those people thought that this theory was nonsense, without any evidence, and it was even an evil and anti-human statement. Therefore, he He has been excluded all the time, and Xie Chun was implicated because of his friendship at the beginning... In short, this person has been persecuted to the point that he does not want to trust any of us. He does have very important research materials in hand, but he once threatened that even if Burn the data, and definitely not give it to those who resist the organization."

I smiled and said, "That's just right, I'm not a member of the resistance organization, and neither are you now."

"You don't really plan to go to Hunan Province to visit him, do you?" the researcher said, "He is difficult to deal with. He lives in an underground fortress, and the outside of the fortress is full of automatic defense systems. He is rich, and the external defense systems are all He designed it himself, the road is winding and deep, and he is manipulating and monitoring him, as long as he sees that you are not feeling well, he can kill you silently at any time."

"It's so interesting, I never knew there were such strange people and strange things in this world." I said.


"Then it's all the more reason I should pay a visit," said I, "for I'm worried about having nowhere to go."

The few people in front of me showed some incomprehensible expressions, I looked back at Mo Ge, she lowered her head slightly.

She must know the history of this anti-resistance organization very well, and I think she must also know about this person, but she should also know that she can't change anything, especially what I have already decided, so she simply chose not talking.

"Okay, tell me the exact address, where exactly is this man's fortress." I said.

"Are you really going..." The researcher still had some doubts.

"Yes, go."

"I'll go with you." Behind him, Mo Ge finally seemed to be unable to hold back, and finally spoke.

"No, I'm leaving today. Forget about your body..."


"Since when have you become a mother-in-law?" I smiled and said, "You stay here and take command instead of me."

Mo Ge sighed and shook his head again.

Everything was settled, and the two people in front of me finally gave me the address and said nothing more.

I tickled the corner of my mouth and sent all of them to leave quickly, and then I started to look for the weird scientist's things.

I must go and come back quickly, there is not much time.

The next morning, I left the resistance.

I haven't left this place for a long time.

I found that although the entire city of Guangzhou has shrunk many times, but at this time, it seems that the life of the citizens has begun to return to normal. What makes me feel a little surprised is that it has started to open to traffic again. Guangzhou City and the capital of Hunan Province, That's where I'm going, and it's actually accessible by train.Prior to this, these traffic lines were directly closed.It seems that the battle at the fortress of life has indeed brought temporary peace to the world.

The train is very small, and there are very few people who can carry it, and boarding the train is not through buying a ticket, but through a declaration. Before I left, I was more careful, fearing that I would not be able to pass the checkpoint, so I asked Tu Shu to call the government defenders in advance. I said hello, so I boarded the train very smoothly.

Everything seemed simple. That night, I successfully arrived in the capital of Hunan Province. The inland areas were not affected too much. The life of the entire capital of Hunan Province seemed not to be affected much. However, when I got off the bus, some The streets are under martial law. I took several small roads and made many detours before entering the highway outside the suburbs. I stopped a car. When I told the man where I was going, the man's eyes were a little weird, and It seemed a little frightened, and looked me up and down for a long time, which made me feel hairy.

And when I arrived at the destination, I realized that there was a reason for his fear, because the address I reported was a cemetery area.

The funeral parlor and crematorium are connected to the edge of the cemetery.

And the place I was looking for was just behind the crematorium. I took a taxi to this place in the middle of the night, and it was inevitable for him to be afraid.

The moment I got out of the car, he didn't take any money, and drove away immediately.

I stood on the road outside the cemetery area, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

In fact, at this time, the night air is very fresh.

I have to say that I have not been in contact with the outside world for a long time. When I first came to the capital of Hunan Province, I even felt that I was out of place in this world. I was a little uncomfortable even asking for directions and taking a taxi. The head forced them to tell me the answer as quickly as possible.

But at this time, standing in front of the silent goal, I felt a little bit of peace of mind.

I turned off from the path next to the cemetery area.

I don't know if there are any resurrected dead around here.

I would think so, just alert, never nervous.

Ebola can control the living, but there is no evidence that it cannot control the dead.

At the end of the fork, I didn't see the so-called fortress. The building of the funeral parlor behind me was extremely silent, without any sound, and in front of me was a forest.

The woods are not dense, and there are even dead branches and leaves everywhere. This is an atmosphere that meets the purpose.

I'm a little uneasy.

So, holding the gun, I stepped into the goal step by step-in fact, I don't know if I am really approaching the goal, or if I have gone further and further away.

I stretched out towards the forest step by step, the forest was extremely dark and deep, the ground was full of broken branches and leaves, there was no life at all, the most important thing was that there was no road, no signpost, I moved forward step by step , At this time, there was a rustling sound behind me. I stopped and listened carefully to make sure that it was not the sound of wind blowing through the forest.

So I turned on the lights on the comm. There must be something else here, probably something fatal.

Just as I was thinking this way, suddenly, I felt a black shadow flash past me, very fast, and then, there was a low hiss like a horse.


I thought of something.

I felt a tinge of worry, a tinge of fear.

Could it be that I was followed by something, how could it be possible, how could it be followed here.

Immediately afterwards, there was a low growl, from far to near.

A black shadow rushed towards me in a hurry, and I immediately turned around to dodge. The black shadow flew into the air and turned around behind me. With the power of the concentrated liquid, I quickly turned around and shot, but missed a single shot.

That guy is incredibly fast.

I gritted my teeth, stepped forward, and fired again. This time, the bullet exploded in his chest, and the guy flew out immediately, hitting a tree not far away, the trunk swayed, and a piece of dead branch fell.

I went ahead and fired a few shots at the guy.

The guy trembled and finally fell to the ground.


There are infected people in this place? !

I became more and more nervous, in all directions, there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes staring at me suddenly, and the neighing of the "horse" was around my ears again—I suddenly felt that this neighing of the horse seemed to be the same as the one I met before. I don't know if it's an illusion or not.

(End of this chapter)

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