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Chapter 262 Meeting the Death Knight Again

Chapter 262 Meeting the Death Knight Again
If I can climb the hillside, I am at least condescending, and I can protect myself by fighting and retreating.

The walking corpses in front of them didn't move very fast, and their attack power didn't seem too strong. Although some of them were holding weapons, even if they could shoot, their accuracy would be greatly reduced.I took three steps at a time and jumped up from the rock next to me. At this moment, the strange rock became my rock body. I flew between two dead trees on the cliff, and with the power of the concentrated liquid, I took a step forward. He got up and jumped to the height of the dead tree again, and then grabbed the trunk with both arms, and exerted force on his shoulders.

The trunk has good toughness. After my body sank for a while, I jumped up into the air. I used a force to hold the higher strange rock tightly with both hands. In order to maintain my body balance, I stuck my whole body on the mountain wall. On the ground, both feet stepped on the sloped unevenness of the mountain, and fixed his body on this nearly ninety-degree slope.

This can be said to be a difficult movement. Without the help of the concentrated liquid, I am afraid that I would have fallen off the cliff and died.

The walking corpses below couldn't come up anymore, they were manipulated by "that master", their whole bodies didn't have any breath of life, and it was impossible for them to complete difficult movements such as jumping, climbing, and grasping.

At this moment, I am at least ten meters away from the ground, but there is also a long distance from the top of this cliff.

"Damn it!" I looked up and couldn't help gnashing my teeth. Although I escaped the siege of walking corpses, I undoubtedly put myself in a dilemma.

I had no choice but to climb up the mountain step by step.

At this time, my climbing speed was not fast at all, and I had to walk sideways against the mountain wall from time to time, which made it more difficult for me to move.

The walking corpses below have already started raising their guns. The moment I looked back, two walking corpses fired at the mountain wall. Although the bullets sparked everywhere a few meters away from me, the flying gravel and the unique deterrent effect of the bullets made me feel ashamed. I still feel chills down my spine. You know, at this time, I hardly have the slightest chance to resist. I can only try my best to maintain my balance. Any small movement may directly kill me.

As I climbed, sparks flew all around me.

I gritted my teeth, tried my best to grab the rock, and used the strength of my shoulders and chest muscles to pull my body upwards.

Is this movement tens of thousands of times more difficult than pull-ups?
If it was in the past, I would probably think that this kind of action would only appear in the clips of the movie "Mission: Impossible", so how could it happen to me?

But fate happened to be like this, and it wanted to make such a big joke on me and the world.

I moved towards the top of the mountain little by little, and at this moment, I suddenly found that there were figures of people on the cliff. The person seemed to be hiding among the withered grass on the edge of the cliff. It should not hide here, unless his flesh is not afraid of thorns, thatch and sharp dead branches.

I feel bad.

He couldn't help but hide his body under a side tree with a denser crown.

However, the figure above seemed to have seen my intentions, and suddenly, he jumped straight down from the cliff.

I took a deep breath, that guy's body was rushing towards the tree above me. At this time, I couldn't avoid it, I just felt a huge pressure on my top, followed by a burst of texture There was a crackling sound, the leaves were flying up above, and the branches and the black shadow hit me hard. I, who was already on the verge of falling, finally couldn't bear it at this moment, and fell down hard from the mountain wall. Going down, the moment my body fell, I only felt the strong wind rushing around, and the smoke and dust filled the air.

I couldn't see the figure of that black figure clearly, I only saw the wide cloak wrapping me, I only felt that the danger was already approaching, and something was being lifted up - a sharp metal sword.

Although it was in mid-air, my survival instinct reacted immediately. I kicked my feet suddenly, out of the comfort of that guy. The guy's body bounced back, and his feet seemed to be on the slope of the cliff. On the road, although my body escaped the fatal sword, I fell heavily. Fortunately, there are many branches below, and my body was not damaged too much in the end under the buffer of the branches and the canopy.

It's just that when I got up, I felt that there were at least a dozen wounds all over my body, and my physical strength was losing little by little along with the blood.

And on the opposite side of me, the black shadow that knocked me off the cliff landed steadily, and landed among the corpses without any extra movement. Immediately, with a wave of the cloak, there were dozens of beetles He rushed towards me.I rolled over hastily and waved my gun at the same time.Above me, bursts of poisonous mist diffused in all directions, and the green smoke was dense. I only heard a strong stench. Under the influence of that stench, I found that my body was stiff, and there was a sudden feeling of pain in my throat. Something was choked, and the skin began to itch like being bitten by ants.

Is this the toxicity of that green gas...

I hold my breath, the power in the strongest concentrated solution, in fact, greatly reduces my need for oxygen. Zhu Qing told me before her death that if nothing happens, my body can temporarily recover even in an anaerobic state. Activity for an hour or two.

When I was fully concentrated and held my breath, my health improved a lot. It seems that if I expected, this poisonous mist did not hurt me as much as others. I aimed at the guy in front of me and fired several times. Without retreating, the cloak fluttered—this guy was clearly the damned death knight. Unexpectedly, the death knight followed him like a shadow again before he met the enemy he was really looking for.I know that this kind of weapon of mine is not very effective against him at all. His metal plate body seems to be stronger at this moment. Moreover, its muscles seem to be different from those of human beings, and do not have a very fixed shape. It is not so much like a piece of muscle, but rather like a pile of tissues, and those tissues can be adjusted at any time according to changes in the body. Rearranging the frame made his body virtually invulnerable.

I dealt with it while retreating, the weapons in my hands were limited, and this guy's patience was also limited. I had to escape from this ghost place before he decided to make the final blow.

However, not only this death knight, it seems that under his "summoning", those groups are also throbbing more and more uneasy. What makes me even more frightened is that I can gradually feel the tremors of the earth at this time, I know Well, the huge monster that appeared just now and almost drove me to a dead end is also composed of corpses. The appearance of the death knight probably means that the tide of corpses is surging and the dead will be revived.

This is definitely not a myth, let alone alarmist talk.

While shooting, I distanced myself from the death knight. When we were more than ten meters apart, I turned around and ran towards the curve. There is often a slope at the curve. I rushed towards the mountain along the slope, and rushed to the halfway up the mountain with my fastest speed. There was an open space on the hillside of the slope that could be used as a cover. It may have been formed by the falling of a boulder. This open space was like a crack. mouth, covered by dense bushes.If it weren't for my little eagle eye ability, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to discover this secret place.

However, what I can discover, the opponent can also discover. I think the trick of using that place as a hiding place should have been seen by the death knight. When I flew towards the "big mouth", the death knight He also took his corpses to speed up the pace.

I flew and landed on the clearing, then raised my gun and shot at the corpses.

My judgment is not wrong. This position is very suitable for shooting corpses. It is condescending and has a wide field of vision. Moreover, the corpses are controlled by death knights, and the target is only me, so this directly causes the corpses to gather and charge in one direction. My explosion The gun is enough to achieve the effect of one against ten.

Soon, I suppressed the charge led by the group of corpses, while the death knight stood at the foot of the hill, staring at me coldly, motionless, not knowing what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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