global variation

Chapter 265 Strange Woman, Strange Scene

Chapter 265 Strange Woman, Strange Scene

I dare not get close to the disease knight who is almost blocking the entrance of the passage. He is like the source of evil and filth, constantly spraying the dirtiest and most terrifying poison in all directions.

As for me, I was slowly rotting away in this poisonous gas, until I became a pile of minced meat.

What to do now, I don't know.

Waiting here will undoubtedly lead to death, but at least there is still room for breathing.

If you rush out, you may have a chance of surviving, but it is more likely that your body will be smashed to pieces, and even the white bones will become a pile of rancid blood.

Moreover, even if I was lucky enough to rush outside, probably with my current body, I would definitely be treated as an infected person by others.

I don't care about my image anymore, but I really never thought that one day I would become so embarrassed, and become what I hate and hate the most.

This seems to be a big joke God made on me.

I gritted my teeth and slowly approached that guy, still hesitating and still not knowing what to do.The guy kept twisting his body, and the scepter in his hand had been broken into several sections, but the more so, the more the highly corrosive venom spread in all directions.

Maybe I really have no choice.

At this moment, death is so close to me for the first time. Even if I have been in danger before, it has never reached this point. At this time, what is the strongest concentrated liquid, what is the strange power in the body, what is the inexplicable healing of the body All of my strange abilities have become floating clouds. In front of this damn disease knight, it seems that all my abilities have become nothing, completely useless.

Perhaps it was the instinct to survive, but I still didn't want to wait for death. With a roar, I turned over and picked up another piece of steel pipe next to the dead body. I took three steps at a time, stepped up, and raised my hand to slap the filthy body. The source of the virus was pumped out, and the dirty source of the virus immediately let out a roar. I exerted force, and the disease knight, probably due to the steel bars and the flow of venom in his body, was squeezed and exploded. At this time, I It was too late to back off, the venom and the poison were splashed in all directions, my skin, every place, began to feel itchy, followed by bursts of burning pain, I felt that my body could not stand up at all, I dare not open my eyes, my mind is blank.

I feel that my life is about to end here, and everything is no longer important, and even the desire to survive is reduced to the lowest at this moment.

Nothing, nothing.

Although I still had a little strength, I relaxed myself, took a step back, and fell to the ground on my back.

This battle was really not pretty enough.

Unexpectedly, I finally paid the price for my own actions.

Gradually, the burning sensation in my body subsided a little bit, and I knew it wasn't because the damage from the venom was decreasing.In this case, there are only two possibilities, either my nerves have been broken or numb due to extreme pain or excessive corrosion.Either it is because my brain center has been necrotic and paralyzed due to the attack of the poisonous gas. No matter what it is, it means that I am only a few steps away from death, and everything is irreversible.

My consciousness also began to gradually blur, my body became colder and colder, and everything began to drain.

And I was almost unaware of the changes of external objects, the passage of time, I don't know how long it had passed, and suddenly, I heard someone calling me.

A woman's voice, both real and illusory.

"Chu Tingsheng, why did you become like this?"

"Chu Tingsheng, are you dead? Did you die like this? Are you willing to die like this?"

"Chu Tingsheng, answer me!"

How can there be people here?
Anyone who enters this poison-soaked base will surely die. How can there be anyone here, or someone who knows me?
Could it be that the rescue has arrived, or is it just——the guy who directed me into this hell just now? !

I felt bouts of unease.

This anxiety was accompanied by the dragging of the halo.

I found that white spot of light flashed in front of my eyes again, spreading out little by little. Every time I met this guy in my dream, I felt very uneasy, as if I was being watched by something.But every time, this guy will always show me some deep memory that I don't understand.I don't know why I got those memories. There is no past life or future life in this world. I don't believe that I am the one who got reincarnated in Naihe Qiaotou without drinking Mengpo soup in my previous life. I don't think I was that lucky.

This time, what is this guy going to show me again?
The spot of light spread in front of my eyes. At the same time, I felt that someone was pulling my body outward. The person didn't seem to have much strength. I believe she thought it was a woman, and it couldn't be a woman with such strong arms as Tu Shu. , it seems unlikely that it is Mo Ge who has been using sniper rifles all year round.Who is it, who is the woman who appears at this time?

My body moves out of the hole a little bit, which I can feel, but I can't make any movements. At this time, my body has begun to refuse all commands, I can't speak, I can't make any movements, I can only be like a plant Breathing, it seems that the only system in the whole body that is still functioning is the respiratory system.

While I was being pulled, I saw the group of soldiers on the island again. This time, the tropical plants in front of them seemed intertwined, and large beetles slowly crawled over the sharp leaves of the iron tree, and then fluttered their wings high without knotting. The spiders of the web hopped and hopped in the forest, and unknown birds and animals in the jungle, even snakes and flying squirrels, were swimming, gliding, jumping, or flying around the soldiers.

The soldiers were babbling and screaming in a language they couldn't understand, but the panic on their faces made me feel the urgency of the situation. They seemed to be under attack, and they were on the way to retreat, but they didn't know how they hit this area by mistake. Rainforest.

At this time, I noticed—or my eyes were forcibly drawn to a certain person.

It was a young man with a weak constitution, wounds all over his body, his face was pale, and there was blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

I don't know why I noticed him, or rather, I don't know why that white spot of light made me notice him.

But soon, I seemed to understand something.

I know that the perspective of the white light point is always related to the Ebola virus that is spreading and raging all over the world.

And that boy is obviously a virus patient.

When he couldn't breathe, he would open his mouth to breathe heavily. At this time, I found that his gums were bleeding, his tongue coating was bright red, and the corners of his eyes gradually began to bleed. Slowly, he couldn't walk anymore, and he screamed. Stumbling, the fellow soldiers wanted to help him, but one by one began to stagger, these people - all infected with the Ebola virus.

Why, why am I seeing this scene?
My eyes seemed to feel a ray of light, and this light did not come from the gift of the white light spot, but the light from the outside world.

I have reached the outskirts of the base, and I know that I must have already exited that dirty passage.

The air is fresh and my body is no longer itchy.

"Hmph, it's still so useless..." I heard someone whisper in my ear.

Who, who saved me.

No, this is not saving me, pulling me out of the passage, it is clearly no different from killing me, my body is already broken, anyone who sees me at this time will definitely shoot me , broke me to pieces.

"It's a pity that such a powerful body..." The man said again, "Forget it... Let's wait for your people to rescue you. If you can still hear me, please listen clearly. Judging from your current physique, You can become at least human before your men arrive, so you don't have to worry about it. However, I don't have time to protect you, and if there are any other dangers around here, it's not my responsibility That's it. That's it..."

By this time, I had regained my strength.

There was a trace of anger in my heart.

"It was was you who told me to go to that was you..." I moved my lips, and although I couldn't open my eyes, I was able to make a sound, "You wanted to kill me...but, again... ...Do you want to leave like this?"

"The duty of a soldier is to sacrifice, isn't it?" The other party seemed to chuckle, "At least, for me, you have realized your value."

(End of this chapter)

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