global variation

Chapter 264 The Horrible Disease Knight

Chapter 264 The Horrible Disease Knight
I raised my hand and stared at the communication device.

——You are already in the central control room of the base, and there is still a living creature inside, you'd better kill him before he wakes up, otherwise you may be the one who died.

what? !

My heart sank, what is this?Lead me into the tiger's den?Help him pull out his teeth?

I looked around, at this moment, I found that a guy was slowly wriggling near the center console, I turned on the lighting device, and I found that guy was wearing a black cloak, leaning over the messy piece of machinery In addition to the parts, the main console at this time has already collapsed, and the ground is extremely "corpse" except for the blood.

When the light shone on the guy, the guy's body shook suddenly, and I was so scared that I hurriedly took two steps back. Then, the guy slowly turned around and stared at me, and I could see the man's face clearly.

He should indeed still be a human being, an older human being, but his eyes have lost the human spirit, his arms are bumpy, and his muscles have rotted. Under the white lighting, the knuckles are terrifying.But this guy doesn't seem to know the pain anymore, he growled like a beast, and at the same time, I can still hear him cursing in a low voice: "Who, who the fuck fired missiles, Who the hell, who disobeyed the order to launch missiles! Who is it!"

I suddenly seemed to be able to guess what was going on in this place.

From the words of the person who sent me the letter just now, I can basically judge that the guy in front of me is likely to be controlled, and it should be controlled by the sender.

At this moment, the old man in the cloak was still in a state of fascination.

The sender asked me to kill this guy quickly. It seems that this guy's strength is not trivial. I didn't dare to be negligent. I looked around and found that there were weapons on the ground, so I moved over carefully, trying to pick up the gun and launch an attack. You know, before my hand touched the gun, suddenly, something fell heavily in front of me, I hurriedly dodged and retreated, and the long thing fell in front of me with a "bang", slamming me hard. and the gun on both sides, I took a closer look, and it turned out to be a strange scepter.

The owner of the scepter is the old man who is already a little delirious and has rotten skin.

How can it be? !
On the current battlefield, those who can use a scepter as a weapon are either lunatics—or guys with weird abilities.

I suddenly realized that this old man was probably the person I was looking for, or rather, the infected person I was looking for.

"What do you want to do!" His voice was three parts human and seven parts ghostly, but I could hear what he was saying clearly after all.

Before I could answer, he roared again, crossed the scepter, and swung it fiercely. I was not mistaken, and a green gas immediately scattered in all directions. The gas was so thick that it didn't even look like The gas is so simple, I knew it was not good, so I quickly backed away, as expected, the gas was extremely corrosive, and everything I touched began to melt slowly.

"You're a disease knight!" I yelled.

"Drink! So what! Tell me, who! A missile was fired!" the guy roared.

"You won't know until you die." I turned over, picked up the gun next to me again, and fired several times, but the church's weapons were not as advanced as the resistance organization and the government army, and the pistol was only enough to kill the sick knight. The body pierced through, but it couldn't burst at all, and the guy in front of him couldn't be knocked down at all.I fight and retreat, but that guy is getting closer and closer, every time it swings the scepter, the poison in the scepter will turn into thick and thin smoke and spread in mid-air, melting everything and corroding everything, I think, Just a little bit of it on my skin is enough to cripple me or even kill me.

I hold the gun with one hand and point it forward.

And the sick knight was still in a state of confusion and madness. He sometimes attacked me, but sometimes stopped, holding his head with one hand, as if he was being restrained.

I have countless opportunities to escape, sticking out of this narrow passage, if I don't escape, it will be a dead end.But at this time, it is probably the only time when I eliminate one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.I gritted my teeth and observed his movements carefully. Whether he is a knight of the apocalypse or an ordinary infected person, he is just a living body after all. A creature must have weaknesses. He is not a real knight of the apocalypse, he is not a god, but Humans like me, infected humans, terminally ill humans.

I stared at that guy, I knew that using the weapon in my hand alone would not be enough to kill him, this guy was covered in corrosive poison, when he attacked, he must have pressed some substance in his hand into the scepter Among them, after a series of chemical reactions, a venom that is even more powerful than various strong acids and alkalis is produced. This venom is extremely light, and after it is released, it can turn into a gas and float in the air. It is the most terrifying place, this kind of thing is like a spider web floating in the wind, it may stick to anyone at any time, and once it is stuck, it will directly take away its life.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly, that damn guy swiped the scepter with one hand, and instantly, a thick liquid shot towards me like a fountain. I had no choice but to dodge quickly. The liquid shot past me and sprayed on the metal wall of the base. The metal wall collapsed directly, and a big hole appeared, exposing the smoky and blackened soil layer and rock.

I know if this goes on, I'm bound to die like a stick.

Suddenly, I saw a sharp stick falling on the ground not far away.

It should be a steel bar that was blown off by the corrosive liquid. The steel bar was originally round, but after being eroded by the liquid, one end became extremely sharp.

I simply gritted my teeth, stepped forward from the left side, accelerated, and used the power of the concentrated liquid to step on the wall and fly up. I leaned forward and picked up a steel bar on the ground. With one roll, I stabbed the steel bar into the guy accurately. Immediately, I pressed down on my neck, stepped sideways and gritted my teeth. Immediately, I felt a liquid splash out from behind. I felt the burning liquid, so I hurried forward a few steps, looking back In the meantime, I had cut off the neck of the sick knight with a steel bar, and cut off most of his shoulders. Although his head did not fall off, it was only connected to his body, and the steel bar was still embedded in his flesh. .

Between the rotting flesh.

At this moment, green gas gushes out from the shocking wound, and the air is filled with a sour smell.

The gas doesn't seem to be that extremely corrosive, but it definitely has indescribable toxicity.

I backed up again holding my breath, and the guy who should have fallen to death slowly turned around with a smirk on his face.

The expression on my face was especially terrifying at the moment, illuminated by the light of my white lighting.

Green liquid spewed out of his mouth, but he still roared: "Who, who launched the missile!"

In an instant, he waved his scepter again, and this time I couldn't avoid it. He seemed to have poured all the poison into the scepter in his hand. The corrosive liquid weapon, suddenly, a thick green smoke, or green poisonous juice, spread in all directions, drifting very slowly, but densely in the entire space.

Immediately, I felt some itching on my skin, I couldn't help raising my hand, and retracted the light. In a state of astonishment, I found that my skin had begun to grow numb and tingly red rashes rapidly.

what is this? !!

At this moment, the disease knight is blocking the only passageway in the base, like a huge pathogen, constantly spreading various well-known viruses. I am in a dilemma, but the itching on my face and body is getting stronger and stronger. I reach out and touch it. The lower part of the neck also became lumpy, as if allergic to insect bites.

I really started to get scared this time, I don't know what the consequences of this poison will be, I don't know the pathology, I don't know what I will become if this continues, and I don't dare to directly smash the huge pathogen Get out of base!

(End of this chapter)

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