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Chapter 258 City of Plague

Chapter 258 City of Plague
The commander looked at me with a half-smile, and after a while, he said lightly, "It seems that you are very persistent."

I said, "At least it's not like waiting to die here."

The commander nodded and said: "Okay...but, I have seen people similar to you...they have said these things to me just like you, but they either died or gave up in the end. gone."

"I won't give up," I said.

"Why should I trust you?" The commander looked at me.

"Because I'm Chu Tingsheng, I want to live." I gritted my teeth, although I didn't want to respond to him in such a way that was almost begging, but it was an indisputable fact that I was indeed not that great , I just want to live.

The commander on the opposite side looked at me and said, "You who have the strongest concentrated liquid, are you more afraid of dying than us?"

"I am more likely to die at the hands of infected people than you are." I said coldly, "If you don't want me to go crazy one day and become the most difficult enemy of the government, rebel organizations and the whole people, then I think... we It's best to let go of your guard and talk about the issue of cooperation."

The commander lowered his head slightly in thought.

I said again: "I'm here to help, not to cause trouble. I don't want to bring too much trouble to you and myself."

"You are threatening me." The commander glanced coldly, gave me a slight glance, and walked slowly behind his desk. He probably wanted to get a weapon, but my weapon was in my hand , Their speed cannot exceed me, and they have scruples in their hearts. This place is full of their people, equipment and instruments. It is absolutely impossible for them to have the courage to dare to open fire directly in this place.

I waited for the commander and said, "I'm not threatening you, I'm just explaining a test. If I'm not wrong, the so-called enhancement fluid, concentrated fluid, etc. All medicines have great side effects, and such side effects are likely to be used by people, churches, and even infected people. Although I am not sure what is going on with all this, I can assure you that If we sit idly by and ignore the origin of the infected, one day none of us will be able to live in this world in peace."

I looked around, my eyes touched every face, and scanned everyone's expressions, many people actually started to avoid my eyes.

I sneered lightly and said: "Actually, you are also afraid, afraid of more sacrifices, that's why you hide in this ghost place. But every day you have to suffer from suicide bombings, raids by infected people, and undeserved injustices." Combat attrition. You are being eaten away."

The commander put his hand in the drawer under the desk and slowly retracted it, propped it on the command desk, stared at me coldly, and said, "I won't let my soldiers die."

"I don't need them to help me." I sneered, "All I need is information."

"I can't believe a non-governmental organization that has no legal documents and official registration!" He said through gritted teeth, "We must be responsible to the people, the government and the entire country!"

"Then you should be responsible for the victory or defeat of this battle!" I said loudly, "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have wreaked havoc on this land with their armies of doom, their attack methods have changed, and they call themselves God They are not here to occupy, they are here to cleanse! Cleanse everything! Slaughter everything!"

"What? Apocalypse what?"

"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." The corners of my mouth moved slightly, and I whispered, "That's what they call themselves, and they can almost live up to this title."

"What do you mean? Four different infected people?"

"Not four, but four, the commanders of four infected people, very powerful infected people." I said, "Some of their abilities have surpassed our understanding of matter, and it even makes people think that they have magic."


"You don't have to believe it! But you also saw it, the plague." I said, "If I remember correctly, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse is the plague knight, bringing endless diseases and disasters."

The commander doesn't speak.

I continued: "I also want to tell you that I have fought war knights and the most powerful death knights. The flames manipulated by war knights are enough to dissolve metal and destroy electronic defenses. Death knights can directly resurrect undead from the graveyard Rotten zombies, these are all I have seen with my own eyes, without any exaggeration."


Some researchers and soldiers in the headquarters began to whisper, although the voice was very low, but it all reached my ears.

"Isn't there a rumor of zombies around recently? Have you heard..."

"I... hey..."

Such whispers obviously made the commander very impatient, and he waved his hands and shouted: "Everyone be quiet!"

Immediately, everyone in the command room not only fell silent, but also stood at attention.

The commander walked towards me with his hands behind his back, and said, "Why should I trust you? You still haven't told me, so why should I trust you."

"All I want is information, so what if the information is known to ordinary people?" I said, "What are you afraid of? Don't worry, I won't want any of your soldiers!"

"You didn't understand what I meant." The commander said, "How many people are filled in? Do you think I don't know that there is a so-called strengthened infected person operating around the city? Although I am a soldier, maybe some of you In people's eyes, he is also a rough person, not a researcher, and he doesn't know too much about biological sciences, but I know the horror of the enemy. I don't know what his name is The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. I only know that he is a thing that kills people .”

I was stunned.

"For half a month, at least three civilian armed forces and dozens of my own soldiers filled in. As long as the mechanized troops entered their defense area, they would immediately fail and even fire on their own people. The precision guidance device could not locate that area, it was simply A signal blind spot, the city is so big, we can't destroy it all, we can only send people to fill it." The commander hissed, "But I have seen enough young lives being sent there to seek death by my own hands! You Why, let me trust you, I will be able to successfully complete the mission and come back alive?"

I am still in a daze.

"You are the leader of an army, even if you are the leader of a non-governmental organization, you are a soul that fights against the church and the infected. If I send you to commit suicide, I am committing a crime!"

Sometimes, people are easy to take for granted and preconceived.

I didn't expect that such a long-lost feeling would come from such a commander who almost never knew each other.

I suddenly thought of the time when the disaster had just arrived, and thought of the policemen and soldiers who died tragically, as well as the seriously wounded and dying soldier who was killed by me.

I thought of the veterans who had died in Resistance bases offshore, and I thought of my comrades stumbling forward in the dark, blocking the blast with their bodies.

I clenched my fists, and after a while, I saluted the commander unconsciously, saying: "Since I intend to do it, I have my confidence and certainty. I won't die. As I said, I will die." If I want to live, I came here to survive, not to seek death."

The commander did not return the military salute, but lowered his head silently.

I continued: "I know what I'm doing and what my responsibility is. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse must have important information related to the infected in their bodies. Their mutations, and even their creation, must have extremely special Reason and value, and, I want to save this city, you are a vital backstop for the most infected areas of the coast, and if you go down, we have no chance of winning at all, not at all."

The commander remained silent for a long time before he slowly relaxed his clenched fists and said, "Okay, I can tell you...but I won't let you pass alone."

"I'm only suitable to go alone." I said, "Even if you want to support me, you can't go with me. For some infected people, I am a coordinate..."

(End of this chapter)

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