global variation

Chapter 256 Plague in Hunan Province

Chapter 256 Plague in Hunan Province
I have long been used to the feeling of blood being pulled from my body.

That feeling made me feel more and more limp all over, and even felt like my whole body had left the ground.

I stroked my forehead, gritted my teeth, looked at everything in front of me, and listened to the footsteps of the gradually disappearing death knight, and couldn't help being puzzled.

What was that sound just now, why is that sound enough to cause such a strong rejection reaction in my body, and why is that sound enough to scare away such a powerful death knight.

I glanced at Liang Yue again, and I knew he was definitely not going to explain to me.

I didn't ask him for an explanation, but slowly closed my eyes and waited for my physical strength to recover.

I was very similar before, my body recovered surprisingly fast, and when I opened my eyes again, I could barely stand up.

Liang Yue looked at me a little condescendingly, and I felt a little oppressed, so I hurriedly stood up straight, looked at Liang Yue, and said, "Tell me, you didn't finish what you just said."

The corners of Liang Yue's mouth hooked slightly, he reached out and patted my shoulder, and said: "It seems that everything is similar to what I thought, and your body has already told me the answer I want."

I frowned, although I didn't know what he was expressing, but there was a slight movement in my heart, and there was a trace of fear.

There is indeed something lurking in my body, which is already certain, but I don't know if it is the Ebola virus, and if so, why my body has not collapsed for so long, but has become more and more serious. Powerful, what exactly does this concentrate bring me?
The more I think about it, the more bizarre it becomes.

At this time, Liang Yue had already opened his mouth and said, "I said before that I can only hand over the complete data to you if you find another part of Xie Chun's research materials. ?”

"No." I shook my head.

"Then you go." Liang Yue said, "Go straight ahead, there is a passage to go out, but the road is a bit long, I will use the surveillance to clear the way for you."

I was a little disappointed in my heart. Instead of helping me solve the problem, this action created more mysteries in my heart. However, since the other party is unwilling to tell, it is meaningless for me to continue asking when I love you.So, I followed his instructions and started to walk into the darkness. In the passage I walked, the lights above my head began to be lit one by one, as if to see me off. This feeling is very subtle.Moreover, when I walked for a while, the lights behind me seemed to turn off automatically. Just following my footsteps a little bit, I walked towards the light, leaving behind the darkness behind. Not long after, a lifting platform appeared right in front of me. ——This place seems to be sophisticated, but everything seems to be very simple. I really don't know how this scientist named Liang Yue can survive in this pile of pale, intertwined and emotionless steel. .But the fact is that his mind is clearer than mine, and his spirit is many times better than mine.

I walked up the elevator, and the infrared rays on both sides scanned me up and down. I saw that the wall that was still a piece of dead iron suddenly turned into a screen directly in front of me. The screen displayed a 3D human model similar to my figure. Immediately afterwards, a beam of light scanned up and down, and I was somewhat familiar with the actual data beside it. It was clearly the command data for the genetic lock detection within the resistance organization.

It seems that some things are invariable.

I patiently waited for them to complete the inspection, and then a long beep was released, which was considered to let me pass.

The lift only extended a few meters upwards before stopping, and the metal door in front of it slowly opened, revealing a long staircase.

When walking through the stairs, dark lights flickered on the walls on both sides from time to time, like ghostly ghosts, which made people feel frightened.But I know that Anxie is also a masterpiece of the detection device——Liang Yue is very careful. He understands that some hidden genetic codes can only be detected when they are in motion, so he set up such a flight of stairs for a second inspection. In fact, this probably reflects his timidity.

In fact, what hides under his powerful surface is a heart of fear after all. He is also a human being, and every human being is afraid of death.

When I came to the ground, I realized that it was already morning. The cemetery area was built in a place surrounded by mountains and water. The cool wind between the mountain tombs was blowing in my face. It was fresh, but also a little cold. I couldn't help pulling my collar.

During the day, everything around should be safe, and the death knight should have left.

I plan to go back to the base quickly to discuss how to find out Xie Chun's so-called secret first.

From Liang Yue's half-smiley face, I noticed that he seems to be very sure of one thing, that is, Xie Chun must have left something in this world, and it must be very important, enough to overturn the whole world thing.And this is what he asked me to find.It's just that he didn't seem to tell me where Xie Chun, or where Xie Chun's home is, made me a little annoyed.Maybe he is testing me, but I hate this kind of test that takes the lives of many people as bets.

Thinking of this, I walked towards the city along the winding mountain road. I took a taxi yesterday and didn't realize that the road here is so rough.

Several groups of mourners passed in front of me, crying loudly, and a hearse passed by.I can't help being a little alert, so many people died here?What exactly is going on?After all, Hunan Province is also an important province in the central part of the land of China. Many so-called celebrities and great people were born here. In recent years, it has become the most important emergency center and trade center in the central part. —Whether it is the government army or the rebel organization, of course, it also includes the civilian armed forces—the rear area, the important hinterland.

The more I think about it, the more terrifying I feel. Could it be that, in order to disintegrate us, the church has already done something here?
I couldn't help thinking of going to the streets of the capital of Hunan Province to have a look.

Anyway, when I take the train, I always go from the capital of Hunan Province.

After resting overnight in a dilapidated hotel in the urban-rural fringe, I set off for the capital of Hunan Province.

When I arrived, I found that the city was much more depressed than I imagined. Probably due to the terrain, the city did not shrink the residential area of ​​the people to a "small spot" like Guangzhou. Centralized management and protection, the city here has basically remained unchanged, but it seems that martial law has been implemented in many streets, and the defense is unprecedentedly strong. I tried to take a shortcut to the train station several times, but I was always blocked by checkpoints.

I don't want to show the certificate that Tu Shu has done for me. I don't want to attract too much trouble and attention.

This also directly caused me to struggle.

After going around for about an hour, I was suddenly blocked by a checkpoint. I cursed in my heart. In order not to delay the time, I finally decided to use the certificate to pass the customs.

But just as I was walking forward, suddenly, a loud shout came from not far from me—it was not so much a shout as it was a chant: "Heavenly Father comes to judge all living beings, Hallelujah!" Twelve words hit my eardrums like a spell, and then two black figures rushed out from the alleyways on the left and right sides, and when I saw clearly that they were two men wearing large cloaks, They had already rushed to the checkpoint and stretched out their hands.

Combat experience made me instinctively understand what they were doing.

I swooped back hastily.


"Boom! Boom!" Two loud bangs suddenly sounded behind me, resounding through the sky.

At the same time, a broken arm flew in front of me with a "snap". I was afraid that this thing was carrying the infection virus, so I hurriedly rolled over and forcibly turned back to stand still.

At this time, the smoke and haze in front of me dispersed, and the ground was already bloody. Two government officers and soldiers at the checkpoint had been blown into two pieces, and one arm was broken.

And those two men in black robes had already been broken into pieces.

The power of the bomb is very powerful, but I am sure that those two people are definitely not infected—this is what my years of combat experience with infected people have told me.

Humans, why are humans... so crazy, is it the church? !

I felt astonished, and stepped forward quickly. The government army over there spotted me and immediately aimed their guns. I tried my best to calm down, raised my hand, showed the ID issued by Tu Shu, and said, "Don't shoot, my own!"

The government soldiers over there had just been attacked. They hesitated and hesitated a few times before an older soldier stepped forward and stared at me. He held a pistol to my forehead with one hand, and held it against my forehead with the other. He snatched the ID from my hand and examined it carefully. After a while, he narrowed his eyes and said, "I've heard about you, and I know you've come to Hunan Province. I didn't expect to meet you."

I curled my lips and pretended to be relaxed and said, "I didn't expect me to be so famous."

"Hmph..." He retracted his gun and said angrily, "However, you can ignore the affairs of the government army, and it's best not to."

I shook my head and said, "As an ally, I think I have a right to know what happened, these people, was it... a suicide bombing?"

The man hesitated for a moment, then sighed, and said: "Yes, they are all crazy. The church and even some ordinary Christians are crazy. The Ascetic Church of God has begun to take advantage of people's inherent weaknesses in the doomsday disaster period. Make a fuss, now many religious people have begun to waver."

"Anti-Human?!" I asked with a frown.

"Yes, there was a plague in Hunan Province, and it was an extremely weird plague. Even if world-renowned experts were invited, it would be difficult to cure it immediately... The Divine Body Penance Society advocated that God cleans the world and so on... It's a mess , and, indeed, many strange things have happened in this city, which are considered miracles by the common people... Hehe, there are some things, even for an atheist like me..."

"Anything can be solved with science, don't worry." I said, "If there is a god, the body should also be material...or spiritual power..."

"It's useless to talk about it now." The man shook his head and said, "You come from Guangzhou, how is the situation there?"

I shook my head and said, "If you want to know more information, you might as well take me to see the person in charge here. I think things are not that simple. The land of China can no longer fight on its own."

The soldier stared at me for a long time. Although he also did not have a military rank, I noticed that when he was talking, the people next to him were often afraid to interrupt. I thought, maybe he is the person in charge here, at least he has something to say. People with power, and the situation in Hunan Province is so serious now, I must not sit idly by, not because of how great I am, but, I guess, there may be clues I want in it.

The man looked me up and down for a long time, and said: "Although you are the person in charge of one of the cooperation partners of the Guangzhou District government army, I have said enough, and we have not trusted each other to the point where we can pour out our hearts and souls. .”

"Really..." I frowned.

At this moment, I already smelled something wrong in the air.

I, who carry the strongest concentrate, have a deeper feeling and sensitivity to certain things.

I looked around, ignoring the resistance of the soldier in front of me. At this moment, I suddenly realized that something was about to move in the alley where I rushed out of the "human bomb".

I turned around and took a step, raised the heavy gun in my hand, and said, "I'm not in the mood to explain so much to you...I just want to tell you that if human beings continue to fight each other, we will only die, and there is no need for anyone to judge us." Already!"

(End of this chapter)

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