global variation

Chapter 254 Underground

Chapter 254 Underground
Liang Yue walked forward, and I followed closely, for fear of missing any trace of his narration.

Soon, we arrived at his laboratory.

I can hardly describe this kind of laboratory in words. It's not how spectacular and exquisite it is, but because this place is simply incomprehensible. Everything here seems to be chaotic, but it seems to have its own rules. All the equipment, all the parallel lines, and all the computers connected together seem to be arranged according to a certain trajectory, but this trajectory is really unpredictable. This place is like a huge fusion of machines. The body, it reminds me of something that comes up in my head and in my dreams.That thing is also incomprehensible.

That thing is also very huge. The only difference from the machines here is that the things fused into its body are not machines but flesh and blood, countless corpses and flesh and blood.

There is only one small path in the center of the laboratory, and we looked forward, we walked through this small path, and finally came to his experimental table.

The console of this laboratory is really quite small, almost surrounded by countless fine and delicate machinery.

I don't understand the purpose of this whole design, I don't understand the purpose of this long, fat, bloated cluster of machines, which is just one giant worm.

"Hehe, is it surprising? The seemingly disorderly arrangement is actually the method to achieve the highest efficiency of data calculation. Every instrument here cannot be moved or changed in any way, otherwise, my work efficiency will be greatly reduced. Lower, so, I simply reinforced them from the outside, hehehe, hahahaha..."

Liang Yue is very proud of his laboratory.

"Do you know the meaning?" Liang Yue stared into my eyes and said, "I believe you know."

I looked at him with some confusion.

Liang Yue chuckled and said, "Didn't you dream of anything strange in your dream?"

"What?!" I froze for a moment.

How could he guess my dream?

"Although I'm not very sure, but..." Liang Yue smiled and said, "I think there is a [-]% to [-]% possibility, right? Your dream must be very unique and very... Fascinating."


Forget it, the dream tortured me so much that I couldn't sleep for a long time. Although there was a period of time, I forced myself to sleep, to perceive and explore my dreams, but it was too painful Now, every time I open my eyes, I either vomit blood or have a splitting headache, which is completely beyond the scope of rejection.

I gritted my teeth and said, "How do you know about my dream?"

"Because my theory is different from the mediocrity of the resistance organization. There are not many people in this world who can accept my theory. Among those who have not experienced the ultimate horror and death, there are probably no more than ten people who can accept this theory... …” He snapped his fingers and said, “Lin Baihe counts as one, his daughter Lin Wan probably inherited his father’s mantle, maybe counts as one, Xie Chun will certainly accept it... and Gao Peng..." After thinking for a while, he suddenly He said with emotion, "Hey, these names remind me of a lot of things from the past, but I think they are all dead now, right? Haha, in this world, besides people like me, what other people are there? Scientists, can they live well?"

" just said, Gao Peng?!" I seemed to hear an unusual name.

"That's right, it was Gao Peng. It's just that he didn't agree with our theories and broke up. But even so, it can't destroy the friendship between us. You must know that the special ones established in scientific research are comparable to vulgar ones." The feeling of friendship is much deeper." Liang Yue said.

"So, in fact, Gao Peng...was friends with you and Xie Chun the first time?"

"We... can be said to be the most advanced and outstanding group of scientists, believe it or not." Liang Yue looked at me very proudly.

Of course I believe that Lin Wan and Gao Peng alone make me feel ashamed of their IQs, not to mention the Liang Yue who made such a huge and sophisticated instrument in front of me.

The corner of Liang Yue's mouth hooked again, and said, "Unfortunately, the smartest person is just one step away from a lunatic."

I froze for a moment.

Liang Yue said again: "Lin Baihe was killed, Xie Chun was pushed out, Gao Peng became the devil you all shouted and beat, and I had to hide here... Humph... If you weren't Chu Ting Sheng, you are not the one with the strongest concentrated solution, as you are a member of the resistance organization, I have already done something to you and killed you directly."

"I am not a member of the resistance organization." I sighed lowly and said, "We have already broken."

"You don't have to argue." Liang Yue said, "I won't do you any harm, at least not for the time being... I'm just expressing a few words, you don't need to be nervous."

Actually, I'm not nervous.

I just don't want to have anything to do with the resistance organization anymore, I'm eager to draw a line with them.

Liang Yue sat back to the back of the test bench and said: "Okay, I don't think I need to waste time with you anymore, you said you want to find out their origin, so, your purpose is actually There is only one thing, and that is the information. However, before I give you the information, I think you must tell me who you are working for now and who I am working for.”

"I didn't do anything for anyone..."

"Ha... Let's put it simply, who is your collaborator." Liang Yue's eyes were sharp, as if he could see through my thoughts at a glance. He didn't give me any chance to be sloppy, and hit my heart precisely.

I was silent for a moment and said, "The government."

"Hahaha..." He laughed loudly, and after a long time, he said, "However, to cooperate with the government, you still have a little bit of conscience after all."

I froze for a moment.

I thought that a person like him would never trust the government, but he doesn't seem to be like that.

"At least I should thank them for not driving me out of this cave." Liang Yue said, "If the rebel organization had time to take care of me, I'm afraid I would have nowhere to hide."

Looks like there's hope for this thing.

A faint excitement ignited in my heart, but I still calmly said, "Then, do you have any conditions?"

"Of course there are conditions. When a person like you comes, how can I not let you do something." He smiled faintly, very strangely.

My heart sank, it seems that this guy will definitely not arrange any good things for me to do.

I sighed and said, "Then tell me."

"I want you to find Xie Chun's information first." He said lightly, "After you find Xie Chun's information, it will not be too late to talk to me... If you don't have Xie Chun's relevant research results, just have Xie Chun's research results." Mine, I’m afraid it’s hard for you to see anything.”

"Xie Chun, but he has been dead for a long time." I said.

"That's right, Xie Chun was killed by people from the church. It was Gao Peng who killed him, but whether Gao Peng got the information is unknown. I stay here all year round, but I can't figure out the kindness and resentment you have outside. "He put on a look of nothing to do with himself, I know he did it on purpose, but what can I say?
I pondered for a moment, wanting to argue a few words, but at this moment, suddenly, I heard a loud "bang" behind me, and then bursts of shocking sirens sounded, and the entire laboratory, including the people outside, Everywhere in the passage, red lights began to flash.

"It seems that I underestimated them." In my astonishment, Liang Yue stood up slowly and said, "Those things are really not that easy to deal with."

"You mean?"

I glanced at Liang Yue.

Liang Yue didn't answer, but his eyes said everything.

I heard the sound of metal hitting the ground, getting closer.

"That thing has already come in." Liang Yue said, "It's a pity that he can't summon the dead underground in this place."

I really felt like I was fighting an enemy who knew magic, and the enemy was getting closer.

I picked up the gun, but Liang Yue took a few steps back, leaning on the huge metal screen behind him with one hand. I don't know what that screen does.

(End of this chapter)

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