global variation

Chapter 253 Doomsday

Chapter 253 Doomsday
What is it? !

I stared at the darkness in front of me, and sure enough, a strange silhouette slowly appeared in the darkness.

I held up the gun, gritted my teeth, and stared at the slowly moving, increasingly clear body.

The moonlight was dim, and the cold wind blowing from the cemetery area blew through the dry treetops, carrying a hint of desolation, which also made everything around here even more eerie.I even felt a little trembling—I shouldn't be trembling, this is a battle, how can I flinch and tremble on the battlefield?
"Who!" I yelled.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" I heard a sound of metal crashing, and the sound shook the ground, as if even the dead leaves danced slowly because of it.

Soon, the sound of the metal impact stopped, and the still slightly blurred silhouette in front of me slowly raised its arms. With a low growl, there was a burst of dead leaves rolling and dead branches flying. In the darkness, two swift bodies Suddenly rushed out from the ground, yelled at me and rushed up, I hurriedly retreated, the two guys almost collided with each other, but quickly stabilized their figures.

At this time, I noticed that the two guys who rushed forward seemed to move very differently from ordinary infected people.

Although, I'm sure that thing must be an infected person.

Although their movements were as fast as those of the infected, they were very stiff, as if their joints could not move at all. I frowned and stared, and those two guys rushed towards me again. It was more like jumping than rushing over. It's more appropriate. Are these things not infected people, but real zombies? !
What is it that can control zombies?

The guy in front of me—the guy on the horse, made a move with both hands. In the darkness, his tower-like body remained motionless, only his arms, as if issuing a judgment on me, under the crisp and neat movements, In the grass in all directions, countless "zombies" sprang out. In an instant, in this forest with overlapping dead branches and fallen leaves, there were dozens of infected people standing up like corpses. I couldn't think of it. Without finding the so-called fortress, I was surrounded by this army of zombies.

That scene reminded me of the movie of the year, World War Z.

However, infected people are not zombies. Where did these things, these zombies come from!

I turned to look at the guy who controlled and summoned this group of zombies, gritted my teeth, and rushed towards him.

Capture the thief first, capture the king, this principle has been around since ancient times.

However, before I got in front of that guy, suddenly, my feet sank suddenly.

I fell into a pothole the size of a person.

Falling with me, there are countless dead branches and fallen leaves. My body seemed to be emptied in an instant. I saw the stone walls around me, and I saw the sand at the bottom of the darkness. But in the end, I landed on a smooth metal surface. Then, my body slid down the metal surface, and rolled onto the icy ice unsuspectingly. I turned over several times, finally stabilized my body, sat up slowly, looked around, here I can't see my fingers, and my communication device and pistol seem to have fallen to the side. Even with the adaptability of the strongest concentrate, I can only grope carefully here.

Soon, I finally found the communication device nearby, and I quickly turned on the lighting equipment. At this moment, I suddenly found a figure flashing at the end of the passage in front of me. I was startled and shouted: "Who! "

No one responded.

I found the pistol left on the side, raised it and slowly approached the figure.

This is a long passage, surrounded by metal walls, very similar to the base of the rebel organization.

The moment I stepped into the long narrow road, a voice suddenly came from the opposite side: "I advise you not to go any further, otherwise, I don't guarantee that you won't be beaten into a hornet's nest."

I was taken aback, this is a mature and stable male voice, I vaguely guessed who this person was.

"Liang Yue!" I shouted loudly, "Is it Professor Liang Yue!"

"Who told you to come to me." The other party didn't admit it, of course, it had already acquiesced.

I retracted the pistol and said, "No one asked me to come, I just wanted to come."

"Hmph... how did you find this place, and how did you mess with those guys?!" Professor Liang Yue asked coldly.

"Those guys?"

"Pretending to be garlic? Do you think I don't know what you did on top of my head?" Liang Yue's figure gradually appeared, walking towards me step by step. As he was walking, the lights on the walls on both sides followed him The footsteps of the lamps are opened one by one.What I saw appeared in front of me was a tall man in a straight suit and a tall figure. The wrinkles on his face seemed to indicate his profound experience, but his eyes were still piercing.His lips were sharp like a knife, slightly thin, and they were tightly pressed together, his expression seemed unreasonable, the bridge of his nose was high and even slightly hooked, which further highlighted the sharpness of these facial features.

I can see that this is a person with a weird temper and is extremely difficult to get along with. Moreover, everything he has experienced has determined that he will never trust anyone easily.

I stood where I was, trying my best to calm myself down.

The lamp above my head also lit up as he stepped forward. He looked me up and down, and after a while, he said, "Are you a new member of the resistance organization?"

"Yes and no."

"One is one, two is two, yes is yes, no is no, what kind of word games are you playing with me?!" He snapped, completely disrespecting me.

I hooked the corner of my mouth and said, "It used to be."

"what about now?"

"I betrayed them."

"Ha!" He opened his hands with wide eyes and gave a dry laugh, then turned around, took a few steps forward, turned his head to look at me again, stared into my eyes, and said, "To be honest, why did you betray?"

"Because they betrayed me." I said lightly.

This time, Liang Yue was silent.I didn't deliberately find common ground with him, but I believe he can empathize with my feelings. How similar is my experience to his?How similar are the experiences of all those who were abandoned by the resistance organization?I believe that any one of us will feel the same fate, no matter how unreasonable this person is, no matter how grumpy and grumpy he is.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Chu Tingsheng." I replied.

"You!" He turned around and took a few steps forward. At this time, he was very close to me, looked at me again, then shook his head slowly, and suddenly laughed: "Hahaha...hahahahaha... ...It's really unexpected that you are Chu Tingsheng, the Chu Tingsheng who has the strongest concentrated liquid?"

I didn't speak, because I didn't know what he was laughing at, whether it was mocking or something else.Moreover, I am already amazed at his well-informed news. It seems that this Liang Yue is not out of touch with worldly affairs.

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, you who have the strongest concentrated liquid, you have betrayed the rebel organization in the end, and it's because the rebel organization gave up that you took this step, hahahaha, it's ridiculous, the people of the rebel organization, are they all crazy? What?" He said coldly, "Why didn't they kill you."

I replied, "Maybe they wanted, even wanted me to die with the infected, but they didn't succeed."

"Really..." Liang Yue became thoughtful, and after a while, he said slowly, "Since it's Chu Tingsheng, then it's another matter."

I didn't expect everything to go so smoothly.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

I have prepared countless rhetoric, but there is no need to speak at this moment, what he said is straightforward, without any concealment.

I realized that I could only communicate with him in the most straightforward way, so I said, "I have only come here for one purpose, to find out the origin of Ibola."

"The origin of Ebola?" Liang Yue looked up blankly, then suddenly stretched out his hand, and shot a beam of infrared rays into the air in his hand. Immediately afterwards, the hole where I fell just now was sealed by a round metal cover ——It turned out that I fell because of his control.

"You saved me?" I said.

"Saving you is out of the question. I wanted to ask why you came here, and why you brought a group of such troublesome guys...and then killed you. But since you are Chu Tingsheng, everything can be easily explained , I think, I can’t kill you either.” He looked at me with a smile, it was an ambitious smile, but also a confident smile, as if telling me that he had mastered everything, all of us do not know things.

I hate the way he smiles, but I don't know how to ask.

"If you have anything to say, come talk to me in the lab." He turned and stepped forward, "Follow me, and you won't be attacked by the defense system."

I followed closely.

The long passage was very tortuous, I was a little anxious, and finally I couldn't help asking, "What are those chasing me?"

"Don't you know them?" Professor Liang Yue asked back.

"do not know."

"Hehe, that's the Apocalypse Knight." Liang Yue's voice was calm.

"Knight of Apocalypse?!" I was taken aback. How could this kind of vocabulary that only appeared in the Bible be used on the infected, a species that blasphemed life?Although I don't have any religious complex, I also understand the sacredness of each religion's beliefs.No matter what religion it is - unless it's a cult like Penance of the Body of God - I can't get in contact with infected people.

"Yes, what you met was the strongest of the Apocalypse Knights, the Death Knight." His voice was still cold, "If I hadn't opened the metal cover on the ground just now to make you fall, as long as your hand was scratched by him If it breaks a little bit, it's over. The death knight has a powerful Ebola virus group that directly destroys human cells, and this virus group fills his whole body. It is difficult to find a second such infected person in the whole world Come on, he's the ace of the Infected, and probably, one of the strongest Infected to date."

I couldn't help but feel a little shudder.

And I quickly thought of the guy who attacked the fortress of life, so I asked: "I have also met a knight with a bone sword in his hand who can manipulate flames..."

"That's a war knight." Liang Yue said, "A war maniac among the infected, a strategist, has an IQ comparable to that of a human being. The hot weapon in his hand is enough to destroy metal devices. At the same time, the flame contains a special substance that locks ions , can affect the magnetic field, and even carry out precise strikes on modern weapons from the microscopic level, it is a miracle that you survived when you met the two of them...Of course, you are Chu Tingsheng, so it is not too strange."

"Apocalypse Knights... there are four?"

"That's right, there are two more, a Famine Knight and a Plague Knight. They have also landed in the land of China. Soon, they will use China as the origin to judge humans." Liang Yue turned his face unexpectedly, With a sinister smile, he said, "Is it scary? Do you also feel a little scared?"

"It would be a lie to say I'm not afraid," I said, "but my purpose is to defeat them."

"Really? Defeating them, even if you can defeat the four knights under the main god of the Ebola tribe, can you find the main god of Ebola? Can you destroy Ebola's belief? Can you eliminate the inferiority of human beings?" Liang Yue Yue said with a smile.

I was at a loss for words.

I don't even know what he's talking about.

God of Ebola?
Ebola's faith?

What exactly do these mean?
"The end is coming, but always at this time, a group of people jump out and try to change something, but I don't know, should I say you are brave, or that you are boring?" Liang Yue suddenly sighed .

(End of this chapter)

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