global variation

Chapter 257 Bloody Battle at the Alleyway

Chapter 257 Bloody Battle at the Alleyway

"What did you say?!" The soldier obviously didn't know what to do, and a black shadow had sprung out of the alley again.

Without even thinking about it, I aimed a shot at the black shadow's head.

"Uh..." With a wail, the guy stopped on the spot, only half of his head was left shaking slightly, and died at the end.

Another human being.

"Hallelujah!" A shout suddenly came from the flat roof of the residential area on one side—I didn't even have time to react.

I instinctively took two steps back.

"Boom! Boom!" Two shots were fired, and smoke and dust flew in front of me-this was obviously a masterpiece of ordinary earthen shotguns.

"Pay attention to concealment!" The soldier finally understood the situation and waved his hand.

But at the same time, there was another shot on the platform.

"Ah!" The soldier not far from me screamed, and his whole body was blown away.

After I took a closer look, the soldier had already collapsed by the wall and died of exhaustion.

"Squad leader!" Someone shouted, but no one dared to come forward.

I was annoyed for a while, the modified gun seemed to be extremely powerful, and it was absolutely impossible for ordinary shotguns to kill humans at such a long distance.The enemy is condescending, which is very disadvantageous to me.

I looked around, and at this moment, I saw a drainage pipe next to the residential area, winding and extending to the roof. I gritted my teeth, jumped up, and held the outside of the water pipe with one hand, using the power of the concentrated liquid, With a kick, he took a few steps up the wall, and reached out to grab the protrusion on the fixing part of the drainpipe.After several times, I turned sideways again, and I jumped under the anti-theft net on the fifth floor. I only need to swing up again, as long as I have enough strength, I can directly climb to the top of the building.

"Be careful!" At this time, the government soldiers below began to shout a reminder.

I have been discovered!
The soldier's voice was still there, and a gunshot fired.

"Boom!" The shotgun exploded on the side of the anti-theft net. Fortunately, I was hiding in the lower part of the anti-theft net, protected by steel bars and iron sheets, so that I would not be shot down by a single shot, but the fragmented shotgun still scratched my arm. .

Bursts of burning pain suddenly hit the whole body.

I gritted my teeth, let out a loud cry, and swung into the air according to the original plan. In a short while, my whole body had been vacated to the top of the six-story top building.

In front of me, the church member holding the gun was obviously stunned. He didn't expect that I could jump so high. Blast a big hole.

My body began to fall downwards, and the gravity pulled me so that I almost lost my balance. I reached out to reach the edge of the roof of the sixth floor, but who knew, at this moment, suddenly, there was a sharp and hoarse roar——in my heart As soon as I froze, I felt frightened and terrified in an instant——I am too familiar with this cry, Yiren, this is clearly Yiren's voice.

Sure enough, I only felt a sharp pain in my shoulders, and my whole body was already lifted up by two "steel claws" at the moment of falling.

It seems that the situation in Hunan Province is even worse than in Guangdong Province and Guangzhou. In their residential areas, churches and infected people can run rampant.

But at this time, I can't afford to think about it.

Yiren grabbed my shoulders and soared high into the sky. I only felt the wind in the sky raging around me like a sharp knife.

I gritted my teeth, followed the strength of my abdominal muscles, and lifted my feet with pain. In a "parallel bars exercise" posture, I kicked my feet upwards, and they were kicking on Yiren's abdomen. Although since Zhu Qing's death, I have I don't know what the synchronization rate I am doing is, but now I am obviously on par with the infected, and it is entirely up to chance to fight them hand-to-hand.After the winged man was kicked by both of my feet, his body twisted crazily, lost his balance, and immediately dived towards the roof of the residential area.

I raised my gun and prepared to kill him directly.

Who knew, but he was also very witty, he was prepared, and suddenly he let go of his hands.

I didn't expect him to make such a move. He lost his center of gravity and fell downward.

He spread his wings and waved his hands, knocked the gun out of my hand, and quickly grabbed my arms again. This time, the "steel claws" were more forceful, and I felt heart-piercing pain from my arms. It spread out and washed all over my body. I gritted my teeth and shouted, and kicked him in the stomach again.He let go of one hand in pain. I took out the dagger and stabbed it in the guy's neck. A thick liquid splashed out and blood spilled into the sky.

In a hurry, I slammed the dagger upwards again, pulled it forward, and lifted it back—under all this, pulling, and lifting, I heard the sound of the neck bone breaking, a "crack", and the wing The human head was sent out with blood and crushed bones, and his body also began to fall completely at this moment. I hurriedly turned over to the back of the winged man, and the wide wings of the winged man were still open, like a glider , began to descend slowly with the help of the air flow—but at the same time as it descended, the dead Wingman's muscles also began to shrink rapidly. Within a few seconds, the body began to fall suddenly. I saw the timing and jumped to the side , grabbed the drainpipe of the residential area above the laneway with one hand, got out and slid down, and landed firmly on the ground.

At this time, I was already covered in blood. Of course, I was already used to such bloody fighting.

When I returned to those soldiers, they all looked at me with unbelievable eyes, I frowned and said: "You have a big problem here, is my performance just now enough for you to take me to see the commander? "

The few people in front of me looked at each other. After a long time, someone finally stood up and said, "Everyone is fighting against the anti-human church and the infected. It's no different. Just take him there."

The others looked at each other, finally nodded, and someone asked me in a low voice: "You are seriously injured, do you want to go first..."

I waved and said, "For us, this kind of injury is not serious, just take me to wash the blood on my body."

Several young recruits looked at me with even more strange eyes.

I avoided their suspicion and followed a few older, calmer veterans to the troop carrier not far from the command tower.

I haven't done this kind of car for a long time.

I still remember that the last time I sat, it was the battle to support the life fortress—the battle that changed everything, the most tragic battle.

I was taken to the municipal building in the capital of Hunan Province.

It seems that during the war, Hunan Province chose emergency management measures that do not distinguish between military and political affairs?
—— I secretly speculate in my heart.

But it’s meaningless to think about it now. I followed a few soldiers to the washroom. I washed off the blood on my body, and at the same time smeared the blood coagulant, and put on clothes to cover the wound. elevator.

At this time, my wound is still painful, but I seem to have gotten used to this kind of pain, as if since I saw the hell on earth at Lin Wan’s house, this kind of pain has been with me for a long time, without this Pain, but not used to it.

The command room here is more grand than that of the resistance organization, and the equipment is obviously newer.After all, it is a government army. When those soldiers and I walked into the command room, the middle-aged man in the lead showed no surprise on his face. He calmly looked at the screen on one side, which seemed to be playing a video .

No wonder, he was watching the replay of the battle in the morning - it turned out that the city was actually under his control and monitoring.

After a long time, he turned around, looked at me, and said, "Little soldier, I heard from them that you are Chu Tingsheng?"

Looks like I'm really notorious—I thought to myself.

I calmly handed over my ID and said, "Yes, it's me."

The commander looked carefully for a moment, then looked at me, and said, "Now, in the eyes of many people, you are a hero, a lucky one, and a monster..."

"What do you mean?" I stared at the commander who seemed to be smiling, and asked.

"Sit down, since we are all in charge of the organization, let's talk slowly and get straight to the point." The commander waved to the sofa next to him.

To be honest, I'm not in the mood to procrastinate, but it seems that if I don't "do as the Romans do", I won't get what I want at all, so I sit down slowly. The sofa is too soft, which makes me feel a little uneasy.

The commander sat down beside me and said, "I don't know why you came here suddenly this time?"

I smiled and said, "In order to find out the origin of the infected person."

(End of this chapter)

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