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Chapter 255 The Battle of the Underground Chamber - Judgment

Chapter 255 The Battle of the Underground Chamber - Judgment

There was a hoarse cry, and then, a long sword pointed at Liang Yue and me. This is indeed a sword, made of metal, and a round sword god.Compared with the bloody and bruised war knight, this death knight looks much more "delicate". His muscles are wrapped under layers of metal. Although he may no longer have skin, the tightly stitched metal plates have already He was wrapped into a robot-like monster.Like the war knight, he also wore a huge cloak, which almost covered half of his body, except for the metal arm, and his thin and pale face.

That face, at least, was still a human face, but without a human figure, with cloudy eyes, black lips, a high nose bridge, and deep-set eye sockets, like a vampire demon crawling out of hell, and his other hand seemed to be only The five knuckle-like fingers were left open and closed, and his skin had turned a light brown. I really couldn't think of how to describe that dry skin.

I stood in front of him, gun raised, staring at this guy.

And he didn't have the slightest fear, he curled his mouth slightly, looked at me, and said: "The things in your body are very unusual. In fact, we are half of the same kind, but you didn't realize it yourself."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Compared with other infected people, this guy's voice is louder, and his logic seems to be very clear, no different from ordinary people. After all, wisdom is not as good as human beings, and this is the only way for human beings to defeat them. But if every infected person is like this guy in front of him, with a strong body, magical energy, and human-like wisdom, I don’t know how to deal with them. No one can beat him.

"Nonsense? I'm not talking nonsense..." I can't believe that an infected person can accurately refute my words, "Your body is not just your own. Your human wisdom will never be enough to understand all this."

"That's not necessarily true." Behind me, Liang Yue said suddenly, "I will let you go here, instead of manipulating the mechanism to shoot you the moment you step into the passage, you should understand that I still have a plan .”

"Human scientists, you can peek into part of the information in your cerebral cortex." The death knight said, "Your IQ is indeed higher than ordinary people, but you are a human being after all. Humans, after all, are still difficult to overcome the obstacles of your thinking. It has nothing to do with your thoughts, it is determined by your body structure, you are weak after all, you just use your developed IQ to defeat those lower creatures."

"How much do you think of yourself?" Liang Yue sneered, "No matter how powerful you are, you can only be trapped in this human body? Without a human body, how do you drive the substances you want to control? It's ridiculous..."

"Pedantic, we just found the most suitable environment." The death knight said.

I feel more and more weird. It sounds like what we are facing is not a human being, but something that resides in this body.

Could it be that this is the so-called soul?
Where in this world is there such a mysterious thing?
What am I facing?What is inside me?The more I think about it, the more scared I become, but on the battlefield, how can I show fear?If I really feel afraid, wouldn't I have already lost half of the battle?
I gritted my teeth and looked at the guy opposite, and said, "

Don't procrastinate, let's do it!
"Wait." It was Liang Yue who told me to wait. Liang Yue stood up from the console. When I looked back for a moment, I saw him staring at the death knight sternly, and said, "It seems that I won't do anything." What, it seems that even the dignity of human beings cannot be restored..."

"Hmph, what can you do?" The death knight waved the sword in his hand, and I saw a layer of green juice coming out from his metal sword. weapons.

Then, his body shook, and the green juice spread out little by little, and actually vaporized to the surroundings, surrounding his gas, forming a green mist barrier around him.

this is too scary.

I never thought the infected could be so powerful.

I took a step back, Liang Yue supported my shoulders, and said: "Don't be afraid, that level of corrosive gas has already been neutralized by antiseptics by [-]% or [-]% in my laboratory, but it is used to scare people. Forget it, as long as that thing doesn't erode your internal organs, it won't do you any harm at all."

"Hehe, it seems that you have already thought of this level?" The death knight sneered.

"No, it's just that I feel that people like me may be attacked at any time, so it's better to be more careful." Liang Yue came to me, and suddenly touched a button on the huge pole next to him with one hand. He didn't press it immediately, but said lightly, "Guess what this is?"

"Hmph... delaying time?" The death knight flicked his cloak, and several dark green balls flew towards him, but Liang Yue stretched out his hand and pulled on the top of the machine. The green gas was immediately blocked by the curtain and drifted away.But the death knight stabbed towards us with a sword. I immediately pulled the trigger. The death knight paused and swung his sword to block my bullet. The bullet exploded in mid-air. To him, it will not affect anything in this laboratory at all.

The death knight took a step back, and suddenly his cloak shook. Under the cloak, there were several strands of green gas coming directly. The gas was very thick, and just seeing it made me feel disgusted.

Under the ground, his strength seems to have been weakened a lot, but he is still very scary. This guy doesn't seem to be able to hurt me, but he forced me to breathe. did it.

What's more, this guy didn't even use his full strength.

Soon I was pushed back to the corner, and the death knight didn't chase after me, but turned around and rushed towards Liang Yue.

Liang Yue is just a scientist, I really don't think he has any ability to compete with the death knight.

But at this moment, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed on the wall he just touched, and suddenly, a strange sound—like a kind of music, or a kind of signal, in short, it was extremely strange and disturbing. An uncomfortable sound——suddenly rang in my ears, and that sound made my whole body feel extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, the death knight suddenly seemed to be stunned.

"Oh... unexpectedly..." He raised his hand and pointed at Liang Yue with his long sword, and Liang Yue stood upright, motionless, without squinting, as if he didn't pay attention to the powerful enemy opposite him at all.

And my body, at this moment, seemed to be completely frozen. I saw some strange scenes, which were very blurry. This kind of scene dangled in front of my eyes like a layer of twilight.

"Don't be afraid!" Liang Yue seemed to know my situation, and turned to me and said, "Something has temporarily affected your optic nerve, and everything you see is misleading information from your brain, it's not your memory , nor your knowledge, calm down! Stand firm!"

It was only at this time that I felt my legs tremble a little, but I quickly stabilized my body.

This time, it was the death knight's turn to retreat. He stepped back step by step, then suddenly turned around and pointed at me with his sword raised.

I also raised the gun, although it was extremely difficult.

"You've been bewitched!" He suddenly yelled at me, "You've been bewitched by humans!"

I gritted my teeth, not knowing what the other person was talking about.

"Bastard!" The death knight became angry. After yelling, he stood coldly on the spot, staring at me. After a while, he started to back up slowly, little by little, until he was back in the passage. Shaking the cloak, he said in a cold voice: "No tricks will work, you can't stop this destruction and cleansing, this is the doomsday judgment we have prepared for you! Scientists, you can't do it, my people, you can do it too not!"

After the body of the death knight disappeared into the darkness, I guess I felt an inexplicable dizziness, and then, a mouthful of blood spewed out.

I clutched my chest, took a few steps back, leaned against the wall, gritted my teeth and looked at Liang Yue.

"Don't worry." He was quite calm, "You'll be fine, it's just that your body can't bear the load temporarily."

(End of this chapter)

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