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Chapter 259 Death Valley and Giant Beetle

Chapter 259 Death Valley and Giant Beetle

The commander finally gave me the exact location of the so-called "death zone". When he showed me the way on the electronic map, there was a little regret in his expression, as if he was saying to me: " Why do you have to die?"

I didn't pay too much attention to his expression, that would only make me inexplicably timid, I don't need this kind of timidity, all I need is a firm belief, I want to win, even in the face of the most powerful infected person, in the face of I must also win against the so-called "gods", because I have no choice, I can't die, at least not at this moment.

Regardless of my objections, the commander finally filmed me with two squads for protection.

However, I still insisted on splitting up with the two teams, not wanting so many people to die with me.

Those two teams and I headed towards the outskirts of the city from three different directions, to the forest on the border of the provincial capital of Hunan Province. , it is between more than [-] undulating mountains called Yingzhu Mountain, I think, this ghostly place, probably already is where the dirt is hidden, the mountains in this place are towering into the sky, and, as long as There are infected people like winged people occupying the mountain, which can definitely pose a huge threat and interference to air units. Therefore, even if you use radar, satellite maps, or directly operate a reconnaissance plane into the mountain, it is absolutely impossible to locate these guys specific location.

Not to mention other armored units, once they enter the mountainous area, they will inevitably be affected by radio waves by the wingmen, leading to serious consequences.

I entered from the back of the mountain, the mountain road is narrow, surrounded by stone walls, and the vegetation is not lush. Due to the interference of the electrical signal, the location given to me by the commander is actually only an approximate location. The specific destination needs to be determined by myself. Search, but in fact, I am more waiting for the enemy to find me. I can conclude that I am their biggest threat at the moment. Moreover, once I enter the mountains, once they find me, they will definitely shot.

Moreover, since I met the death knight near Liang Yue's residence, my body has a weird feeling.

I don't know if this feeling is just a psychological effect, I found that I seem to have established a strange connection with the infected person.

Although I can't fully perceive the location of the infected person, I can roughly guess the location of the infected person. At least, when I entered the Yingzhu Mountain area, I had already faintly felt the general location of the danger - I did not turn on the input in the communication device. The electronic map, everything, is really just a feeling.

Guided by my feeling, I walked among the mountain roads, and the strange rocks on both sides slanted down like canine teeth.

This place is not easy to hide, as long as the infected are there, I will be able to find it, and the soil here is not soft, it is impossible for them to use the scales to hide between the soil layers.

When the mountain road turned for the first time, within a few steps, I saw a person—to be precise, a corpse. To my surprise, the costume of this corpse was clearly similar to that of a soldier of the resistance organization. Exactly the same - someone from the resistance organization came in?This ghost place, have they already noticed it?

I came to the body.

The corpse didn't show signs of being bitten, but it died worse than the person who was bitten to death. This guy "scratched" himself to death.In other words, he died of poisoning, but he experienced extreme itching and pain before he died.His chest, neck, and cheeks were all scratched and bloody, and his hands were covered in blood—there were no signs of struggle, courseware, he scratched himself alive like this.

"Poison..." My heart trembled.

This is clearly a symptom of poisoning.

I became nervous for a while. Although I don’t know much about chemicals, at least I watched anti-Japanese dramas when I was a child. People of our age are more or less deeply impressed by the historical facts of the Japanese experimenting on Chinese people. Movies Similar plots have also been reflected many times in TV dramas—this is clearly a symptom of some kind of poisonous gas invading the human body.

I feel a little scared.

There is indeed something that symbolizes death in this mountain.

I took a step back, trying to keep a distance from the corpse, and at this moment, there was a slight sound among the grass beside me. The grass, shrubs and stone walls here are connected, and they are basically within an area , but it is very sparse, and it is easy to see the situation in the grass at a glance, and I saw a black thing moving in the grass, and the speed of gathering was very fast. It was not a mouse, but something insects, but how could there be insects bigger than mice?
I immediately drew my gun, aimed at the guy's path, moved forward a little, and pulled the trigger.

Although the guy was fast, I was prepared after all. When he rushed to the target area, I happened to hit him with one shot. With one shot, the guy flew half a meter into the air, followed by a tearing sound, and then Then, "Boom", a green mist suddenly dissipated. I realized that the situation was not good, and hurriedly stepped back. The mist was very similar to the poisonous gas used by the death knight when attacking us, but it seemed to be so weak. Some, and it dissipated quickly, and after a while, it became invisible and qualityless.I don't know if this kind of thing is still harmful, so I can only walk forward quickly, covering my mouth and nose and not daring to breathe, until I turn a few corners of the mountain road before slowly letting go.

What exactly is this?I thought to myself—that black thing just now seems to be a kind of insect, and such a big insect must not be a special product in the central region of Hunan Province, and it is unlikely that such a place will have such a thing Even in the south, close to the tropical Pearl River Delta, it is difficult to see such huge insects.

While I was thinking about it, suddenly, there was a rustling sound, which made me have to be alert again. I hurriedly looked around, and then I realized that the branches that branched out between the mountain roads on both sides were densely covered with black and white rats. Beetle, this kind of beetle is different from the one-man show, they don't have huge pincers or "antlers", they are quietly covered with a layer of smooth armor, they are dark and stern, as if they are looking down at the people below from a high place everything.

This kind of thing is the culprit of that poisonous gas, and it must also be the culprit of killing the soldier of the resistance organization.

I felt cold sweat all over my body, and I got goosebumps. This kind of thing is too ugly and too scary. What made this creature? !

At this moment, suddenly, the whole ground shook. I didn't react for a while, and fell to the ground. At the same time, the soil on the surface of the hillsides on both sides began to loosen, and some gravel fell with dust.

I widened my eyes. This vibration obviously woke up the poisonous beetles lying on the branches. A hoarse sound came from the air. This is obviously not just a sound that insects can make. I didn’t even think about it. , Immediately rushed forward with my head in my arms, the huge beetles between the branches began to flutter and slide, I felt waves of black shadows rushing past my head, I didn't dare to look at it, and I didn't dare to shoot. To be able to keep running forward, I must rush out of this worm barrier immediately. If one of them stares at me, or explodes in front of me, I think the consequences will be unimaginable, but the distance of hundreds of meters, With the power of the concentrated liquid, I managed to see the cold sunlight falling from the sky again.

I think, I have got rid of the overwhelming demons, but the tremor under my feet has not stopped.

Although it didn't make me unsteady, the feeling of being on the subway made me very uneasy.

I saw that the soil in front of me was breaking apart little by little, as if something weird was about to emerge from the ground...

This underground is obviously a rock formation, what can break out of the rock? !What a huge force that is? !

I couldn't help stepping back step by step, a puff of smoke shot up from the ground in front of me, and suddenly, a hand stretched out from the ground!A human hand!
(End of this chapter)

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