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Chapter 260 The Roar From Underground

Chapter 260 The Roar From Underground

The ground here is definitely not made of soft soil. Even if there are no rocks, the soil is thick and compact. It is absolutely very difficult for such a hand to stretch out from such a soil. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people, even It is also difficult for the infected.Even the scale man can only cut through the ground, and absolutely cannot directly push through the thick soil layer with such a large force.The moment that hand stretched out from the ground, I seemed to feel a slight tremor around me.

The "earthquake" just now and the swarms of those giant beetles were probably all thanks to the owner of this hand.

I feel more and more that this underground guy makes people shudder.

I pointed my gun at the hand, but I didn't shoot, I was waiting for the guy to react, and I'm sure this guy would react.

For a moment, the hand was less than half a meter away. There was a "bang", a burst of dust, and another hand stretched out from the ground and waved in the air. I was stunned—but what happened next made me even more Surprised things happened again, the third hand, the fourth, and more and more arms rushed out of the land, the dust flew up, and the surroundings became a bit blurred.

I only asked about bursts of choking rancid breath.

The hands protruding from the ground are like overlapping corpses, jumping up from the underworld, but I am an atheist, of course I know that there is no such thing as a ghost in this world, these things are absolutely some kind of creature.

This creature exuding the smell of corpses approached step by step, and more and more hands were stretched out on the ground. For a moment, it seemed that a scene of ghosts from Abi Hell was staged in front of me, and those arms stretched out to me frantically. When I came over, I was so frightened that I retreated in a hurry, trying my best to avoid those terrible arms. Those arms couldn't catch me, so they pushed to the ground. Suddenly, a cloud of dust shot up with the movement of those arms, and fell in front of me. A "screen" with the smell of corpses was formed, and I stretched out my hand to resist it. The layer behind the screen suddenly burst open, and in an instant, a huge and strange figure appeared in front of me.

It was an indescribable thing, it was at least three or four meters high, and it stretched its teeth and claws in front of me, just like a huge centipede.

He has countless hands, countless legs, and countless bodies.

In fact, it is a pile of flesh composed of countless human carrion corpses. Those carrion corpses are mixed with flesh and blood, and they look extremely deformed.The countless faces gathered on the monster's body, like imprisoned souls, were sending out chilling cries, resounding through the sky.

What made me even more terrified and surprised was that although the countless human carrion corpses had different deformities and weird faces, they seemed to be controlled by the same body. Their movements were very consistent, and their outstretched arms followed suit. It kept swinging in response to the movement of the pile of corpses.

At this moment, it was not countless rotting corpses, but a whole, a huge four-meter-high creature made up of rotting corpses.

The pile of meat looked at me, although it didn't have a so-called expression, but its movements made me feel extremely dangerous.

He seemed ready to attack at any moment.

And I only have a pistol in my hand at the moment.

I aimed two shots at the guy's body.

Dirty blood splattered and rotten flesh flew everywhere, but the huge monster just swayed its body and continued to slowly approach me. The dust and gravel on the ground splashed with his actions.

I couldn't believe my eyes, I couldn't figure out what exactly appeared in front of me and what this thing wanted to do.

If this guy can also be regarded as a type of infected person, then the body of the infected person has been strengthened in the most terrifying way. It should be noted that the infected person was originally a living body, a kind of creature produced after the living body encountered the mutation of the Ebola virus .And the thing in front of me is clearly a monster made of corpses. The corpse has no signs of life, so it is impossible to move or think, let alone attack me.If the group of corpses controlled by the death knight can be understood, then the pile of corpses in front of me at this moment is simply incomprehensible.

What the hell is going on, what the hell is going on? !

I backed up and shot, but the explosive bullets could only slow him down. Even if his body was exploded, even if his flesh and blood flew across, and stones splashed, it seemed that he only hurt the fur. He attacked like this at all, and The speed of the movement was getting faster and faster. Suddenly, the bloody and stinking body swung violently, and pressed straight down towards me. I dodged sideways, and the rotten arm passed in front of me like a dead branch, with rotten dirt on it.

I stuck to the rocks beside me.

At this time, it is almost impossible to escape. I can only use the weakness of that guy's huge body and slow turning speed to pass through his side and turn over to attack his back. However, such an attack is still useless, almost just hurting it I fired several shots in a row, but I couldn't penetrate the body piled up with corpses.
I can only fight and walk, sprinting forward while shooting. In fact, on this winding mountain road, I don't know what else is ahead, but I can only choose to sprint. There is no other way.

Although the reaction speed of the guy behind him was slow, his moving speed was very fast. It was indeed very similar to the swordsman at that time, except that it was more terrifying and larger than the swordsman.

What made me feel chills even more was that when that guy quickly approached me, countless giant beetles turned back behind him, and the sounds made by the vibrations of the light and thin insect wings seemed to be louder than the sound of the insect wings. The vibrations on the ground were even more shocking, and the gathered swarms had already formed a tendency to block out the sky and the sun, carrying an indescribable sense of terror.

The swarm was getting closer and closer, and so was the huge monster. I couldn't outrun them at all.At this time, I saw a broken rock and a pile of soft soil beside the mountain road. Intuition and experience told me that it was probably a cave, although I don't know how the cave was formed and what kind of people there are in it? something, but I had no choice but to give it a go for my life.So I took a step, ran directly into the grass, and rolled over.

Sure enough, my body suddenly fell, as if being punched, fell half a meter, and then rolled down the slope, the sharp rocks and rough sand rubbed against my whole body, but it was at least worse than death. I don't know how many times better to be outside.

I hugged my head and closed my eyes, but when I opened my eyes again, it was still pitch black, and the hole not far above my head was covered in "clouds".

I know it's those damn giant beetles flying through the air.

I felt very strange for a moment, what kind of hygiene do these beetles use, they are covered with poisonous gas, if they fly out of the mountains and into the city, what will happen.But why did they live here all the time, even though they were flying with wings, they still flew back in the end—couldn’t they leave this mountain?Why?
The more I think about it, the more strange it becomes.

But at the same time, I still feel fear.



A loud roar.

The voice came from behind me, and my eyes widened.

It's really not easy in this hole? !I felt my scalp go numb for a while.

The cave above is only half a meter away from me, and it's not too small. It's not that I can't get out, but the problem is that the outside is still full of dangers, those nasty beetles are still circling in the air, and the huge monster doesn't seem to be moving. leave.

I gritted my teeth and moved out little by little, lifting my body as much as possible in the narrow passage. The outside was blurry, and the sky above was almost invisible. Many beetles had their wings smashed and fell down. The moment they landed, the poisonous juice splashed everywhere , a part of the venom immediately dissipated into the air, I covered my mouth and nose, and was in a dilemma for a while.

The rumble behind me was getting closer and closer, and I even had the illusion that this guy had started to bite my thigh.

I turned around, and it was pitch black behind me.

Human beings' instinctive fear of the unknown occupied my body and mind. I gritted my teeth and stared at the darkness.

"Roar! Roar!" With two shocking voices, a black figure rushed up from below.

(End of this chapter)

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