global variation

Chapter 261 Corpse Group

Chapter 261 Corpse Group
The roar was getting closer and closer, and I didn't even have time to escape the narrow cave, so I could only turn around and aim downwards and fired several times. After a long time, there was a violent shock from below me, and my whole body was lifted half a meter upwards, and my back hit the hard rock with the sound, and the pain spread immediately, making me weak all over.

The moment I fell, I was almost paralyzed between the soil layers, and I could only use my hands to grasp the most solid part of my side to stabilize my figure.

And the howling sound from below stopped after that burst of impact, and the sound of beetle flapping wings that made hair stand up behind me gradually became rarer.

I gritted my teeth and looked back, the "clouds" outside had gradually begun to dissipate.

I clutched my chest and moved away a little bit.

I have experienced this kind of pain countless times on the battlefield, and it is nothing at all.

The moment he breathed fresh air again, there was a stench in the air.

There are thin insect wings and pieces of insect corpses on the ground. I don't know if the air around here is poisonous.

But now that it's out, I have no choice but to keep going.

It's better than staying in and waiting to die.

Not long after, another corpse appeared on the ground in front of me. To be precise, it should be just a skeleton with bits of rotten meat standing on it and traces of gnawing.

I couldn't help but look back, and there were several cracks about one meter wide on the ground behind me. This was definitely caused by the action of the monster that merged with the corpses. Its power is really powerful, and it is definitely not the guy's opponent.

Moreover, its biological characteristics, its mode of action and mode of survival, there is no way to explain it with my current knowledge.

I shook my head, not daring to let out the atmosphere, and moved forward step by step. At this moment, I found that there were layers of black shadows moving in mid-air, on the trees by the cliff. Those giant beetles must still be moving at this moment.

At this time, the best way is not to disturb them, and walk over carefully.

I covered my mouth, took a deep breath, held my breath, and walked towards the corner of the mountain road, step by step, step by step. After a while, a flat and wide land appeared in front of me. I relaxed a little and replaced it. magazine, holding the gun in one hand, walking against the mountain wall.

The mountain road here is very rugged, and the road ahead is always unpredictable, and I don't even know when this huge strange creature hiding in the ground will suddenly launch an attack.

Not long after, something even more terrible happened.

In front of me, a corpse appeared.

Originally, there was nothing surprising about corpses appearing in this treacherous mountain road, but from the clothes of those corpses, I could tell that these people were soldiers from Hunan Province. Not long after they died, although each of them has changed beyond recognition, it is not difficult to judge.These are the soldiers who went into the mountains with me.

A large number of them have died here. I don't know how many of that army has died.

I inspected the corpses and found that some of them died of poisoning. They scratched their necks and faces, just like the corpses of the resistance group I saw when I first came in.

I couldn't help but feel worried. Just now, I must have also inhaled the poisonous gas produced by the explosion in the beetle's body. I don't know whether the poison is onset immediately or latent. At this time, my body still can't feel any changes.

In the end, will I, like these people, scratch my own face and die?
Will that horrible death be my final ending?

I dare not continue to think about it.

But the more I walked forward, the more corpses around me, not only our people, but also the corpses of soldiers from the rebel organization began to appear in front of me, some of them were already a little dry, and some of them were new corpses.

This place has definitely experienced a fierce battle, but at this moment, I am alone here.

The most frightening thing is that I didn't see the corpse of an infected person or other living things here.

This means that these soldiers all died at the hands of a very powerful team, or even one person.

There is absolutely no way I can compete with such a powerful opponent.

This open space is surrounded by mountains on all sides. If the enemy is really hidden in the mountains, it can be said to be condescending. It is very simple to deal with me.

I raised my gun and looked around, and the hillsides on all sides were peaceful, with no trace of the enemy moving at all.But I would rather believe that they hid themselves in the most subtle way. How could these guys miss any chance to ambush us?

I know that I may have become their coordinates as before, and there may be dozens or hundreds of enemies lurking around me, but I can't find them at all.

When I was at a loss, suddenly, I saw an arm stretched out from the soil layer on one side of the hillside, an arm that looked pale and bloodless. I knew very well that it was not a living arm.

I aimed the gun at the direction where the arm was sticking out of the ground, and was about to shoot when suddenly, I heard a low growl behind me.

I froze for a moment, sprinted a few steps forward, turned around, and aimed at the rear, at the back, at the place where the growl sounded, I opened two pale arms again, which also protruded from between the underground soil layers.

How many dead bodies are there around here?
When he was at a loss, something even more terrifying happened.

I saw, not far in front of me, the corpses of rebel groups and government soldiers also began to slowly get up.

They have already turned into a pile of unconscious rotten flesh, but they can still stand upright, grit their teeth, and walk towards me step by step. Pus and blood are constantly dripping from the wounds on their bodies, and even bright red internal organs flow out of them. .

Even if the Ebola variant virus can produce changes in humans, even if they can cause various mutations in humans, how can they control the dead?A dead person without safety and consciousness, even a mutated body of a targeted virus, should not be able to be manipulated.

I can probably guess what has appeared around here, and only he can create such a big battle.

However, this guy still refused to show his head, only the crowds of corpses quickly surrounded me, and some corpses had already raised their weapons, but they didn't seem to have the ability to quickly pull the trigger, their movements were very stiff, it seemed There is no sign of vital signs, just like a marionette, even the joints are difficult to bend. However, the puppeteers are limited in ability after all, and they seem to be unable to pay attention to the details of these puppets, so their movements are always inconsistent. Calculated in place.

When several corpses were moving forward, the weapons in their hands had fallen. They stretched out their bare hands with flesh and bones, let out low roars, and walked forward step by step.

I can't predict how much damage these guys have. Because of this, I dare not shoot him or waste bullets.

Something scarier still hangs around here, and my bullets must be spent hailing that ghostly presence.

I took a step back and slowly took out the throwing knife stuck next to the military boots.

There are not many throwing knives, and they are not as explosive as Zhu Ming's portable knives. I can only try to kill the guy with one blow.

I held my breath, took a step back, and distanced myself from the group of corpses. At random, I exerted force on my wrist and threw the throwing knife in my hand.

Although my throwing knives were not flawless, Tu Shu was absolutely effective in training me at that time.I stabbed the knife directly in the forehead of the corpse.

The body of the walking corpse staggered, but it didn't fall down. Instead, it stared at the throwing knife and continued to walk towards me.

I guessed wrong.

These guys were not resurrected because their brain nerves were controlled by something, their resurrection existed for other reasons.

And this reason is probably not within the scope of my knowledge reserve at all.

I had no choice but to start walking towards the edge of the cliff step by step. Although the side was steep, it was still possible to climb up with my skills, but the walking corpse moved slowly, so the situation was not so optimistic.

(End of this chapter)

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