global variation

Chapter 263 Huge Research Institute in the Mountain

Chapter 263 Huge Research Institute in the Mountain
In fact, the more the death knight stays still, the more I feel something is wrong. At this time, they are already at an obvious disadvantage. If all his corpses are wiped out, he may be able to suppress me by himself, but if he wants to It's almost impossible to catch me or kill me.

Just when I felt more and more strange, suddenly, the death knight raised his hand and pointed. I saw his movement from a distance and felt uncomfortable. I quickly moved forward and prepared to sprint down the hill at any time, but at this time it was too early It was too late, and I was still at the edge of the clearing. Suddenly, a violent shock came from my back, and a piece of soft soil on the mountain wall began to move. I knew that something terrible was about to come out.I wanted to jump off the hillside, but the rest of the corpses had already surrounded me. What's more, at this time, because "something" moved under the mountain, the entire slope of the mountain began to slide. Unable to stand still, I saw layers of soil rushing towards me.

I simply didn't care so much, turned over and fell down, rushing towards the corpses together with the gravel and clods.

The group of walking corpses should have throbbed and excited the moment they saw the target, speeding up their pace and rushing towards me. Every time I opened my eyes while rolling, I found that the walking corpses were getting closer to me.

I kept looking for opportunities to shoot, but my body was blocked by a dwarf tree that was uprooted in a moment. I simply used the tree as a cover, clung to the ground, and continued to attack the rushing corpses.

Not long after, most of the walking corpses had been wiped out.

I rolled down again, and at this moment, the mound behind me suddenly swelled up. I knew the situation was going to be bad, so I flew and swooped. As expected, the moment my body left the ground, I was only half a meter behind me. The "so-called head" of the huge pile of corpses suddenly appeared above the soil layer and let out a loud roar.

My whole body fell heavily on the ground, I instinctively rolled to the side, and the metal long sword of the death knight stabbed at me one after another, at an extremely fast speed, at the same time, my top was covered by "clouds", that The huge body was getting closer and closer, and I subconsciously raised my gun upwards. At this time, the metal long sword suddenly swept over, and I hurriedly stopped. Although the sword missed my palm, it knocked me down. The pistol flew out, I only felt the tiger's mouth tremble, and a burst of soreness and numbness hit the whole arm. When I pulled my hand back, I found that the tiger's mouth had already been cracked and bleeding, but I didn't feel any pain, but I was a little weak.

I quickly got up, changed hands, turned around and threw a group of throwing knives at the death knight. The moment the death knight blocked the knife with a horizontal sword, I had already rushed several meters, and the huge slow-moving corpse twisted its body and chased from behind. I only felt the smoke and dust flying, the gravel rolling, and the mountain mud rushing towards me like a wave in all directions. I gritted my teeth and ran wildly, but the death knight just waved his finger. Dozens of walking corpses and skeletons appeared in front of me. There are too many corpses in this mountain, for the death knight, it is simply a natural place to replenish soldiers, and with my own strength, I can't finish this group of walking dead.

I really underestimated the danger between these mountains, especially the energy of the death knight.

Although Professor Liang Yue had already warned me that this guy was the most powerful of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, I still didn't pay much attention to it.

Just when I was completely surrounded, suddenly, I felt something trembling in my waist.

I froze for a moment before I remembered that I was still wearing a communication device.However, since the resistance organization has broken with us, this communication device should only be used within a radius of [-] kilometers from the base—that is, within the range controlled by the Fortress of Life. At this time, no one should be able to contact me. How is this going?What's going on, whose communication device is resonating with me.

Can't handle that much anymore!
I took off the communication device on my waist and quickly put it on my wrist. When I raised my hand, a message appeared on the communication device — lying down.

lie down? !

There are walking corpses all around, as well as the death knight and the huge corpse pile creature. Isn't lying down at this time equivalent to dying? !Who the hell is this and can I trust him? !
I need to make a decision as quickly as possible.

However, in the end I chose to believe. At this time, believe it or not, death is not far away.

I hurriedly leaned down, and at that moment, suddenly, I felt a muffled sound coming from around me—the reason for the muffled sound was not because the sound was dull, but because the vibration and the loud noise had already made my ears temporarily shut down. In a semi-deaf state, the tremors that spread like waves in all directions were more terrifying than those caused by the pile of corpses just now, and made me dare not get up.

Out of the corner of my eye was the flames burning and the smoke rising into the sky.

This is the power of weapons such as missiles. It is unimaginable who uses such a powerful weapon nearby.

I don't know how long it took before I dared to get up slowly. At this time, everything had settled down, the pile of corpses had turned into a pile of scattered bones, and the death knight had long since disappeared.

It's that simple? !

I couldn't believe it, even if the missiles were enough to wipe out the corpses and piles nearby, how could the death knight disappear? !

At this time, the air was filled with green smoke, and the place was already full of corpse poison. I walked forward slowly, and the smell of blood and sour smell hit my face. I hurriedly breathed again as a guest and host, so as not to get hurt again.

At this moment, my communication device vibrated again, and I raised my hand.

——The mountain pass on the left, there is a passage, enter and you will know everything.

I froze for a moment.

——The death knight has been chased, so the communication ends here.

It seems that the death knight is not dead? !And judging from this message, the guy who manipulated the powerful weapon should have been discovered, and he has already begun to chase after him.

Mountain pass on the left?Who is this man?What the hell did he do?
I followed his instructions and continued to move forward. At this time, I had no weapons in my hands, and even the throwing knives were finished. The only thing left to fight the infected or walking corpses was my hands and feet—even teeth up.

I entered the mountain pass cautiously, and within a few steps, I found a passage. The periphery of this passage has been blown to pieces, and there are also traces of landslide burial. It seems that this place should have been a base before, and the mountain should be It has been hollowed out, and this place is absolutely impossible to be the base of the government military region, let alone the base of the rebel organization, otherwise they would not be able to die tragically here.The base is so secretive, and it is not possible for the infected to capture it in a short while. From this point of view, this base can only be established by the church.

I stared, walked forward step by step, turned on the lighting device and probed into the mountain. I thought, at this time, I could finally figure out why most of the soldiers who entered the mountain died halfway. There can be more places in one base. They hollowed out the mountain and cultivated walking corpses, poisonous gas and huge beetles in it. Once soldiers came in, they would surely let these poisonous insects and beasts pour out like opening a gate to release water. Submerge the troops that entered the mountain.

As for the remaining corpses, they can also drag them back to the mountain base for reuse.

Such a cycle goes on and on, and the entire valley seems to have become a big mouth of a demon, constantly devouring human bodies, and then creating batches of filth.

The power inside the base has been cut off at this moment, and I saw many corpses on the road, including walking corpses, infected people, and researchers.

Judging from the clothes of those researchers, they are undoubtedly members of the church, but what makes me feel strange is that all the wounds on their bodies came from infected people. Many researchers seem to have been torn in half by infected people, or separated And eat it.

How is this going?Could it be that they can't control the infected?
So what happened to the missile just now? !
Not long after, I seemed to have come to the middle of the mountain base. The middle seemed to be a huge control room and conference hall, with round tables and computers that had been powered off.

I frowned, a little confused.

At this moment, the communication device on the waist rang again.

(End of this chapter)

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